Archive for the ‘ineptitude’ category

>The President continues to disappoint.

January 28, 2010

The “tinnest” ear in politics begins to resemble nothing so much as a can of Campbell’s Soup.

Yesterday should have been an act of political contrition. Instead, it was an act of delusional arrogance.

Bogus budget “freezes,” nonsensical heath care babble, continuing lies about the bogus “jobs created or saved” garbage… a complete lack of vision and down-the-rabbit-hole psychobabble.

He idiotically stood up there and told us, effectively, that the focus “in 2010” must be jobs.

A blind man could see in a minute that every waking moment not spent on defense SHOULD have been spent on REAL economic development, and not an unfathomable expansion of government and government jobs and government payroll.

It takes a clueless moron to FINALLY get around to “jobs” a year too late.

The continuing stupidity of trying terrorists in criminal court, the fantasy foreign policy (How’s that “outstretched open hand” crap working for you?) ending DADT in the middle of a war….

The crippling political loses democrats have suffered and the blame Bush syndrome infesting democrat political leadership… all essentially without acknowledgment or impact.

Failing to include Republicans… closed door meetings… campaign promises over C-Span cameras that were campaign lies. Ham-handed unforced errors… basic incompetence and a lack of responsiveness frightening in dimension.

I have no confidence that the president can either recognize our problems not adequately respond to them. And I am always guided by the over-arching concept that as government expands, our liberties contract.

Someone, far wiser than I, once observed that government governs best when it governs least. And that’s not what we’re confronted with here… here, when we need it most.

>Firing Caldera doesn’t let you off the hook.

May 8, 2009

Mr. President, a few days ago It was suggested that someone needed to be fired for the Scare Force One NYC flyover.

When I read that, I had earnestly hoped that YOU would take responsibility for yet another domestic debacle, and that YOU would resign, sparing us the continued agony of your tenure as President.

Sadly, it was not to be. However, the sacrifice of former Secretary of the Army (Under Clinton) Louis Caldera, one in a series of your clueless appointments, certainly doesn’t clear you of responsibility for your stupidity.

You screwed up by politicizing the White House Military Office; you screwed up by putting Caldera in charge of it, instead of a military Flag Officer, and then YOU allowed the people of downtown New York to be terrified as YOU wasted over $300,000 for a picture that will forever shame you; a picture that COULD have been photo shopped for a buck.

Mr. President, your unforced errors are continuing to frighten those of us who actually pay attention to what you do instead of how you look. PLEASE get someone in there with at least a modicum of competence before someone who can REALLY hurt this Nation gives it a shot.

New York Post

Friday, May 08, 2009
Last Update: 04:55 PM EDT




May 8, 2009
Posted: 3:54 pm
May 8, 2009

WASHINGTON — A top White House aide resigned today for his role in Air Force One’s $328,835 photo-op flyover above New York City that sparked panic and flashbacks to the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. His resignation was made public at the same time the photo of the flyover was released by the White House.

Louis Caldera said the controversy had made it impossible for him to effectively lead the White House Military Office. “Moreover, it has become a distraction in the important work you are doing as president,” Caldera said in his resignation letter to President Barack Obama.

The sight of the huge passenger jet and an F-16 fighter plane flying past the Statue of Liberty and the lower Manhattan financial district sent panicked office workers streaming into the streets on April 27. Obama said it would not happen again.

Caldera’s office approved the photo-op, which cost $35,000 in fuel alone for the plane and two jet fighter escorts. The Air Force estimated the photo shoot cost taxpayers $328,835.

White House officials said the flight was designed to update the official photo of the plane, known as Air Force One when the president is aboard. The White House released a photo of the blue-and-white plane high above the Statue of Liberty, with New Jersey in the background.


>More Obama political tone-deafness: Picking Panetta for CIA, and not bringing democrat Senators in on it?

January 6, 2009

>First and foremost, I don’t for one minute believe that Leon Panetta is any more qualified to run the CIA than Mr. Obama is qualified to run the United States: that is, not at all.

For the last 8 years, the democrat party has been whining and sniveling about the politication of the CIA. So, what does the newly-elected President do?

Makes a political appointment.

So… if it was wrong for Bush to “politicize” this appointment… then why is it right for Obama to do so? Outside the rank hypocrisy of the left, I mean?

Mr. Panetta is by everything I’ve seen, an experienced, intelligent individual. But so am I. And in reality, I believe my Armored Reconnaissance training gives me the edge over Mr. Panetta when it comes to gathering intelligence.

That said, neither of us are qualified to run the CIA, period. Mr. Obama’s ineptitude, amply illustrated by his fumbling of the Blagoball; the screwing up of the Richardson appointment, and now this POLITICAL APPOINTMENT so whacked and mismanaged that he’s even pissed off his own senators… not to mention his continuing and moronic silence on the Middle East; reaches new heights by appointing someone with absolutely no knowledge or experience about running arguably the most important intelligence agency on the planet… much like, come to think of it, this Nation’s kool-aid drinkers elected someone with absolutely no knowledge or experience to run the most important country on the planet.

At least Mr. Obama is consistent. But in this case, that’s not a good thing.

Obama apologizes to Feinstein for his CIA surprise

Jan 6 04:56 PM US/Eastern
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Obama Picks Clinton Chief Of Staff Panetta To Head CIA

WASHINGTON (AP) – Sen. Dianne Feinstein said Tuesday that President-elect Barack Obama apologized to her for not notifying her ahead of time that Leon Panetta was his pick for CIA director.

His name leaked to the press before Obama informed Feinstein, a California Democrat and incoming Senate Intelligence Committee chairman, who will oversee Panetta’s nomination hearing.

“I have been contacted by both President-elect Obama and Vice President-elect Biden, and they have explained to me the reasons why they believe Leon Panetta is the best candidate for CIA Director,” she said.

Feinstein complained Monday she had not been told about Panetta and expressed doubts he has the necessary experience.

There was no immediate comment from the Obama team, which has made no formal announcement of the CIA pick.
