Archive for the ‘health care lies.’ category

>Ready for a huge new sales tax? leftists to hammer our recovery further with a Value Added Tax.

April 10, 2010

AKA the “VAT,” it’s a charming little economy crippling number that will top each of the ACORN-in-Chief’s myriad lies about those of us earning below $250,000 will not seeing our taxes go up “one dime,” since they’d go up, perhaps, thousands of dimes in a given year.

I spent 6 years and 3 months in a charming locale possessed of this kind of nonsense known as “Germany.” Social programs of all types, post-war guilt in spades. But a model for THIS country?

I think not.

So, here we have it. A crippled economy; massive (Being an understatement) debt, a business sector staggering under the horrific impacts of the clueless moron running the show, and now a crippling, regressive lie of a tax on top of everything else.

Killing this nation’s economy. Enslaving untold generations.

Is this the “Hope” and “Change” you were looking for?

>Apparently, Obama has yet to understand: "Brevity is the soul of wit."

April 4, 2010

Bill Shakespeare’s timeless observation from Hamlet, way back in 1602 applies as much today as it did 400 years ago.

When you’ve surrounded yourself with yes men, yes women and sycophants, you rarely here the word “no.” It’s fairly clear, based on his disastrous administration to date, that no one has the testicular fortitude to stand up to him and say something like, “Uh, Mr. president, excuse me, but is the destruction of our economy REALLY what you want to be known for?”

So, when taken to task a few days ago in a surprisingly poorly prepped (Typically, Obama’s public appearances are scripted to the “n’th” degree, so people like the woman in this article aren’t allowed within 5 miles of The One, because once you take this clown off the teleprompter, it’s all over.

Obama’s 17-minute, 2,500-word response to woman’s claim of being ‘over-taxed’

By Anne E. Kornblut

CHARLOTTE – Even by President Obama’s loquacious standards, an answer he gave here on health care Friday was a doozy.

Toward the end of a question-and-answer session with workers at an advanced battery technology manufacturer, a woman named Doris stood to ask the president whether it was a “wise decision to add more taxes to us with the health care” package.

“We are over-taxed as it is,” Doris said bluntly.

Obama started out feisty. “Well, let’s talk about that, because this is an area where there’s been just a whole lot of misinformation, and I’m going to have to work hard over the next several months to clean up a lot of the misapprehensions that people have,” the president said.

He then spent the next 17 minutes and 12 seconds lulling the crowd into a daze. His discursive answer – more than 2,500 words long — wandered from topic to topic, including commentary on the deficit, pay-as-you-go rules passed by Congress, Congressional Budget Office reports on Medicare waste, COBRA coverage, the Recovery Act and Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (he referred to this last item by its inside-the-Beltway name, “F-Map”). He talked about the notion of eliminating foreign aid (not worth it, he said). He invoked Warren Buffett, earmarks and the payroll tax that funds Medicare (referring to it, in fluent Washington lingo, as “FICA”).

Always fond of lists, Obama ticked off his approach to health care — twice. “Number one is that we are the only — we have been, up until last week, the only advanced country that allows 50 million of its citizens to not have any health insurance,” he said.

The problem for Obama, of course, is that he’s a total liar, not to be believed.

In areas as far ranging as his opposition to the wildly successful surge in Iraq, to his fantasy 8% unemployment ceiling if only the porkulous would be passed, to his complete lies about lobbyists in his administration to his lies about the taxes of those of us making less than $250,000 to his lies about this monumental waste of trillions on health care (Notice how the number of those “uninsured” seems to keep climbing? Why, back in the day, it used to be 35 million. Now, all of a sudden, he’s lying about it by saying the number is 50 million.)

The reason his lying is at issue is because one of the things liars do when they attempt to explain, is they talk… and they talk… and they talk…

Over the years, how many times have we heard that if you can’t “dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”

HCR/SL (Health Care Reform/Student Loans) is a socialist, wealth redistribution garbage heap. It is a crap pile of horrific proportion. Obama knows this, and evidence that he knows it is in this term-paper response to a simple and true observation by a woman named Doris, who accurately proclaimed that “We are over-taxed as it is.”

Back in college, studying communism, it became clear that one of that system’s many fundamental flaws was a failure to take into account human nature.

In a totalitarian society of the variety Obama is implementing, again we see that fundamental flaw overlooked.

Human nature typically is that when one works the hardest, one should receive the most in return for that work. It is that X Factor as to why some of us strive towards excellence.

Under the Obama regime, effort is not rewarded. Everyone who isn’t “rich” is a victim of those who are, and those who are somehow become responsible, directly, through income redistribution, for those who are not.

I am reaonably well off. But I certainly haven’t always been so. As a product of the welfare state, I used the military to pay for my education, and I have managed rather well for the past several years consulting on business and political projects that have become righter than they are wrong.

So, even in a down economy like this, the checks keep coming.

I have roughed out some plans for expansion of my business, since at some point, I want to not be working out of a home office.

But lately, I’ve been asking myself: Why should I? Why should I take the risk? Why should I bust my ass to fatten the socialist wallet?

That’s the question I would love to put, directly, to the empty suited, anti-American, racist bigot currently occupying the White House.

I bet I’d get a hell of a lot more than 2500 words out of that clown now.

>All of Obama’s broken promises to date.

March 29, 2010

I used to blog about the manifold number of lies by the empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot that is our president, but frankly, THAT became a full time gig because his idiocy was so omni-present, and his communications plan was so full of lies that even his teleprompter revolted.

Monday, March 29, 2010


A Long Post: The Complete List of Obama Statement Expiration Dates

By popular demand, a comprehensive list of expired Obama statements…


STATEMENT: “We’ve got a philosophical difference, which we’ve debated repeatedly, and that is that Senator Clinton believes the only way to achieve universal health care is to force everybody to purchase it. And my belief is, the reason that people don’t have it is not because they don’t want it but because they can’t afford it.” Barack Obama, speaking at a Democratic presidential debate, February 21, 2008.

EXPIRATION DATE: On March 23, 2010, Obama signed the individual mandate into law.


STATEMENT: “These negotiations will be on C-SPAN, and so the public will be part of the conversation and will see the decisions that are being made.” January 20, 2008, and seven other times.

EXPIRATION DATE: Throughout the summer, fall, and winter of 2009 and 2010; when John McCain asked about it during the health care summit February 26, Obama dismissed the issue by declaring, “the campaign is over, John.”


STATEMENT: “No family making less than $250,000 will see any form of tax increase.” (multiple times on the campaign trail)

EXPIRATION DATE: Broken multiple times, including the raised taxes on tobacco, a new tax on indoor tanning salons, but most prominently on February 11, 2010: “President Barack Obama said he is “agnostic” about raising taxes on households making less than $250,000 as part of a broad effort to rein in the budget deficit.”


STATEMENT: Then-Senator Obama declared that a recess appointment is “damaged goods” and has “less credibility” than a normal appointment. August 25, 2005.

EXPIRATION DATE: March 27, 2010: “If, in the interest of scoring political points, Republicans in the Senate refuse to exercise that responsibility, I must act in the interest of the American people and exercise my authority to fill these positions on an interim basis.”


STATEMENT: “We need tougher border security, and a renewed focus on busting up gangs and traffickers crossing our border. . . . That begins at home, with comprehensive immigration reform. That means securing our border and passing tough employer enforcement laws.” then-candidate Obama, discussing the need for border security, speaking in Miami on May 23, 2008:

EXPIRATION DATE: March 17, 2010: The Obama administration halted new work on a “virtual fence” on the U.S.-Mexican border, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced Tuesday, diverting $50 million in planned economic stimulus funds for the project to other purposes.


STATEMENT: Executive Order stating, “The detention facilities at Guantánamo for individuals covered by this order shall be closed as soon as practicable, and no later than one year from the date of this order.” January 22, 2009.

EXPIRATION DATE: November 19, 2010: “Guantánamo, we had a specific deadline that was missed.”


STATEMENT: “Somebody like Khalid Sheik Mohammad is gonna get basically, a full military trial with all the bells and whistles.” September 27, 2006

EXPIRATION DATE: Ongoing. “President Obama is planning to insert himself into the debate about where to try the accused mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, three administration officials said Thursday, signaling a recognition that the administration had mishandled the process and triggered a political backlash. Obama initially had asked Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to choose the site of the trial in an effort to maintain an independent Justice Department. But the White House has been taken aback by the intense criticism from political opponents and local officials of Holder’s decision to try Khalid Sheik Mohammed in a civilian courtroom in New York.”

There are many, many more located here at National Review Online.

>So, it looks like the American people ain’t drinkin’ the Obama Kool Aid.

March 28, 2010

Speaks for itself.

Democrats, in the next election, I’d be afraid.

Very, afraid.,Favor&phone=&ivr=&internet=&mail=&smoothing=&from_date=&to_date=&min_pct=&max_pct=&grid=&points=&trends=&lines=&colors=Favor-000000,Oppose-BF0014,Undecided-A69A37,NoOpinion-68228B&e=1

>Many thanks for Attorney General Rob McKenna’s challenge to Soviet-style healthcare.

March 23, 2010

Congratulations to Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna who is going to go forward with legal challenges to put a stop to Obama’s socialized medicine plan.

As previously mentioned here, I will not buy government mandated health care insurance; I will not pay fines; I will not send the IRS more money to pay for it.

In short, if they want me, they’re going to have to come and get me.

McKenna, being the only elected official speaking for the people statewide, has bitch-slapped our worthless waste of skin governor, who has thrown her own hissy fit because Rob didn’t get what amounts to her permission to sue… not that he needed it.

Gregoire, to our shame our current governor and a former AG herself, obviously knew before she threw her tantrum that McKenna could do whatever he wished here, with or without her support.

And in response to your moronic question that you’re so clueless that you don’t know “who he represents,” I would offer this:

He represents the vast majority of us who do not want this. He represents those of us who view the Constitution as something more then an a series of suggestions.

McKenna is right. The worst that can happen is that he loses. But if he wins, then that means the moron running this state would have cheerfully wanted us to live under unconstitutional laws that SHE supports. And to that, I say: drop dead.

>Is the President losing it?

March 18, 2010

Yesterday, Bret Baier of yes, FOX News, got in the president’s grill about, essentially, using the Constitution for kindling through the obviously unconstitutional “deeming” procedure to utilize the Soviet-style “lets not, and say we did” dodge to get his horrific “health care reform – student loan” program through.

The presidents desire to self-immolate, along with the rest of the left, is confusing enough. After all, he’s so willing to lie that just the other day, he assured us that if HCR-Student Loans pass, why, we’ll get a 3000% reduction in our healthcare premiums:

First, he never really answered Baier’s questions. Guilty people rarely do.

Second, if Brett Baier can rattle this guy with his thumb on the nuclear button like he did in this interview, then why is he running the show?

Third… what the hell is he talking about? Has he lost his mind?

This guy is scary enough if he’s sane… which was questionable even before this interview. But in this clip, where he references a fictional earthquake in Hawaii in an attempt to justify legislative bribery, he’s coming across as down right nuts.

When you have to lie like he does about the costs and impacts of a bill that no one wants, you know you’re wrong.

People that do things they know to be wrong, particularly on a scale like this, need to be in a cell next to Bernie Madoff. For me, Obama is engaging in his fraud directly in the view of the public. But he’s making Madoff’s $50 billion look like a fender-bender compared to 8 killed in the intersection.

How much is enough?

The number one job of our government is to protect the American people. How is letting this cardboard cutout of a president bankrupt us equate to “protection?”

>Herrera votes to expand Insurance Commissioner’s arbitrary powers.

January 23, 2010

In keeping with a political philosophy that makes her a “friend to organized labor,” Jaime Herrera voted to expand the Insurance Commissioner’s powers, working to enable him to arbitrarily set health care insurance rates.

Here’s what Kreidler has to say about a bill increasing his authority at a time when we need LESS government authority and power… not more… particularly when that commissioner is infested with Bush Derangement Syndrome.

“Consumers who purchase their own health insurance can rest easier today knowing someone is watching over the shoulder of the health plans,” said Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler. “For eight years, anyone who purchased their own health insurance had to take the word of the health insurers on blind faith. Under the new law, consumers will know that someone took a careful look and made sure that the rate they’re charged is justified.”

How can Herrera support this expansion of government powers? How can Herrera weaken the private sector even more, while letting government bureaucrats interfere in the free market that is SUPPOSED to be the hallmark of conservatism?

If she will take such a vote here, why wouldn’t she vote like this at the federal level?  How would she stand up to Pelosi’s socialist health care agenda?

Given her support of ACORN/SEIU bills in the recent past, does anyone think that she represents the people and the true values of the 3rd Congressional District?

FINAL BILL REPORT    ESSB 5261   C 303 L 08

Synopsis as Enacted

Brief Description: Granting the insurance commissioner the authority to review individual health benefit plan rates.

Summary: The Insurance Commissioner may disapprove rates for the individual market if the rates are unreasonable in relation to the benefits provided.

(Guess who decides if they are ‘unreasonable’ rates? Doesn’t this sound a lot like the authority Congress is trying to take over insurers?) Link to bill report:

Cross posted at Jaime Herrera Watch.

>From the "No Lie Empty Suit Obama" won’t tell file: AP sources: Obama OKs taxing high-end health plans

January 7, 2010

You remember it, don’t you?

So, now, what is our empty-suited, hypocritical, anti-American racist bigor ACORN in Chief going to do?

AP sources: Obama OKs taxing high-end health plans

By ERICA WERNER, Associated Press Writer Erica Werner, Associated Press Writer Wed Jan 6, 6:52 pm ET

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama signaled to House Democratic leaders Wednesday that they’ll have to drop their opposition to taxing high-end health insurance plans to pay for health coverage for millions of uninsured Americans.

In a meeting at the White House, Obama expressed his preference for the insurance tax contained in the Senate’s health overhaul bill, but largely opposed by House Democrats and organized labor, Democratic aides said. The aides spoke on condition of anonymity because the meeting was private.

House Democrats want to raise income taxes on high-income individuals instead and are reluctant to abandon that approach, while recognizing that they will have to bend on that and other issues so that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., can maintain his fragile 60-vote majority support for the bill.

Pelosi and four committee chairmen met with the president Wednesday as they scrambled to resolve differences between sweeping bills passed by the House and Senate. The aim is to finalize legislation revamping the nation’s health care system in time for Obama’s State of the Union address early last month.

Despite the dispute over the payment approach, Pelosi, D-Calif., emerged from the meeting expressing optimism.

“We’ve had a very intense couple of days,” Pelosi said. “After our leadership meeting this morning, our staff engaged with the Senate and the administration staff to review the legislation, suggest legislative language. I think we’re very close to reconciliation.”

Congressional staff members stayed at the White House into the evening to continue work and a conference call of the full House Democratic caucus was scheduled for Thursday.

Barack Obama. He puts the “diss” into “Dishonorable.”
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WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama signaled to House Democratic leaders Wednesday that they’ll have to drop their opposition to taxing high-end health insurance plans to pay for health coverage for millions of uninsured Americans.

In a meeting at the White House, Obama expressed his preference for the insurance tax contained in the Senate’s health overhaul bill, but largely opposed by House Democrats and organized labor, Democratic aides said. The aides spoke on condition of anonymity because the meeting was private.

House Democrats want to raise income taxes on high-income individuals instead and are reluctant to abandon that approach, while recognizing that they will have to bend on that and other issues so that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., can maintain his fragile 60-vote majority support for the bill.

Pelosi and four committee chairmen met with the president Wednesday as they scrambled to resolve differences between sweeping bills passed by the House and Senate. The aim is to finalize legislation revamping the nation’s health care system in time for Obama’s State of the Union address early last month.

>Seen the Health Care negotiations on CSPAN that Candidate Obama promised us?

January 6, 2010

Neither have I.

And that’s the problem when you elect a liar as your leader.

The empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot we elected to the most powerful office on the planet is also a pathological liar.

Just today, for example, Obama’s chief liar, Robert Gibbs, told the assembled press corps that “The CSPAN standard for health care transparency has been met.”

Well, lemmee remind Bobby “Goebbels” Gibbs of what that lying punk he works for actually said:

These kinds of obvious lies and frauds by at the behest of a dull-normal moron, no more prepared or able as president to run the country than he is to perform brain surgery, are at the heart of how he’s turned this Nation into a shambles.

Just one of many problems I have with this waste of skin is his minus credibility quotient.

We should not have to parse what our leader says. We should not have to process his words for lies and truths. Every word he utters should be the same as God’s Own Truth.

When you figure out your leader is a liar, then you have no leader.

And when we’re in our NEXT crisis (which will, under his incompetence, be here soon) we’ll be thinking of his lies when he tells us what’s happened; who’s responsible; and what, if anything, he intends to do about it.

Led by scum. Will we survive it?

HT to Brietbart for the vid.

>In my view Jan 2: More of the usual Columbian idiocy

January 2, 2010

As the largest left wing publication in SW Washington, I get the blind, Kool Aid drinking obedience to the empty suit’s ideas; the lack of critical thinking about his socialist tenets and the dogged determination to portray this disaster as successful… no matter what.

In yet another “Duh!” moment, the erstwhile rag produces this vacuous effort:

Jeers: To America’s broken health care system. Fresh evidence emerged this week when state Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler released new figures showing 43,000 Clark County residents lacked basic health insurance in 2008, and the number will rise to 63,000 next year. That would be 14 percent of all county residents. Statewide, the number of uninsured soon will reach 1 million.

The problem affects more than those unlucky uninsured. Those of us with health plans — and those of us who pay taxes — get stuck paying the bills of those who cannot. At Southwest Washington Medical Center, for example, the cost of charity care went from $3.7 million in 2003 to $26.3 million in 2008. Uncollected medical debt accounted for another $29.7 million in 2008.

It’s not likely that congressional Democrats will deliver the perfect health care reform bill, and many doubt they’ll deliver a bill that is even good enough. What’s undeniable is that our health care system needs to be reformed quickly.

The problem with the words of this “jeer” is this: while a respectable amount of verbiage, they say…. nothing.

First of all, they provide no link to this “report” where, oddly, an insurance commissioner provides a series of numbers that could be as random a stream of consciousness as the nonsensical 8% unemployment ceiling the White House moron assured us of if the porkulous only would pass.

And how did that work for us?

Second, precisely who ARE these “43,000?” Do they include those who don’t’ WANT “health care insurance?” Does that number include those who are illegally here, and therefore are not ENTITLED to “health care insurance?”

Thirdly, (and here’s a bulletin to you from the Columbian who crawl all over my humble effort here on a daily basis) this moronic observation:

The problem affects more than those unlucky uninsured. Those of us with health plans — and those of us who pay taxes — get stuck paying the bills of those who cannot.

I’m sorry… but who is it that is going to get “stuck” paying the bill under the democrat’s socialist plans…. HHHhmmmmmm?


And finally, whoever wrote this garbage offers nothing in the way of addressing this issue. Nothing good… nothing bad…. just, well, nothing.

Anyone can stand on the sidelines and complain. Where this kind of thing matters is where the rubber meets the road: HOW do we address these issues.

For example, why not support the idea that we can buy health care across state lines, like we do car insurance? What about getting out in front of a movement to implement the so-called cafe plans, where the consumer can tailor health care insurance to their specific needs or wants? Cut costs by getting rid of the 50 or so mandates this state shackles it’s consumers with and allow US to decide what WE need.

What we have here is yet another in the unending series of “figures don’t lie, but liars figure” articles our cancer on the community provides in support of their agenda.

Today’s treat was, like so many leftists, long on verbiage and short on substance. And we’ve grown to expect no less from our local waste of trees.