Archive for the ‘Obama’ category

>When the Right gets stupid: James O’Keefe gets nailed for screwing with Louisiana Purchase Landrieu’s Office.

January 27, 2010

There is no question that O’Keefe and Hannah Giles did yeoman’s work in outing ACORN as fringe-left scum who would go so far as to engage in criminal activity while aiding others in illegal immigration and child prostitution… all of it on our dime.

At some point, when the Obama Administration becomes just a former bad dream instead of our current nightmare, ACPRN and it’s lackeys will be thoroughly investigated by the appropriate authorities, and many of them, no doubt, imprisoned as a result.

Unfortunately, much of the good will generated by O’Keefe and Giles’ efforts to provide the truth about this far-fringe-left organization vaporized today with the arrest of James O’Keefe for his actions in one of the offices of one of my favorite senators, “Louisiana Purchase” Landrieu in New Orleans.

As much as I appreciate O’Keefe’s successful efforts with ACORN, that does not and cannot excuse the utter, rank, stupidity he displayed with this effort.

ACORN and its defender remain firmly buried under the garbage heap of our scorn. But O’Keefe has hurt his cause by lumping himself in with the same ilk who would engage in any illegal activity, presuming these allegations are true.

He hurt the cause, he hurt himself, and now a gleeful, ACORN-supporting left will set about to deflect the message that ACORN is but one of the many symptoms of a legally and ethically-challenged Administration.

Dumb, James. REALLY dumb.

>Here’s a leader that doesn’t need a teleprompter.

January 26, 2010

BLACKFIVE brings home the goods once again.

If only Gen. Pace was our President.


>So, it’s been about a year. Had Obama remorse, yet?

January 25, 2010

I’m reminded yet again that the GOP lemmings who coallessed around Tim “The Liar” Leavitt were supporting a huge Obama cheerleader.

You know…. this guy?

Well, the two certainly have one thing in common: neither were ready to lead.

>The Massachusetts Apocalypse: Brown takes it.

January 20, 2010

The people have spoken and repudiated the empty suit.

If I was a leftist, I’d start polishing my resume’ because the end is nigh.

With Coakley conceding, the leftists ability to delay has just disappeared. Will they be smart enough to drop the games and bring Brown on board as fast as they would Coakley?


And they’re gonna pay and pay.

>Jon Stewart weighs in on the "Fumblin’, stumblin, bumblin" effort in the Massachusetts senate race.

January 19, 2010


Takes about 10 minutes. Language is a little risque.

<td style='padding:2px 1px 0px 5px;' colspan='2'Mass Backwards
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>Update 4: Intrade has Brown up…. by 46.5

January 18, 2010

Perhaps one of the most historical political collapses of all time:

Selected Prediction Markets

Most Traded Financial

Most Traded Political

MA Special Election – Winner of Massachusetts Special Election (to replace Ted Kennedy)
Democratic Party candidate to win
Democratic Party candidate to win

Last Price: 28.0 12.0
You can buy
this at 28.5
You can sell
this at 27.1

MA Special Election – Winner of Massachusetts Special Election (to replace Ted Kennedy)
Republican Party candidate to win
Republican Party candidate to win

Last Price: 74.5 9.5
You can buy
this at 74.9
You can sell
this at 72.1

>Portrait of Obama-Doom: Coakley should get clobbered in Mass.

January 18, 2010


Barack Obama and his leftist minions must be possessed of THE “tinnest” ears in all of politics.

The rhetorical “hitting them upside the head with a club” couldn’t be any clearer. Obama goes to perhaps the deepest, darkest blue state in the country to help a worthless candidate and what’s the result?

She sinks even deeper.

There have been leaders in the past who allowed, not the “Audacity of Hope,” but the arrogance of their vision to rule their actions. They almost uniformly met with death and destruction. One gets the feeling that if God Himself came down and told Obama he was on the wrong course, it would make no difference.

I’m not complaining, here, you understand. I’m merely marveling at the size of an ego that allows self-delusion to be the order of the day. My lack of complaint is based on the impending political destruction of those who’ve brought us to this.

I sincerely hope that the left continues to keep their eye so far off the ball that we’ll LONG for the days of George W. Bush, who, while not the sharpest knife in the drawer, was at least smart enough to usually figure that out in time and at least TRY and change things.

But for the past year, our president (and as much as I despise the man’s policies, he IS our president) has been earnestly committing political suicide much like a slug crawling down a razor blade.

Meanwhile, as a nation, we’re left dangling. We’re held in such outrageous contempt by the world because of our increasingly weaker political leadership… “leadership” that will be crippled tomorrow if all the polls are to be believed.

This experiment; of electing vision over experience, delusion over reality, arrogance over flexibility… has been an abysmal failure. All we have to show for it is death and economic destruction.

The question becomes: now what?

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Massachusetts Senate – Special ElectionGA_googleFillSlot(“RC_728_by_90_top”); <!–//<![CDATA[ var ut_ju = ';; ut =new Object(); u

Polling Data

Poll Date Sample Brown (R) Coakley (D) Spread
Politico/InAdv 1/17 – 1/17 804 LV 52 43 Brown +9
PJM/CrossTarget (R) 1/17 – 1/17 574 LV 52 42 Brown +10
PPP (D) 1/16 – 1/17 1231 LV 51 46 Brown +5
ARG 1/15 – 1/17 600 LV 52 45 Brown +7
Daily Kos/R2000 1/15 – 1/17 500 LV 48 48 Tie
InsideMedford/MRG 1/15 – 1/15 565 LV 51 41 Brown +10
PJM/CrossTarget (R) 1/14 – 1/14 946 LV 54 39 Brown +15
ARG 1/12 – 1/14 600 LV 48 45 Brown +3
Blue Mass Group/R2000 (D) 1/12 – 1/13 500 LV 41 49 Coakley +8
Suffolk/7News 1/11 – 1/13 500 LV 50 46 Brown +4
Rasmussen Reports 1/11 – 1/11 1000 LV 47 49 Coakley +2
PPP (D) 1/7 – 1/9 744 LV 48 47 Brown +1
Rasmussen Reports 1/4 – 1/4 500 LV 41 50 Coakley +9
Boston Globe 1/2 – 1/6 554 LV 36 53 Coakley +17
Suffolk 11/4 – 11/8 600 RV 27 58 Coakley +31
Western NE College 10/18 – 10/22 342 LV 32 58 Coakley +26
Suffolk 9/12 – 9/15 500 RV 24 54 Coakley +30

>Democrats are really showing their priorities: Coakley much more important than Haiti

January 16, 2010

So… there was a horrific earthquake in Haiti.

Where’s UN Special Envoy to Haiti Bill Clinton? Where was he Friday? Where will he be Sunday?

Is he doing the work he signed up to do? Is he going to Haiti? Is he meeting with UN officials, coordinating relief efforts, or anything of that sort?

Can the Big Dawg save Martha?

Former President Bill Clinton will bring his campaigning power to her aid on Friday, and in the meantime, Ms. Coakley is adding to her schedule the kind of meet-and-greet stump events that she largely ducked for weeks.

Nope. He’s doing everything he can to plug the thousands of holes Martha Coakley has been blowing into the hull of her little, floundering, campaign boat.

And Sunday… where’s the Empty Suit going to be?

In Massachusetts (Not having learned his lesson in New Jersey) doing the same.

While thousands of people… very BLACK people (Shades of Katrina. Remember the racism allegations against Bush by the fringe-left nutters based on HIS response?) are dying.

It’s all a matter of priorities, you see. And what’s a few thousands Haitians compared to saving that moronic, unwanted, unsalvageable health care bill?

What say the White House cancel their weekly, Nero-esque like parties and take that money and donate it to Haitian relief?

What say the empty suit cancel playing golf for a few years, and take all THAT money and donate it to Haitian relief?

Anyone want to hold their breath? I know that the same fringe left nutters who so roundly condemned Bush for HIS golf exploits will remain as silent on that now as they have since the Empty Suits inauguration.

>Can someone help with this? When is it OK to lie in a campaign?

January 11, 2010


I’m watching coverage of labor throwing a fit over the taxing of health care benefits that Obama complained McCain wanted to tax during the campaign, and I’ve got to ask: how come Obama gets to lie?

Was it that long ago that the left was flipping out over Bush’s alleged “lies” that were used to justify our invasion of Iraq?

Why is it that Bush’s “lies” were to be condemned so loudly and long…. but Obama’s lies are, essentially, given a complete pass.

Did that man and his lackeys not stand there in front of all of us and tell us that if you earned less than $250,000, you wouldn’t pay “one dime more” in taxes if we elected him?

So…. what’s the deal? Were we to take that literally, as in, “I ain’t paying ONE dime more in taxes… I’m paying THOUSANDS of more dimes in taxes?”

I mean, if we’re supposed to take it literally, then the man isn’t lying.

But if we have to take what he said about THAT literally, then weren’t we supposed to take his claim that if we’d only allow him to bury us in debt, why, well, unemployment wouldn’t climb over 8%.

And if we take that literally, don’t we have to take the promise to not hire lobbyists literally? How about the promise to end earmarks or other pork in budgets?

At precisely what point is this man supposed to be held accountable for what he promised during his election?

We are told to “give him a chance.”

Well, he’s had a chance, and things continue to be worse now than ever under Bush.

But why is it OK for him to lie? And when, if ever, are we SUPPOSED to believe him?

Doesn’t our failure to hold HIM accountable mean that NO politician should be held accountable?

And if we’re willing to hold, say, a state representative or commissioner accountable…

…then why don’t we hold Obama accountable?

Can someone help me with that?

I wanna know.

>The genetic racism of the left revealed: Sen. Reid (Communist – NV) on Obama.

January 9, 2010

I, for one, don’t give a damn what color the empty suited, hypocritical, lying anti-American racist bigot in the White House happens to be.

My contempt and disdain for that moron is based on one thing and one thing only: his incompetent policies.

The total view of the president is somewhat stilted by the racists infesting his own party, however and on those reporting on it.

In this instance, the slimeball running the Senate, one soon-to-be-former Sen. Harry Reid from Nevada laid out HIS “clean black man” moment thus:

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada described in private then-Sen. Barack Obama as “light skinned” and “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” Obama is the nation’s first African-American president.

To reiterate, I wouldn’t give a rip if the clown running the show was a one-eyed, hunchbacked Turk from Stuttgart. Where the man has been such a criminally abysmal failure had been in his lies, his hypocrisy, his vision and his policies.

Senator Reid, however, takes a different view. Given that Obama has been playing the race card for the entirety of his life, a partially accurate assessment (The dialect thing, for sure) makes it difficult to ferret out who, exactly, is being the bigger racist: Reid, with his white bread tolerance for minorities, or Obama, who, in fact, DOES turn that nonsensical accent/dialect on and off like a switch.

Since Obama has been nothing but a fraud in the entirety of the time he’s been in elective office, it’s difficult to determine, precisely.

Reid, of course, should resign immediately, and give some other democrat a chance to finish out his term, since he’s got a much better chance of being struck by lightening than he does winning re-election.

But then, given that the entirety of Obama’s tenure has been the same; a total and complete fraud and lie, Obama should resign as well.

Bur Reid won’t, of course. Bigotry when practiced by the left is perfectly acceptable in the world of the democrat. Should we expect anything different from the party of Grand Dragon of the KKK, Sen. Robert Byrd?

While this easily surpasses Sen. Allen’s “Macaca Moment” that leftists just FLAYED him over, we should expect a resounding silence from the fringe left.

Because the rank hypocrisy and self delusion required to BE a leftist won’t allow anything else.

It is also of note that in this story, Associated Press describes Obama this way:

Obama is the nation’s first African-American president.

Odd, isn’t it, that AP is all about telling us how black the man is, while failing to be accurate enough to mention that he is, in fact, only 1/2 “African-American.”