>John Laird, Dec 6: Keep morons off the editorial page.

Our local community is cursed with a leftist bigot as an editorial page editor for our rapidly shrinking, can’t-be-bankrupt-fast-enough paper. His rank hypocrisy is legendary. His applications of standards to anyone to the right of Mao (excluding himself, of course)? The stuff of used bird cage liners from here to, well, Longview.

So when he leads off with THIS pap:

Many politicians confuse election night with graduation night, falsely believing voters elevated them to a higher level of instant wisdom.

Well, I just have to jump up and bitch-slap this clown.

Now, our two most recent elections have resulted in lying scumbags like Obama and Tim “The Liar” Leavitt getting the job. Unfortunately, our system of elections only requires qualifications of age and citizenship (equally unfortunate is the fact that our moron Secretary of State does nothing to address the issue of citizenship or identity.) to punch a hole in a ballot; proving a lack of ignorance or stupidity doesn’t disqualify you.

Politicians and editorial page editors count on that ignorance. Politicians, so they can scam you like both the examples I’ve mentioned here; editorial page editors so they believe in their heart of hearts that you won’t catch their hypocrisy, their biases, their agenda and the damage they frequently cause the community unfortunate enough to have them.

Like the moron we’re stuck with.

Because, here’s a clue, idiot stick:

YOUR elevation to editor of this despicable rag’s editorial page damned sure didn’t jack you up to any level of wisdom, instant or otherwise, either.

Unfortunately for us, what it did is jack up your petty, little man ego to the point where you can use your increasingly smaller soap box to attack and belittle those of us wise enough to know both what a putz you’ve become, and how moronic your fringe-left positions actually are.

Odd, isn’t it? Here, again, you can point out the obvious about someone else, in this case, politicians; without applying the same criteria to yourself.


What a surprise.

Explore posts in the same categories: Laird, leftist scuzball, liars, Pravda Columbian

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