Archive for the ‘Emanuel’ category

>The subtle bigotry of Rahm Emanuel

February 4, 2010

So, here we have it. The President insults those with physical and mental challenges with his bowling blunder…. The democrat Senate Majority Leader and his”no Negro dialect” nonsense… and now we have the President’s own Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel using his foot-wide tin ears to screw up again with his “retard” remark:

Emanuel was quoted in the Journal last week making the comment during an August meeting with some liberal activists who were threatening to run TV ads against conservative Democrats hesitant to embrace President Obama’s approach to health care reform. “F**king retarded,” was his response to the plan, witnesses told the Journal. He later called Special Olympics head Tim Shriver to apologize.

The problem I have with all of this rests primarily with the two-faced position of the democrat party concerning minorities and those with physical and mental challenges.

On one hand, they claim to be the party that represents those less fortunate. They claim to be the voice for those who can’t speak for themselves.

Isn’t it obvious that such a claim is a sham? Isn’t it obvious that those leading the democrat party use this as a veneer… a sham…. to fool the very people they hold in such low regard?

Memo to the democrats: you not only have to talk the talk…. you gotta walk the walk.

Just sayin.

>Leave it to the Icelanders: A simple plan to get us to agree to the Obama fiscal vision (Or as most realists put it, "Nightmare.")

January 25, 2009

I’m a cynic. Of course, anyone reading this blog for more than 30 seconds has already divined that factoid, but I admit it. Cynicism in this day and age of our MSM acting as if they all answer to the President’s Press Secretary should, to a greater or lesser degree, become a component in us all.

I do not agree with Mr. Obama’s bailout plan. I’ve been staunchly opposed to the scam known as TARP. The handling of the latter, wherein billions of our dollars were redistributed to banks; many of which have not, well, exactly chosen to use them as they were intended, has negatively impacted the former… and WHAT a surprise THAT has been, eh?

Meanwhile, President Obama is out there like a duck, outwardly placid but shilling his butt off to get congressional support for his latest fiscal fantasy, yet another trillion dollars to bury us with out here in the Hinterland.

Well, thanks to the fine folks in Iceland that have resigned, causing their government to fall (meaning new elections will be held to determine replacements… you’ve got to love a parliamentary, proportional representative system) I’ve come up with a way to get us to ALL agree to the Obama Plan.

The beauty of it is simple.

Our democrat-controlled government wants us generally, and Congress specifically, to support this massive, horrific waste of money. OK, fine: here’s how it can be done.

1. Obama and the democrat leadership come out and explain, IN DETAIL, what the plan is… AND WHAT IT WILL ACCOMPLISH. By that end, I mean, where we’ll be be in 6 months, 12 months, 18 months and so forth. That way, we will ALL get the chance to see if the plan is worthwhile, plus we’ll have the advantage of being able to see in the future for purposes of financial stability.

“Where we’ll be” to my mind means where interest rates will be, oil, home starts, employment, the stock market, 401k’s, all retirement plans and the like, GDP and GDP growth and so forth will be if we do this plan, and what will happen if we don’t using the same criteria. Obama’s all ABOUT “transparency,” right? (well, maybe he isn’t, but STILL)

After all, our government HAS to know what the impacts will be… right? Otherwise, they’re doing this just to do it, and THAT can’t be true… can it?

2. When this passes… and if Obama and the democrat leadership (Obama, Biden, Clinton, Reid, Murtha, Pelosi, Emanuel, et al) are wrong, then they all resign from office.

That is, if they make these promises, and if, at 6 months, 12 months, 18 months and so forth, they have failed to deliver… then they resign. Immediately.

What’s not to love? Right now, these clowns have zero buy-in. They want all of US to assume ALL of the risk, while they share all of the glory if it works.

You want me to sign off on this?

Then put your asses on the line for it, just like you’re putting OUR asses on the line for it.

Otherwise, they risk NOTHING, and WE risk EVERYTHING. As it is, they’re risking our country. The least THEY can do is risk their jobs, like they’re risking ours.

Simple enough plan, don’t you think? Win – win and all that?

>This is "change we can believe in?" It’s starting to look like President-Elect Obama’s administration will begin with a foundation of lies…

December 14, 2008

This stuff is really starting to anger me.

We have President-Elect Obama’s assurances that he has not had any conversations with Gov. Blogojevich concerning his replacement to the Senate.

That very statement… well…. how do I put this? How about “strains credulity?”

The very idea that the President-Elect would NOT let the Governor know his thoughts on this issue is simply incomprehensible.

Would you? Would I?

Yet that’s what the President-Elect would have us believe.

Exclusive of a picture taken of the President-Elect and the Governor together on December 2, which pretty much puts the lie to Mr. Obama’s assertion, made on December 9, that he “…had no contact with the governor or his office and so we were not, I was not aware of what was happening.”

Now we come to find out that pit yorkie and replacement for Governor Blagojevich’s congressional seat, one Rahm Emanuel, had done the very thing that Mr. Obama denies… had direct contact with the Governor.

Little Green Footballs is reporting The Chicago Tribune’s own story that “Rahm Emanuel talked with governor’s office about who should fill Obama’s Senate seat… Chief of staff for Obama had list of names.”

“List of names?” Really? Where do you suppose that list came from?

Folks, there’s only so many reasons why this crew would lie about all of this.

So much for “Change.” So much for Mr. Obama’s much vaunted and greatly hyped “transparency.”

His fumbling, bumbling and mishandling of this sorry but all-to-typical-for-democrats situation has a Keystone Cops element to it that sickens me.

I repeat: Mr. Obama’s administration will not survive his indictment. You heard it here first.

Rahm Emanuel talked with governor’s office about who should fill Obama’s Senate seat
Chief of staff for Obama had list of names

By Bob Secter
December 13, 2008

Rahm Emanuel, President-elect Barack Obama’s pick to be White House chief of staff, had conversations with Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s administration about who would replace Obama in the U.S. Senate, the Tribune has learned.

The revelation does not suggest Obama’s new gatekeeper was involved in any talk of dealmaking involving the seat. But it does help fill in the gaps surrounding a question that Obama was unable or unwilling to answer this week: Did anyone on his staff have contact with Blagojevich about his choice for the Senate seat?

Blagojevich and John Harris, his former chief of staff, face federal charges in an alleged shakedown involving the vacant Senate seat, which Illinois law grants the governor sole authority to fill.

Obama said Thursday he had never spoken to Blagojevich about the Senate vacancy and was “confident that no representatives” of his had engaged in any dealmaking over the seat with the governor or his team. He also pledged Thursday that in the “next few days” he would explain what contacts his staff may have had with the governor’s office about the Senate vacancy.
