Archive for the ‘Baier’ category

>Is the President losing it?

March 18, 2010

Yesterday, Bret Baier of yes, FOX News, got in the president’s grill about, essentially, using the Constitution for kindling through the obviously unconstitutional “deeming” procedure to utilize the Soviet-style “lets not, and say we did” dodge to get his horrific “health care reform – student loan” program through.

The presidents desire to self-immolate, along with the rest of the left, is confusing enough. After all, he’s so willing to lie that just the other day, he assured us that if HCR-Student Loans pass, why, we’ll get a 3000% reduction in our healthcare premiums:

First, he never really answered Baier’s questions. Guilty people rarely do.

Second, if Brett Baier can rattle this guy with his thumb on the nuclear button like he did in this interview, then why is he running the show?

Third… what the hell is he talking about? Has he lost his mind?

This guy is scary enough if he’s sane… which was questionable even before this interview. But in this clip, where he references a fictional earthquake in Hawaii in an attempt to justify legislative bribery, he’s coming across as down right nuts.

When you have to lie like he does about the costs and impacts of a bill that no one wants, you know you’re wrong.

People that do things they know to be wrong, particularly on a scale like this, need to be in a cell next to Bernie Madoff. For me, Obama is engaging in his fraud directly in the view of the public. But he’s making Madoff’s $50 billion look like a fender-bender compared to 8 killed in the intersection.

How much is enough?

The number one job of our government is to protect the American people. How is letting this cardboard cutout of a president bankrupt us equate to “protection?”