Archive for the ‘Laird’ category

>John Laird is a Wienerville Whiner? Doesn’t he have a mirror in his hovel?

June 20, 2010

Wienerville is the Planet of The Columbian, where morons with keyboards seem to believe they’re imbued with the right to not only tell US how to live… but to coerce both us and government into meeting THEIR expectations… as if they are somehow superior to our own.

They’re not.

Whoda thunk it? A moron who thinks when authority yells, we should just cave to whatever they want, what those of us who pay the bills want be damned.

I AM surprised that Laird would bitchslap Koenninger with this observation describing that spender of our money and trampler of our rights thusly:

Well, the dominant trait is worshipping the status quo, or maybe even the status
quo ante. If you are overly reminiscent, if you abhor change and believe our
best days are behind us, then you might be a Hound of Whinerville.

How many dozens of “back in the day” columns has Tommy the K subjected us to? How many reminiscing efforts have leapt off his keyboard? That’s no particular reason, of the many reasons, to jump up in that moron’s face and remind him how much harm he’s caused this community and some of the people in it.

Why, using The Laird of Planet Wieinerville philosophy, we can just get rid of democracy altogether, instead of the situational employment so advocated by the cancer of our society.

Here’s an example of this simpleton’s babble that fits that bill completely:

Another characteristic is chronic disregard for established expertise. If you believe another guy’s education, training, certification and experience make him no smarter than you, then you might be a Hound of Whinerville.

Here. Let me translate:

If someone with a title or a bunch of letters after their names tells us to do something, well, by golly, we’re retarded if we just don’t do what we’re told!

One of the many reasons to trash the rag and their efforts to ignore the will of the people is this kind of attitude.

Take, for example, the crock of cow crap they babble on about incessantly, AKA the unneeded and unwanted I-5 Bridge replacement/loot rail project. Lying, utterly worthless polls, but a psychotic fear of putting this up to the only poll that matters…. a vote of the people.

Using unlimited amounts of OUR money to go out and find the millions-sucking consultants who agree with them and their perspective while simultaneously ignoring those who don’t. Building a complete waste of money THEY won’t have to pay for.

And that, of course, is what makes the babble off of Laird’s keyboard criminally stupid:

Completely ignoring the other side.

In everything from a pre-ordained outcome study where many people, including me, knew months in advance that the only acceptable outcome to the Scum at the Planet of The Columbian would be the absolutely unnecessary replacement of the I-5 Bridge entirely to get loot rail into Vancouver while completely ignoring the many cheaper, much more viable alternatives; to supporting their position with lying, utterly worthless polls, this stain on journalism has done everything they can to burden this local area with an unnecessary, multi-billion dollar debt.

And the rank hypocrite leading the pack?

John Laird.

Here’s just one example: Laird babbles about ignoring “another guy’s education, training, certification and experience.”

In Wienerville, they have all been trained to “Respech mah authority!” Well, if THEY LIKE that authority.

Just yesterday, these morons attacked a Woodland city councilman for his fine effort to respect the law these clowns don’t care about, when he ran a resolution supporting Arizona law HB 1070.

Exclusive of the fact this despicable rag lied about the impacts of this resolution, what else did they do?

Well, they ignored the “education, training, certification and experience” of the councilman in question.

So, what does that make these scum?

Taking it to the next level, the idiocy of The Columbian’s positions in this regard, COMPLETELY ignores the “education, training, certification and experience” of those who examined this steaming, economy-killing crap pile and discovered it was a total waste of time and billions, but that scum like Laird felt that it was “better than nothing.”

So, when LAIRD comes out and does the exact same thing he accuses other of doing… what does that make him?

I think we know the answer to that, don’t we?

>The PATHETIC John Laird and his MORONIC loot rail prattle.

January 24, 2010

Of all the pathetic Columbian propagandists, John Laird has to be the worst… and his most recent screed of Goebbelian proportions is no exception.

As I pointed out shortly after the “Scott heard round the World,” this despicable rag MUST become more attuned to the public it purports to serve. Laird’s insulting and belittling crap pile is yet another in the series of proofs that at least for some morons, the word hasn’t sunk into their tiny pinheads that we are not going to put up with this kind of abuse.

This kind of abuse from our government…. this kind of abuse from our despicable local stain of “journalism.”

The very idea of spending, ultimately, 10’s of billions of dollars (which is what it will ultimately cost to cement our status as Portland’s bedroom community and tax subsidizer) is sickening.

The very idea of replacing a bridge that does not NEED replacing: disgusting.

The very idea of replacing a bridge when we need ADDITIONAL bridges… 2…. which we can get for roughly the cost of this ONE? Utter moronic stupidity.

Our local blithering idiot unfortunately allowed access to the press talks about “vision” and what we’ll need “50 years from now.”

Well, guess what, idiot stick: what we need NOW comes in miles ahead of what we need 50 YEARS FROM NOW, you fricking idiot.

And what we need NOW are at LEAST two more bridges…. NOT an UNNEEDED and UNWANTED bridge REPLACEMENT that will do NOTHING for freight mobility or congestion, save nailing all of US to move 4% of YOU that actually think we NEED this garbage pile but who WON’T HAVE TO PAY FOR IT.

Our local bankrupt newspaper continues to disgust. It cannot go under fast enough.

>John Laird, Dec 6: Keep morons off the editorial page.

December 6, 2009

Our local community is cursed with a leftist bigot as an editorial page editor for our rapidly shrinking, can’t-be-bankrupt-fast-enough paper. His rank hypocrisy is legendary. His applications of standards to anyone to the right of Mao (excluding himself, of course)? The stuff of used bird cage liners from here to, well, Longview.

So when he leads off with THIS pap:

Many politicians confuse election night with graduation night, falsely believing voters elevated them to a higher level of instant wisdom.

Well, I just have to jump up and bitch-slap this clown.

Now, our two most recent elections have resulted in lying scumbags like Obama and Tim “The Liar” Leavitt getting the job. Unfortunately, our system of elections only requires qualifications of age and citizenship (equally unfortunate is the fact that our moron Secretary of State does nothing to address the issue of citizenship or identity.) to punch a hole in a ballot; proving a lack of ignorance or stupidity doesn’t disqualify you.

Politicians and editorial page editors count on that ignorance. Politicians, so they can scam you like both the examples I’ve mentioned here; editorial page editors so they believe in their heart of hearts that you won’t catch their hypocrisy, their biases, their agenda and the damage they frequently cause the community unfortunate enough to have them.

Like the moron we’re stuck with.

Because, here’s a clue, idiot stick:

YOUR elevation to editor of this despicable rag’s editorial page damned sure didn’t jack you up to any level of wisdom, instant or otherwise, either.

Unfortunately for us, what it did is jack up your petty, little man ego to the point where you can use your increasingly smaller soap box to attack and belittle those of us wise enough to know both what a putz you’ve become, and how moronic your fringe-left positions actually are.

Odd, isn’t it? Here, again, you can point out the obvious about someone else, in this case, politicians; without applying the same criteria to yourself.


What a surprise.

>Jeers to the morons at the Columbian for slamming the voters of Clark County over R71

December 6, 2009

In what seems like one of the usual, and therefore, pathetic, efforts by John Laird in his babbling editorial; that scumbag again takes the opportunity to slam the majority of people in the region his despicable rag of a paper serves who were wise enough to oppose the institutional discrimination in R 71.

That it passed statewide might mean something to Laird and his boyfriend, but to the rest of us, it once again means that King County runs the entirety of the state with it’s useful tools like Laird who front for their fellow fringe-leftists every chance they get.

Yes, in the end, those who had a clue simply couldn’t overcome the leftist idiocy that runs this state. We had no difficulty, however, overcoming the rank hypocrisy and stupidity of morons like Laird here, locally. That was done with ease, and yet that scumbag couldn’t help but insult those of us smart enough to just say “no” to yet another incremental step of mainstreaming a behavior as if it were on the same level as race, gender, or any other actual minority trait.

Here’s the moronic quote of the day:

Jeers: To critics of last month’s Referendum 71 who insisted that expanding benefits to domestic partners would trigger all kinds of social upheaval. Fortunately, R-71 was approved by 53 percent of voters statewide (Clark County voters rejected the measure by 54 percent), and guess what happened on Thursday? Virtually unnoticed, Senate Bill 5688 (which was affirmed by R-71) quietly took effect and as best we can tell, the world did not end and the institution of marriage seemed to be surviving quite well.

We should’ve known that no crisis would have erupted on Thursday because, since R-71 passed on Nov. 3, the number of domestic partnerships has seen a rapid increase with no apparent impact on anyone’s health or well-being. About 90 same-sex couples and opposite-sex senior couples have been registering each week since the election, about double the pre-election rate. More than 13,000 domestic partnerships now exist in the state, and we’re still waiting for the catastrophic impacts predicted by the alarmists.

As Laird is such an obviously lying lowlife, (Because, of course, NO ONE predicted a “crisis would erupt on Thursday”) that’s what lends itself to my belief that it was that scummy little worm who attacked us with his cowardly keyboard.

Like the loss of our freedoms, social engineering doesn’t take place over night like this blithering idiot infers. The steps are incremental. Allowing “opposite-sex senior couples” to registers as anything is as blatant a form of discrimination as anything that asswipe ever whined about. But his utterly rank hypocrisy keeps him from saying anything about THAT.

So, we mark this up as yet another blow against this steaming pile of crap’s legitimacy as any force in our community.

Let me re-iterate: I will never buy this disgusting pile of dung…. EVER… as long as that scumbag is employed there.

Yes, the people of this state have spoken. This is their will, for now, and because the tyranny of the majority has once again been visited upon the minority, we have to live with that.

But those of us wise enough to see the crass discrimination and bribery needed to pass this pile of crap at the polls do not need the judgement of cretins like Laird as a result.

To quote some comedian babbling about Rush, “I hope HIS kidneys fail.” And soon.

>Laird overdoses on scumbag pills and then hits keyboard; Brancaccio silent.

November 29, 2009

For those who have the short attention span required to follow this despicable crap pile of a newspaper, your attention is drawn to Lou Brancaccio’s hypocritical effort of September 14 that, no doubt, was a direct result of getting his figurative head caved in as a result of the obvious bias, abandonment of anything approaching journalistic tenets and the supreme arrogance this rag uses as a corporate strategy to ram their agenda down our throats… without asking, of course.

The money quote?

At what point, many wonder, does the way in which we deliver the message become the message? And when the delivery becomes the message, can anyone hear the real message?

Does calling the president a liar or a Marxist move the health care discussion forward?

Can we disagree with someone without being disagreeable?

We all should think about how we treat others. How our message is delivered.

Clearly, the “we” he’s referring to doesn’t apply to that fringe-left waste of skin they’ve hired to run the editorial page, John Laird.

As I pointed out at the time of Brancaccio’s column of lies and hypocrisy:

You allow scum like John Laird unfettered access to a keyboard that he has used to PUMMEL everyone to the right of Mao and you ask US how WE should deliver OUR message?

This rag is a cancer in our community. On one hand, the guy in charge of their colossal failure as a business organization moralizes to us about what some us us call the empty suited, anti-American racist bigot in the White House under the guise that the anger becomes the message, instead of the message itself.

On the other hand, he allows a dull-normal cretin like Laird to engage in the VERY conduct he decries!

Snippets of today’s Laird used toilet paper:

Tea party patrons, rejoice! Unite! Or for some of you, I suppose, to arms! Your grass-roots movement has gained such momentum as to warrant a national blue-ribbon, round-table, fact-finding, rootintootin‘ hoedown!

Headline speakers will include the electrifying and eloquent Sarah Palin, a renowned expert on how to abandon your statewide elected office and make millions writing a book, and U.S. Rep. Michelle Bachmann, R-Minn., who used her publicly funded congressional Web site to urge people to storm the U.S. Capitol and create bedlam in the hallways. According to my investigative aides, the Tea Party Convention’s Diversity Committee will meet in an Opryland Hotel & Convention Center broom closet.

This was the year their crusade was born, and the screaming and kicking hasn’t stopped yet. Whereas American town hall meetings for more than two centuries were places to exchange ideas and formulate solutions, now they’re different, thanks to the Tea Party types. Now, town hall meetings have become boisterous, bigoted shout-downs where the only things that matter are volume and venom, unleashed by adults who remind children to be sure to behave at school assemblies.

And then this moron launches into a self-serving steaming pile actually DEFENDING the indefensible, which adequately labels much of what Obama has done to us.

Now, I fully understand that it is both Laird’s right, and this paper’s right, to spew whatever nonsense they choose. Just like it’s my right to drill them directly between their moronic, unfulfilled principles when they engage in this kind of crap.

But I ask you: where in this moronic heap of detritus Laird spewed is any of that “..think(ing)… about how the message is delivered” stuff?

It’s no where to be seen.

In short, in Brancaccio’s stilted world, WE should reign in how WE perceive and address the president, for example; but it’s perfectly OK for HIS OWN STAFF to address ANYONE smart enough to disagree with Laird (which would include anyone with the intelligence and awareness exceeding that of my 13 week old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy) is treated in print like high-level morons.

As I’ve noted before, I haven’t subscribed to this despicable waste of wood pulp for years. The questions they need to ask themselves are these: can we proposer and grow as sycophants of the fringe left? Is our survival as a paper best served by doing the bidding of an increasingly smaller segment of the population unable to think for themselves? Is continually assaulting our increasingly smaller credibility within this community the wisest course?

But most of all, does this course make it MORE likely, or LESS likely that those in the center and the right will actually fork over money to be abused in this way?

>My reaction to today’s Lou Brancaccio’s media flatulence.

November 15, 2009

We are cursed with an utterly clueless daily paper for our region of the woods; the Columbian.

From time to time, their managing editor makes ragged and frequent attempts to justify that cluelessness, including today’s effort. There is, perhaps, no one more critical of our local paper then I. I can, without doubt, claim that this paper wherein he writes about yet another in the long series of so-called advisory boards where, as he puts it, “We’d regularly gather readers to ask them how we’re doing,” either, as in this case, hand picks the participants or ignores the results if those results might tend to derail this rag from it’s agenda.

I can modestly claim that there is, perhaps, no one more critical of this paper than I. I can also claim that no amount of criticism; no amount of fact-based correction; no appeal to something unheard of in our local despicable rag (aka “ethics”) will make any difference of any kind to those in charge.

In short, the dog and pony show Brancaccio writes about today
will change absolutely nothing. It will make no difference in their bias. It will not get them to write ALL of the facts, not just the ones they like. It will not stop Brancaccio in particular, and others within the Columbian from writing about Brian Baird as if the check was in the mail. It will not get them off their moronic I-5 Bridge/loot rail kick, or cause them to do what common decency demands: require that we, as a community, get to vote this crap pile up or down. It will, in no way, end the editorial double standard of wanting the will of the people to be heard on some things, but not heard on others when that will is likely to conflict with their agenda. It will in no way result in a course correction (just check out today’s idiocy from John Laird, where’s he’s all about how great the passage of R-71 is statewide, while forgetting (or, per usual, not caring) that it failed here by a substantial margin) and it will NEVER result in the one thing vital to this, or any other paper’s survival:

That the paper in question reflect and speak to the politics and philosophies of the vast majority of its possible readership, and not just the tiny, far left fringe it emulates.

How is the Columbian “doing?” Well, gee…. I don’t know.

One would think that facing bankruptcy could be a clue. One might even ponder the meaning of occupying and then abandoning a brand new, state of the art temple of leftist journalism within the same few month time frame as a result of economic necessity might send a message. One would point out the utter stupidity of reducing features and amounts of news and then increasing the price for even less of a paper might be an indicator.

But one would be wrong, for to admit that this paper’s course is so completely to the fringe left that no one to the political right of Mao would ever want to spend money on it would be to require some introspection that those running this disgrace to journalism appear to be genetically incapable of engaging in.

Brancaccio’s idiocy is best summed up in his own words:

I have not said that. I simply stated a fact that you have the opportunity to see more fringe — however it is defined — on the Internet.

When your paper ONLY endorsed democrats for open seats in the last election… when your paper took positions closely mirrored by the fringe left concerning R 71 and I-1033, including quoting a moron in a story who lied when he said that PEOPLE WOULD DIE if 1033 was voted in (as it was here in Clark County) when your paper lies, exaggerates, prints pap garbage like these articles and then demands that billions of taxpayer dollars be spent on an unneeded and unwanted bridge replacement with loot rail, it’s fairly clear that the biggest fringe element around here isn’t on the internet, except where you post your articles.

By almost any measure; from horrific subscription numbers to abysmal ad revenue, this community has sent you message after message. And as long as you refuse to listen?

Well, expect CONTINUED horrific subscriptions and ad revenue.

Because your pathetic effort deserves no less.

>More of Laird’s moroic idiocy on 1033.

November 1, 2009

We get that John Laird, who claims that he “hate(s) to sound like a cranky old coot here” while still managing to pull it off so frequently and painfully for the rest of this community, came out with more of his fringe-left quvatch on I-1033.

He blathers:

Westneat’s conclusion: “Forget all the caterwauling about spending cuts. At its heart (I-1033) is a massive giveaway to the rich that does little to nothing for the poor” except, of course, deprive them of vital programs and services. According to six-year projections of the state Office of Fiscal Management, I-1033, if passed, would slash state revenue by $5.9 billion, revenue to cities by $2.1 billion and revenue to counties by $694 million.

Westneat added: “To their credit, both Gates and Allen appear to know this. They are trying to defeat Eyman’s initiative … even though it would mean huge tax windfalls to them if it passes. I have a feeling it’s because they actually believe that quote Gates repeats so much: ‘To whom much is given, much is expected.’ “

As I have frequently pointed out before, leftist tards are incapable of viewing these things in terms of what the people will save; they can only see it in terms of what it will “cost government,” as if OUR government is not supposed to be “by, of and for the people.”

The rank absurdity of his observation about Gates and Allen fighting 1033 is just that: rank and absurd.

Westnet tells us, according to this moron, that Gates would see a tax break of $571,000 while Allen would see a mere pittance in comparison: a break of $150,000.

Gates is worth a paltry $50 BILLION (That’s BILLION, with a “b”)

Allen is worth much less, and has to settle for scrambling to get by on $10 BILLION (also with a “b”)

Allen goes through that much money in a week just to fuel his basketball team’s jet.

In short, while clowns like Laird want us to be impressed with how much these stalwarts of altruism (Allen has made tens of millions off the taxpayers of this state and controls the Seahawks Stadium that we got suckered into sinking $400 million taxpayer dollars into) stand to lose if their fight is successful, because the two numbers sound SO BIG… the fact is that to these guys, it’s the equivalent of pennies.

It’s easy for them to give up what they would gain because relative to all of their massive wealth, the numbers are essentially meaningless.

Gate’s wealth exceeds my own by a factor of, say, 100,000. That is, he is worth something on the order of 100,000 times more money than I am.

With my worth at, say, around $500,000, I have to provide roughly 1 percent of that worth in property taxes every year to a grateful state of Washington.

Were Gates required to do that… that is, were gates required to fork that kind of cash over, the equivalent percentage of his wealth would be…. $500,000,000 per year (1 percent of $50 billion) as opposed to my 1 percent of $500,000 or so.

In short, Gate’s PROPERTY TAX BILL for ONE YEAR is roughly twice my net worth.

Taking it a step further, that HUGE, $571,000 tax break he’s working to get rid of represents, well, let’s see:

If he’s worth $50 billion…. then $571,000 would represent .0001 or so of his wealth per year; or, as a percentage of all the money he’s worth, something on the order of 10,000 times LESS than I will have to pay.

Relatively speaking, Gates is giving up the equivalent, perhaps, of the cost of a latte’ every year by fighting this… if that.

So, I am not impressed by either Laird’s Lies OR Westnet’s Words. Compared to the rest of us… compared to those of us actually paying the lion’s share of our state’s budget… and particularly when viewed through the prism of the rank hypocrisy Laird exhibits with each of his whines and snivels about tax breaks given the massive tax break HIS employer got from a grateful leftist legislature, these lies are meaningless.

Why Laird insists on repeating them as if they made some difference… much like the “sky is falling” left sniveled about I-601, 695 and 747… is beyond me.

Frankly, that Laird opposes 1033 is reason enough for everyone else to vote for it…. because our courageous legislature would NEVER let these big cuts go through…. would they?

Because it’s not like they can’t throw it out as fast as we put it in.

>More Laird idiocy on his specialty: leftist bigotry.

October 19, 2009

The editorial page editor of our local paper is a fringe leftist nutjob.

This clown is both incapable of original thought, fairness or objectivity. He has been fully immersed in shilling for the agenda of that empty-suited, Anti-American racist bigot in the White House, lying, along with him, about everything having anything to do with Obama’s destruction of this country.

I have blown so many holes through this moron’s lies that it’s got to be hard for him to drink coffee because of all the leaks.

His latest spew is completely in keeping with the nazi bigotry exhibited by the left and the leading lights of the minority victims such as Al “Tawana BrawleySharpton and other multi-millionaires who made a fortune on their victimhood.

Our local utter leftist moron squeals like a piggy when he says “Limbaugh ‘victimized’ by capitalism.” That’s just one of his many lies.

Here, clearly, is an example where Limbaugh was, in fact, ‘victimized’ by lying, fringe left scum both within and without the media… many of whom now, after the deed was done, are “apologizing” for failing to do what this despicable rag fails to do whenever it suits them: and that is, verify the information they’ve recieved by checking out the source.

“Capitalism’s” roll WILL be central to this issue when, hopefully, Rush takes each and every one of these lying scum, including the entirety of the NFL, to court and sues their collective asses off.

But that’s the only place where capitalism is involvedf in this matter. The issue here is the crushing of an individual’s financial plans in the form of a desire to become a minority ownership position in arguably the worst team in professional football, the St. Louis Rams.

The issue here is the “why” of it.

The lying scumbag running the NFL, Roger Goodell, claims that the NFL has “high standards.”

The owner for the “Leaving Baltimore in the middle of the night because we’re cowards” Indianapolis Colts says that, in effect, Rush is a racist and divisive.

So… Rush is, pardon the expression, blackballed not because he’s killed someone; not because he’s beaten his girlfriend; not because he’s assaulted anyone; not because he refuses to follow the NFL’s “substance abuse policies”. It’s not for running a dog fighting ring. It’s not for stealing another teams signals. No… it’s not for any of those reasons… reasons that failed to cause any of the recently passed practitioners of these activities to be kicked out of football.

Instead, it’s for engaging in the very thing THIS idiot does every time his column of bovine feces is printed.

It’s because Rush says words and has ideas that these people don’t “like.”

Odd, isn’t it, how one of our most cherished freedoms only applies to leftists… and not to anyone else.

This is not and never has been about “having sympathy” for Rush. Instead, it’s about having contempt for leftist scumbags like Laird who are so blinded by their own peculiar bias that when the rights of one are crushed, they fail to grasp that the crushing, in this instance, happened to be someone else.

So, Laird… how would you feel if your job was ended because of the crap in your columns?

Obviously, that’ll never happen, since you’ve been taking a dump on this community since you arrived here, with apparent impunity.

But what if it did, moron? You’ve regaled us with bigotry, lies, distortion and exaggeration for years.

What if it cost YOU a job, a purchase, a club membership?

Would that be all hunky dory with you, idiot?

Would you want us to have “sympathy” for someone who makes Rush look like a Cub Scout when it comes to bigotry and divisiveness?

Would YOU whine and snivel?

Of course you would.

It’s you and toilet scum like you that have caused me to boycott the NFL for the rest of my life. So, the one thing that the National Football League HAS done, with the help of leftist scuzballs like you, is to show their true colors. And that made the decision easy.

I sincerely hope and pray that you will be faced with the same situation. I sincerely hope that you will be humiliated and either lose a job or be disqualified from one… not because of anything you’ve DONE, but because of what you’ve said and what you think.

I really, really, REALLY hope that happens to you, and soon.

>Columbian fringe-leftist John Laird: hopelessly moronic.

October 4, 2009

I seek to live by a rather arcane rule I’ve developed that I refer to as the “more likely -less likely” rule.

As the Columbian continues to circle the drain, hopefully to disappear forever, the morons running the show need to be asking themselves: are people more likely, or less likely, to buy our newspaper if we continue to allow an ignorant, lying scumbag to print another column of fringe-left propaganda week in, or week out; a column where he either insults a huge segment of our population directly, or insults the intelligence of anyone stupid enough to read his weekly tripe?

I read as much as I can stomach because I view it as a mission to point out the stain on the underwear of journalism’s many lies, exaggerations and attempts to ram their agenda down the collective throats of a community which, by and large, does not want it. But the lies that fly of this waste of skin’s keyboard are so obviously and blindingly biased (Precisely like their editorial bias, come to think of it; let’s remember that these scummy little leftists ONLY endorsed democrats for EVERY open seat where they held endorsements, from president on down in the last election) that a blind man should be able to see them in a minute.

Since this rag has a liar for their editorial page editor; and a stunningly ignorant liar at that; is it more likely, or less likely that people will actually pay money to read less of a product with such asinine information crapped out in a column every week?

Now, I apologize in advance for failing to review every lie this clown wrote in this week’s column, I simply lacked the strength to go beyond his first ladle of pap and the first lie was bad enough:

Two months have passed since I wrote a column debunking nine myths about health-care reform.

He debunked absolutely nothing, except the very thought that he might be honest, thoughtful, unbiased or credible. THAT thought vaporized in a heartbeat.

So, to further cement his position as cluelessly ignorant fringe-left Obama suck up, he spews this garbage:

Myth: A public option will put all of the private health insurance companies out of business.

Reality: Explain, then, how public housing has put all of the home builders out of business. The federal government provides public housing for people who don’t have it and cannot get it. Why would the public not want to provide health insurance for those who don’t have it and cannot get it?

Having visited the ancestral estates of the Count of Dachau, I have spent some time researching that place’s history, and how any civilized people could ever do such a thing. One of the more interesting snippets I came across was the universal ignorance of the place from those living in Dachau, a suburb of Munich.

NO ONE living in the area knew what was going on in Dachau. No one. They had no idea why trains full of people; people they could see as they watched them come into this place, their hands and arms frequently hanging out small windows as they were being herded into this death camp; they had no idea what the smell was; they had no idea why all those people kept coming in, but why none ever left.

They had no idea.

But they didn’t know…. because they didn’t WANT to know.

In this day and age, we have the Internet. Ideas and information flash around the world in the blink of an eye.

So, when someone asks a moronic and easily answered question like this lying scumbag asked above, one has to wonder: is he getting paid DIRECTLY by his fringe-left masters? Or is he just a blithering idiot?

Exclusive of the fact that living in PUBLIC HOUSING ISN’T MANDATORY LIKE THIS BOGUS HEALTH CARE PROGRAM WOULD BE (Meaning his example of what Big Brother provides for others is as moronically absurd as everything else this piss-pot writes) the answer is that the Congressional Budget Office has warned us that the COST of this crap that Laird is spewing will be in the hundreds of billions of dollars.

No one FORCES anyone to live in public housing, you fricking idiot. But we are going to be FORCED to participate in this massive fraud fringe-leftists like Laird would perpetrate on this very community.

Bull…… shit.

Lock me up now, because I will NOT get mandatory health care and I will NOT pay a fine.

And if Laird DIDN’T know that, then, like the people living across the street from the concentration camp at Dachau, it’s because HE didn’t WANT to know.

But then, self-delusion is the hallmark of the fringe-leftist. And this scum has the art down to a science.

Just a reminder, Scott: I will never buy your despicable waste of wood pulp as long as this scumbag has anything to do with it. That you allow this asshole to continue to work there, polluting our community with his lies and exaggerations ought to make you ashamed of yourself.

>Congratulations to the Columbian for crushing a blog opposing your propaganda: clarkblog is no more.

October 1, 2009

The comment received on my post yesterday below says it all:

I was sad to discover a “farewell” message from the chief, Bob Koski, when I checked in at yesterday. I think it was up for maybe 24 hours before he “pulled the plug” on his blog. He mentioned how his enemies had stepped up their attack on him, & that his health wasn’t up for the fight.

While I am sorry to have seen it come to that. I respect Bob’s decision. I hope to see someone take up where he left off.s to

Hail to THE CHIEF!


I view this as an attack on ALL of us.

This big-bully attitude; the idea that those opposing your propaganda must be silenced, that the Nazi way, so beloved by our local rag and our Cowardman leads to this… silencing the largest clearing house of information at the street level for us mere mortals is, perhaps, the most disgusting crap, in a mountain of feces, that our local stain on journalism has ever engaged in.

The rank hypocrisy of this is obvious; Freedom of the Press is not an arcane or nebulous concept that applies only to something laughingly called a newspaper. Freedom of Speech is not something that begins and ends in the ghetto-fab hallways of the most damaging influence in the Northwestern United States.

I’m sorry that it seems to have taken such a toll on Bob Koski, proprietor of I wish that he had found a way, but he fought the good fight, the brilliant fight and put up with truck loads of garbage that would have crushed lesser men or women much sooner.

I didn’t always agree with Bob or other posters on clarkblog. But I ALWAYS agreed with their RIGHT to speak their minds.

To George, who asked on his blog “So, now, what do I do with it?”I say: Pick up the mantle established by those who’ve fought the fight. Speak your mind. Call “bullshit” on the mighty. Don’t let those who hide under the now non-existent cloak of fairness, of in-depth fact gathering, of unbiased, non-responsive blather where those wise enough to disagree are publicly humiliated, attacked and belittled by big, tough guys hiding behind barrels of ink get away with it.

Never, EVER allow the judgment of those with a nonsensical agenda where they, somehow, are magically imbued with knowledge or vision they believe to be oh, so, superior to our own push you around. When scum like the Columbian attempt to ram their agenda’s down OUR throats… when, for example, they would task US with paying for THEIR vision at the rate of $1300 or more per year, a fee THEY will not have to pay; stand up to them. Call them the lying, thieving scum they are. DEMAND that they do the RIGHT thing, EVERY time…. and not just when, as is so often the case, it’s convenient for the asshats running their show.

Speak truth to power.

When our Cowardman lies, like he did about fake death threats, call his cowardly ass out. When the president lies or ignores another in the series of his campaign promises, long forgotten but rarely mentioned as he shatters them so effortlessly; as he haslied about issue after issue while this disgrace of a newspaper remains silent (after all, they endorsed that dillwad, and they’re no more capable of admitting they were wrong then they are of using common sense.) point out his lies.

When government abuses us (A thousand dollar permit fee for a $4500 car port? Really?) then call them out on it.

Be fearless. Be correct. Make your mistakes loudly. And never, ever be afraid.

When Laird is printed, nail that fringe-left moron. When Brancaccio snivels about “civility” and then ignores his same standard or allows his own staff to ignore it, nail him for his rank hypocrisy. When the local rag lies, as they have so many times in the past, in an effort to buttress their agenda at our expense, then blast them for the intellectual cowards they are.

If the local rag was fair; if they were not complete leftists, if they didn’t engage in rank hypocrisy and double standard in everything from their editorials to their endorsements… if they did their fricking jobs… then our blogs wouldn’t be necessary.

If they didn’t use their positions of privilege to help those they favor, as they have spent so much time, effort and energy to rehab Cowardman Brian Baird’s image, or attack those they disagreed with as if somehow only THEIR vision was worthy or of merit, then, well, these blogs wouldn’t be necessary.

But this rag is accountable to no one. Their subscription numbers are diving into the tank, and editorial introspection is such an arcane concept to these fringe left scum that they have no real clue why.

I’ve been disgusted by the despicable acts of this rank excuse of a newspaper before. But their effort here has sunk to new lows.

My health is great. I look forward to ANY attempt to silence me.