The loss of Sam Reed is no great loss.

Posted June 30, 2011 by Clark County Politics
Categories: Uncategorized

In their cloying, absolutely fictitious review of Reed’s damaging tenure as Secretary of State for Washington, “In Our View: a Model of Impartiality” they include kudos for supporting the typically leftist causes the democratian advocates.  Unfortunately for us all, the local rag refers to this kind of crap as “impartial” when each of the issues at hand are taken directly from the democrat playbook… which is why, of course, they so rabidly support that waste of skin.

I came to know Sam Reed while I was working for the state GOP.  He constantly whined when the GOP refused to pay off his $10,000 or so campaign debt from the 2000 election, because, apparently, even as a newly elected statewide official he lacked the ability to raise that paltry amount himself.

That’s when I also came to know, in the most up close and personal way, that political parties were only a label, and in many instances such as Reed’s were used only in the guise of opportunism, since “personal responsibility” and other GOP concepts such as vote security and felon responsibility seemed to be concepts beyond Reed’s grasp.

In a dull-normal tenure where Reed SHOULD have been acting on behalf of the voters of this state, we were, instead, cursed with a man who’s primary concern was based on reducing his work load.

Reed has neither advocated nor implemented any programs designed to ferret out the illegal alien vote; in fact, as a strong advocate of motor voter, where this state, for unfathomable reasons, remains only one of two in the entire country to provide illegal aliens with driver’s licenses, making Washington State the shame of the entire country, Reed has helped to enable tens of thousands of illegal aliens to register to vote.

When one applies for the license they’re looking for, which does not require proof of citizenship to drive, one also doesn’t provide proof of citizenship to register to vote, either, diluting perhaps our most precious right by allowing any one of these people committing multiple crimes (Being here illegally and falsely swearing to be a citizen) to vote.  Not requiring this common-sense qualification reduces the work load of the Secretary of State’s office, because there is, then, no requirement to attack this kind of fraud.

Reed appeared to be helpless to deal with the felon voting issue, but appearances are deceiving.  Publicly, his staff even lied about the timing of Reed’s efforts to get out from under the felon voting issue, as that post explains. Except for sending convicted felons illegal voter registration forms, Reed has never done anything to enforce the restrictions against felons voting without first completing their sentences… “completing their sentences” including the vital aspect of paying their court-ordered restitution, an act that few felons bother with.

Now, voter registration forms are part of felon out-processing, and voting has been completely taken off the table as an additional lever to get these criminals to pay the victim(s) for their criminal acts.

And who benefited from that?  Democrats, who’ve been after the felon vote for years; and Sam Reed, who subsequently had his own work load reduced, because he could stop making excuses for failing to do his job and work to write software that would screen out felons.

He did nothing about the felon vote because he never WANTED to do anything about it.

And finally, his moronic desire to jump off the cliff with Oregon and require all votes to be in by COB election day, instead of the much fairer system that has been in use in this state for decades… the system that allows votes POSTMARKED by COB election day to be counted… as they should be.

Democrats want that because typically, late-breaking votes usually trend right… as illustrated by Tom Mielke’s come-from-behind victory over Pam Brokaw in 2008.

Under Reed’s “work avoidance” plan, he would have lost, because many of those votes would not have been counted.  And naturally, the rag would have supported that.

Thus, the democratian’s glowing, utterly nonsensical review of Reed’s worthless tenure.  And the dearth of comments agreeing with the fringe-left nutter who wrote that pap speaks for itself.

Another teacher, who makes $86,522 in total compensation a year, snivels about a minor pay cut. UPDATE: Lazy C pulls all teacher comments and my comments calling them out.

Posted June 24, 2011 by Clark County Politics
Categories: Uncategorized

It is this kind of monumental bitching, whining and moaning that makes me sick when it comes to teachers.

One teacher in particular is pitching a fit under the comments section in the Lazy C on their editorial supporting this miniscule pay cut our poor, overworked, put upon and underpaid teachers have to go thru to help balance the state’s budget, because, of course, teachers believe themselves to be so special that the Obama train wreck economy should only impact those of us forced to pay their salaries.

Jeff Johnson · Secondary School Teacher at Evergreen Public Schools

What this article fails to mention, and which is incredibly important to remember, is that Public School teachers HAVE ALREADY endured pay cuts over the past three years, and so this most recent cut wouldn’t be the first! We’ve already shared in the sacrifices that the private sector has also had to experience.


>Chicks on the right observe the obvious:

Posted June 24, 2011 by Clark County Politics
Categories: Uncategorized


More details here:

>Think Obama gives a damn about the troops? Think again.

Posted June 24, 2011 by Clark County Politics
Categories: Uncategorized



President Obama’s Terrible Mistake

Posted By Blackfive • [June 23, 2011]

From a Blackfive reader “T”:

The President addressing the 10th Mountain Division today at Fort Drum:

“First time I saw 10th Mountain Division, you guys were in southern Iraq. When I went back to visit Afghanistan, you guys were the first ones there. I had the great honor of seeing some of you because a comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously.

As we all know, SSG Sal Giunta, of the 173rd Airborne, was the first living recipient (2011) of the MOH who fought in Iraq/Afganistan. SFC Jared Monti, 10th Mountain Division, was KIA in Afghanistan in 2006. He was posthumously awarded the MOH by Obama in 2009.

How does the Commander-in-Chief mix these heroes up? He put that medal around Giunta’s neck and he stood with Monti’s parents as they grieved. These fallen heroes leave such a great legacy, and we should know all their names. The ironic part of the speech, and this comes after the announcement of the politically pressured drawdown of troops in Afghanistan, was Obama’s closing remark, “Know that your Commander-in-Chief has your back.”

It shouldn’t take a teleprompter for the C-in-C to get it right.

BLACKFIVE has the goods.

>This cat has a lot to say, and you should take 23 seconds and listen.

Posted June 24, 2011 by Clark County Politics
Categories: Uncategorized



>A moment with Moeller.

Posted June 23, 2011 by Clark County Politics
Categories: Uncategorized

We all know Jim Moeller, neo-Communist from the 49th District.  Typically, if there’s a fringe-left position politically, Moeller’s all over it.

Over the years, Moeller’s reputation as an arrogant ass is legendary.  He typically insults and belittles those wise enough to disagree with him and his bizarre antics, most recently, he’s earned the sobriquet “Candy Man” for his moronic “this-is-candy, this-isn’t” tax, a tax thoroughly trashed at the polls last November, so I wasn’t terribly surprised when I read the following garbage on the Lazy C this morning:

Lew Waters · Top Commenter · Works at Curmudgeon & Blogger

Plans move forward even though the vote from citizens if postponed.

Obviously, the loot rail mafia has no intention of listening to citizens and will shove this entire scam off no matter what.

Downtown fatcats will increase their wealth off of our backs.

This is not representative government.
See More

  • Kage McClued · Owner/Writer at Clark County Politics Blog

    These people don’t care what we want. They just demand that WE pay for it…. since they won’t have too.
  • Jim Moeller · Friends with Marcus Griffith

    Lew: Name calling and impugning the character (…the loot rail mafia..”) of those who oppose your opinion (“This is not representative government…”) doesn’t elevate the debate. It only inflames it. What is your motive? Engender debate of the issue or inflame it?

Good God. I spit up all over my keyboard when I read this from Moeller. Jim, do you want us to list all of the examples of this very thing coming from you?

Hypocrisy does nothing to further Moeller’s position, either. The motive? A vote on this entire sorry, inexcusable waste of billions of dollars. Those who ignore this fundamental right, such as Moeller himself, particularly when they do so based on their self-professed arrogance; or those who lie to get elected and then do all they can to KEEP us from voting (Leavitt and Stuart) deserve a hell of a lot more than just “name-calling;” and the accurate description of their character… because it’s only “impugning” if the facts don’t support the conclusions. When they do, as they do in this called “truth.”

Moeller’s insulting behavior and rank arrogance is the thing legends are made of.  For him to berate someone else for the very same behavior he ROUTINELY engages in puts him at the top of the rank hypocrisy list.

>Read it and weep. I know I have.

Posted June 22, 2011 by Clark County Politics
Categories: Uncategorized



Fiscal Year 2011

A Congressional Budget Office Analysis 

It’s a pdf file.

>Brief memo to Ridgefield Barbie: you’ve got a problem with me?

Posted June 22, 2011 by Clark County Politics
Categories: Uncategorized

Then you’d better man up and talk to ME.

Cross-posted at Jaime Herrera Watch

>More delusion from the democratian: rose colored glasses on the local non-recovery.

Posted June 22, 2011 by Clark County Politics
Categories: Uncategorized

Early Obama campaigning, eh?

Today’s moronic editorial, touting a few jobs as something of note shows the rag has joined with the Obama campaign for a little early campaigning.

How many times have the Empty Suit’s people told us we’re in a recovery?  How many times have they lied to us about economic issues?

Now, our local version of a worthless waste of wood pulp has joined the chorus of the non-existent local recovery.

We need many times more jobs to engage in anything approaching any kind of recovery. THOUSANDS of people joined our local job force through this bizarre concept known as “high school graduation.” And how many jobs were there to greet them?

What’s that? 300?  And how many average Joe’s were qualified for these jobs?

Big whoop.

Their delusions about our local economy match their delusions about the bridger/looter project, the Pollard Hilton and this Ballpark they want to build with OUR money for a few millionaires from Yakima… all so THEY can make a profit off of US.

How do we know they’re lying?

They put ink to paper.

>And now a few moments with that stellar democrat, Rep. John Conyers, (D-Mich.)

Posted June 22, 2011 by Clark County Politics
Categories: Uncategorized

Actually, it’s more like “having a moment at his house in Detroit.”

Detroit Neighborhood: John Conyers House is an Eyesore:
