Archive for the ‘Jon Russell’ category

>Kampe campaign: mud slinging from the start.

September 22, 2010

With roughly 6 weeks to go until Dennis Kampe joins the long list of failed democrat candidates, his campaign, unfortunately, has already started the mud-slinging contest so reminiscent of the Jon Russell campaign.

Russell, who has publicly endorsed Rivers while privately supporting Kampe, who Kampe has described as his “good friend and political adviser,” ran one of the most underhanded, filthy, inaccurate and flat out lying campaigns it has been my displeasure to witness.

Well, here’s your sign: stick to issues, Dennis.

Look, I know you’re a democrat with both hands tied behind your back: first, as I said, you’re a democrat. In the 18th, that means you’re in the wrong party in a year where democrats have become the political equivalent of child molesters due to their demand for tax increases in the middle of a recession, their kow-towing to union thuggery, their out of control spending, their efforts to bury this nation under a horrific mountain of debt, their failed economic strategies that screw the tax payer and their corruption and incompetence at the top.

Your second hand tied behind your back is your positions.

You support the bridge. You support light rail. You support a state income tax. You oppose privatization of liquor stores and any other government function.

So, you go so far as to attack Ann Rivers directly instead of talk about the issues… because, of course, you know you can’t win on the issues.

“The voters of the 18th Legislative District have an important choice to make this November. Some people seem impressed that Ann Rivers already has plans. But are these plans that have been informed by her time lobbying for special interests?”

This is an excerpt from a canned Kampe campaign letter directly from Kampe’s campaign organization that was farmed out to get someone who has no clue to sign it and send it in to a newspaper. (As a general rule, any letter that sounds like campaign talking points is, well, campaign talking points.) It is precisely the same thing that Jon Russell did, talking about precisely the same subjects.

And I’m surprised by all of this, given that Dennis now seems to be reduced to Russell’s talking points… in this case, attacking a school district as a “special interest.”

Of course, as a union leftist school administrator, Kampe wouldn’t know anything about “special interests.”

Would he?

So, here’s the deal: stick to the issues. That way, when this is over and you get flattened, you’ll at least have some shred of integrity intact.

Cross posted on 18th District View and Jon Russell Watch.

>Memo for Jon Russell:The Code of Geddes

September 19, 2010


As most readers know, Jon Russell ran (badly) for both Congress and the state House. In running, he forgot a few things that resulted in continued lies and exaggeration, character assassination and a generally despicable campaign that wound up with the inevitable result: he got clobbered.

Well, here’s a few rules that Jon SHOULD have lived by and remembered. Had he done so, the outcome might have been much different.

1. A degree or lack of it doesn’t mean a thing: it’s what you can do/bring to the team and the ideas you have that count, not a piece of paper.

2. Once a member of the team, you are a member for as long as you want to be.

3. Credit doesn’t matter, only results. Try to be sure that credit is given where it is due, but if you can share a bit with others, it adds and does not subtract. Be sure to credit all members of the team.

4. Ideas are great, but cheap; results are what count, and are truly valuable.

5. Identifying and treating a symptom of a problem is good, but identifying and treating the root problem (medical or otherwise) is best.

6. If you are not trying to better the human condition, why are you bothering to do what you do?

7. Always look on the bright side, and try to find something good to say about anyone.

These rules, extrapolated by an employee of Purdue University (Now working as an independent contractor) are rules that anyone seeking office should live by. Russell, of course, is incapable of such things, since it’s all about him.

Yes, he should take these rules to heart. It might stop him from leaving his death wishes for me in the comments sections of these blogs.

It might.

But it probably won’t.

Cross posted at Jon Russell Watch.

>I’m hearing it: throwing a tantrum, Jon Russell is supporting Dennis Kampe.

September 4, 2010

Showing his true colors… again… Jon Russell is picking up his football and going home with it, so to speak.

I’ve heard from a variety of GOP sources that “Republican” Jon Russell is working to get Dennis Kampe elected to the position of State Representative in the 18th District to replace Jaime Herrera in the open seat.

I’d heard rumors to that effect when I asked the rhetorical question, when is Russell going to endorse Rivers?

I admit I cheated when I asked the question. I already knew Russell was acting like a punk, and that he was going to support a fellow democrat for the position, meaning that I knew the answer to the question was “never,” even while I was asking it.

To Russell, it’s all about him. Screw those delusional enough to have voted for him because he’s allegedly a “Republican;” he’s going to do everything he can to get a democrat elected… like a spoiled, rotten brat.

Well, there you have it. Russell is actively working to get a democrat elected because he’s playing the role of “victim.” He’s pouting in a way he wouldn’t put up with if his 4 year old was doing it.

And the irony out of all of this is that Kampe is giddy… because he hasn’t figured it out.

Russell wants Kampe to win so he can run against him in 2012. Period.

Does Kampe know that?

Russell thinks he can keep his abysmal political career alive only if he can target Kampe.

He knows that Rivers would flatten him… again… if he were stupid enough to go after her as an incumbent in the 2012 primary.

So, while Dennis may believe that Russell actually DOES support him, what Russell REALLY supports is his ability to run again in 2012. And Kampe winning is the only realistic way for Russell to get there.

Of course, Russell apparently doesn’t realize that his multiple lies, exaggerations and public support of a democrat has killed his political future, so even if this fantasy were ever to see the light of day, Russell would still be unfit for political office… and he would still… lose.

Cross posted at Jon Russell Watch.

>So, the question’s been asked: "Why keep hammering on Russell?"

September 4, 2010

Fair enough.

First, Russell is still elected to something. That’s not really acceptable to me, so keeping the people informed as to what he’s all about and what he’s doing is part of what this blog is about.

Second, had Russell lied about his education in Oregon, he’d be facing the same kind of difficulty the now former mayor of West Linn is under scrutiny for. Since I was the public source of the allegations, the paper buried it even when they found out they were true, instead of “holding him accountable.”

He would have faced arrest, investigation and the essentially forced resignation from the Washougal city council that he so richly deserves. Does anyone believe that Russell, who ran for the city council even while still running for Congress, would have been elected had the voters there knew he had lied about his education and, for example, the nonsense about his wife being a doctor?

Third, Russell is now supporting a democrat in the 18th District.

Instead of endorsing the top vote-getting Republican, he’s working to help Dennis Kampe get elected in the 18th.

Considering what his chief weasel, Gary Wiram had his panties up in such a bunch over the nonsensical allegations that Rivers was a democrat that Jon Russell (TeacherJudyBanks) would actually BE a democrat is kind of beyond the pail.

Russell is, allegedly, a staunch Christian. He waves his Bible around like a flag, and many people actually believe it.

But the major hallmark of a Christian is the ability to forgive. And while nothing I’ve written or said about Russell has been anything but the truth as I understand it, Russell sees himself blameless and a victim… the hallmarks of the leftist democrat. Otherwise, he would have already come out in support of Rivers, recognizing that he was just beaten by the superior candidate.

I will not, as others have suggested, apologize to Russell for anything I’ve said or done, particularly since I warned him ahead of time that if he ran, I would bring out the truth about him to as many people as possible.

“It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit.” –British playwright Noel Coward (1899-1973) (Thanks to Dave S)

People are shocked at my honesty… and pay no attention to Russell’s deceit.

For Russell, his options are simple: He can continue on as he is, knowing that every political thing he does will be subjected to examination or discussion on this blog.

Or he can resign, before the recall gets up and running and he’s invited to leave.

Meanwhile, the coverage continues. But as long as Russell is in politics, I’m going to be here.

Cross posted on Jon Russell Watch.

>"Guilt by Association?" The wierdness zone, Jon Russell and Steve "Cold Hard Cash" Stuart.

August 30, 2010

So, Steve “Unmarked Bills” Stuart was out and about today. And what was he doing?

He, Stuart, was PERSONALLY taking his 4×8’S off Russell’s 4X8 frames, removing Russell’s signs, and then replacing them with the signs he’d screwed on directly over the top Russell’s as shown in the post below.

How weird.

Of course, I’m sure Stuart’s had a few questions to answer just like Russell over his strange bed fellows.

How sad is it that Russell is so screwed up that he’s given his locations and his wood to a fringe left democrat like Stuart, instead of Alan Svehaug, Stuart’s GOP challenger?

And how sad is it for Stuart that he can’t use his own wood and put up his own signs?

But to take Russell’s signs down… and then put his own back up using Russell’s wood, as if none of this had happened?

That is totally bizarre.

Note the Svehaug 4X8 attached to what had formerly been a Republican sign. Note the obvious signs of removal and re-attachment on Stuart’s 4X8.

Why didn’t Russell invite Svehaug instead of Stuart to use his sign locations and frames?

Inquiring minds want to know.

And Steve… Jon… I’ve got people everywhere.

Cross posted on Jon Russell Watch.

>Russell can’t help himself: resurrects his "alexisclassic" identity on the Columbian.

August 11, 2010

One of the problems about displaying psychopathic tendencies is that those so afflicted can’t help what they do. They’re confronted by a reality they distort, such as Jon Russell lying to the 18th District PCO’s about his education, how much money he had raised and that his wife was a “physician,” all while I was sitting there, watching and listening to him do it.

What did Russell think I was going to do when he lied directly in front of me… nothing?

So, Russell, fully outed over his fake “teacherjudybanks identity is left to use his fake “alexisclassic” identity to attack me and Rivers once again.

Look, dude, I get that I’ve knocked you so far off message that it can’t even be piped into you with an oil drilling rig.

But this verbal beating on a woman that you so specialize in?

That might work in your house, but it ain’t gonna work here.

But that’s OK, Jon. in a few days, you’ll begin the spiral into the obscurity you so richly deserve.


Cross posted on Jaime Herrera Watch.

>Creating Distance From A Problem: Jon Russell kicks "teacherjudybanks and alexisclassic to the curb."

August 10, 2010

Ultimately, we observed the sun set on Jon Russell’s political career yesterday with his actions confirming that he had set up not one but two fake identities designed with two purposes in mind: To pump up Jon Russell and to bash Ann Rivers and myself.

The moment he was confronted by the facts of the matter, he immediately set about to cover up his tracks. As described below, the fake Jon Russell posted as Judy Banks on his own facebook page, and then immediately answered himself.

The only way that could have possibly worked is if Russell had been on his page at the exact same time “Judy Banks” posted. And how likely is that?

Confirming that he and Banks are the same person happened the moment Russell removed the post and his response to it, screen captured here, both from his facebook page and the “Banks” Facebook page.

When I looked at Banks’ friends list, it seemed kind of strange that it appears none of them were either local or family. Doesn’t everyone on facebook have local friends and family?

And those friends listed… a claimed member of the democratic national committee, and the gay rights front group the Human Rights Campaign?

How likely is it that a devotee of Russell would have friends like that?

So, what happened is that Russell kicked that identity to the curb, along with his other Columbian sock puppet, “alexisclassic.”

“Alexisclassic” managed to sign up the same day as “teacherjudybanks.” That identity also managed to post the same way, on the same subjects; specifically, to support Russell and to attack me.

The moment I tagged Russell with using the “teacherjudybanks” identity, it disappeared from the radar screen. “alexisclassic?” Same thing.

The nature of the attacks Russell used were despicable, disgusting and offensive. They do show the true Russell, of course, but it’s the faux Russell running for office.

Russell cannot win, now. And clearly, he is a disturbed individual who needs help.

It would be best for all concerned if he would withdraw from this campaign and resign from the Washougal City Council before he faces… and loses, an upcoming recall election I started hearing about today.

He needs to focus on his family, and healing, and getting the help he needs to become the same person on the outside that e is on the inside… whatever that may be.

Cross posted on Jon Russell Watch.

>So, Russellians commenting here claim I have no "proof" of the Russell-sockpuppet connection.

August 10, 2010

(NOTE: This has been updated here:)

For some people, a video of Russell typing in the actual words wouldn’t suffice as “proof.”

Here’s what I’ve got:

A fairly convincing timeline and Russell’s own actions in this matter would, I believe, cause any reasonable person to conclude that Russell is, in fact, “teacherjudybanks” AND “alexisclassic.”

The teacherjudybanks timeline:

1. “teacherjudybanks” registers and starts posting on the 28th of July.

2. The 28th of July just happens to be the day the ballots start to hit.

3. “teacherjudybanks” then proceeds to engage in a vitriolic and filthy series of lies and innuendo, including comparing the cost of a “corridor” Russell wants to build with the cost of another blogger’s viagra.

4. A review of “TJB’s” posts all show one recurring theme: Pro-Russell, and almost violently anti-Hinton with a splatter aimed at Rivers.

5. This persona comments on, or about, absolutely nothing else.

6. Then, suddenly out of nowhere, “Judy Banks” comments on Russell’s Facebook page about the terrible things “Ann Rivers is doing to him.”

7. Russell replies at the same time, based on the Facebook record screen-captured below. Ever seeking to polish his facade of “Christian,” Russell replies “Thanks, Judy. Remember, we don’t battle against flesh and blood. Pray for them.”

8. There are, of course, no coincidences in politics.

9. I look at “Judy Banks” friends on her Facebook page, and discover a collection of fringe left types, including a claimed democrat national committee member and at least one gay rights group friend on the list. I think to myself: why would anyone with friends like this want to do anything but drive over Russell with a bus?

10. I smell a rat. With 6 years of experience with Russell, I begin to detect his typically underhanded politics.

11. I decide to go for the shot in the dark. I call Russell out… here on this blog and on CCP, and I accuse him of being “teacherjudybanks” and “Judy Banks,” facebook persona.

12. Next morning, Russell, who is a faithful follower of this blog, has made any mention of the “Judy Banks” persona disappear from his Facebook page.

13. Equally, there is no mention on the “Judy Banks” Facebook page that Banks posted anything on Russell’s “Wall.” In short, visually and on the surface, there is no proof that Banks ever posted anything on Russell’s campaign Wall. It’s simply… vaporized. In fact, if I hadn’t anticipated Russell’s actions (he is rather predictable) by getting a screen capture of all of this, there’d be no evidence of a “teacherjudybanks” – Russell facebook connection at all.

14. Further, “teacherjudybanks” seems to have fallen silent on the newspaper website.

15. That, of course, brings us to “alexisclassic,” another pro-Russell, anti-Hinton scum-spreader.

16. Records indicate that this “alexisclassic” person registered at the same time as “teacherjudybanks.”

17. I pointed out the similarities of the two personas. Of note is that the “teacherjudybanks” persona immediately stopped posting on the Columbian web site, but believing he hadn’t been figured out, Russell, using the “alexisclassic” identity did one last slash and burn attack.

18. I posted the similarities between the two, and I tied Russell to both.

19. “alexisclassic” hasn’t posted since.

So, there you have it. Two very outspoken and opinionated identities, suddenly silent. One completely vaporized off Russell’s Facebook campaign Wall, as is any mention of her posting to that Wall from “her” own Facebook page.

If these identities were real, would they just go away, quietly, into that dark night?

Would they just suddenly stop posting? Would Russell have removed any mention of Judy Banks from his Facebook page if Banks were real?

Of course not.

But instead, he panicked and tried to cover his tracks… and I caught him.

While this case is completely circumstantial, it is more than enough to convict.

So, for those of you reading this who don’t believe I have “proof” of anything, feel free to keep thinking that. But then, short of a confession… the kind of confession this “Godly” man, who had been “changed” by the “birth of his daughters” told me he had undergone… SHOULD be publicly making to take responsibility for his actions… many of his supporters would refuse to believe how badly they had been taken in by this huckster, and not accept ANY evidence.

What you, the reader, believe or don’t believe is up to you. But the facts speak for themselves, and there’s only a few available conclusions.

Cross posted at Jon Russell Watch.

>My FAVORITE quotes from Jon Russell…

August 9, 2010

>Posing in the comments section of various Columbian articles as “teacherjudybanks.”

In reply to Vietnam Veteran and conservative blogger Lew Waters who asked:

Does Jon Russell say how much this “tourism corridor” is going to cost taxpayers to create and where the money will come from?

Russell wrote:

Endorsements in the 18th

Lew the cooridor probably cost the same amount as your viagra each month.

August 6, 2010 at 1:46 p.m. ( | suggest removal )

Here’s some more lies by Russell, masquarading as “teacherjudybanks.”

18th District candidates take ‘right’ approach

Oh and I will repreat again. Ned Dryerson is Ann Rivers campaign manager Kelly Hinton. You can’t hide the fat nasty behind any fake name.

August 6, 2010 at 1:21 p.m. ( | suggest removal )

18th District candidates take ‘right’ approach

For Ann Rivers being the supposed front runner, its funny how all you losers are taking on Russell. She may have the special interest/democrat money but she has no support at home.

August 6, 2010 at 1:20 p.m. ( | suggest removal )

Washougal council pelted with opinions on immigration law

Oh Ned Dryerson AKA Kelly Hinton, Ann River’s campaign manager. Please give us all a break from your nonsense.

August 4, 2010 at 10:12 a.m. ( | suggest removal )

In Our View: Cheers & Jeers

LB is all about situational ethics.

August 7, 2010 at 2:03 p.m. ( | suggest removal )

Mystery surrounds suspension of GOP Senate aide Hinton

This Kelly Hinton Guy is a dirtbag. So is anyone associated with him.

August 7, 2010 at 8:05 a.m. ( | suggest removal )

Sprawling 18th District yields crowded ballot for House seat

Kelly Hinton was fired from the State Legislature and helped Ann Rivers lie to the Battle Ground school board about being a lobbyist. Kelly Hinton AKA Striker has no room to talk. Kelly how does it feel to be Joe King’s Bitch.

teacherjudybanks — July 30, 2010 at 7:48 a.m. ( | suggest removal )

Sprawling 18th District yields crowded ballot for House seat

Striker sounds like a broken record. Truth is that Jon successfully led the charge to force the Mayors resignation from office when there was no doubt in his mind that she had falsified documents detailing the revenue from the events she had put on for the city. This type of abuse of power as was demonstrated in Washougal permeates Olympia. We need Jon in Olympia.

teacherjudybanks — July 28, 2010 at 12:47 p.m. ( | suggest removal )

Sprawling 18th District yields crowded ballot for House seat

Uhmm Striker/choice same person. Jon has no problem with Medicare or medicaid, he wants to cut out the abuse by having a co-pay required. You know skin in the game! Sounds like you are pretty liberal, maybe you should not vote in this race. You seem to support corruption, medicare & medicaid abuse, and high property taxes.

teacherjudybanks — July 28, 2010 at 1:04 p.m. ( | suggest removal )

Guilt by association?

dont know much about Hinton he looks like an ok guy in a village people type of way, but I am concerned about this article. What kind of person (RIVERS) would be friends or even work with someone like this guy?

teacherjudybanks — July 31, 2010 at 8:29 a.m. ( | suggest removal )

You get the gist of it, of course.

It’s not just that Russell would actually make up a fake identity to spew sewage of the type allegedly objected to by the paper.

Its that someone who could write:

“Remember, we don’t battle against flesh and blood. Pray for them”

could POSSIBLY show their true selves under the cloak of anonymity.

Isn’t true character and integrity based on the entire concept of what we do when no one is looking?

Cross posted on Jon Russell Watch.

>So.. is Columbian commentor "alexisclassic" ANOTHER Russell sock puppet?

August 9, 2010


As I pretty much established below, it seems that Jon Russell is so angry and frustrated by his inability to successfully campaign, or get support, or funding… that he’s kind of left to making people up.

It sure seems, based on the evidence, that “teacherjudybanks” is a Russellian sock puppet.

Can the same be said for “alexisclassic?” Let’s take a look, shall we?

Russell, I mean, “teacherjudybanks,” registered on July 28th.

Oddly, “alexisclassic” registered on, you guessed it, July 28th.

ANOTHER coincidence?

“teacherjudybanks” writes a certain way, using the same kind of verbiage as, well, “alexisclassic.”

Earlier today, I killed off the “teacherjudybanks” sock puppet, so Russell, apparently somewhat angry I “outed” him, resorted to using the “alexisclassic” identity to blast me in a rage once again.

Interesting behavior, that. I’m thinking someone has some rage issues that he needs to get resolved.

Have you considered anger management classes, Jon?

You really should.

Cross posted at Jon Russell Watch.