Archive for the ‘Hoffman’ category

>So, what does NY 23 mean to the fringe right?

November 4, 2009

Look, like most people to the right of Lenin, I opposed the candidacy of Dede in the 23rd.

Like most mainstreamers, she was a democrat who had found it politically expedient to run as a fake “R” because someone else was running as the “D.”

As a rule of thumb, candidates endorsed by the scummier elements like ACORN and Kos are not particularly “Republican” in nature. That the decision to run this miscreant as an “R” was made by 11 county GOP chairs instead of going with a primary or at least getting a PCO vote district-wide shows the all-too-frequent incompetence of the GOP on the ground.

Let’s remember the topography here: this Congressional District had ONLY been represented by the GOP since the Civil War.

Since the Civil War.

So, even though in most areas where elections took place, the GOP made gains; some, like in the case of New Jersey, spectacular gains; the GOP also managed to take some moronic, unnecessary loses

And let’s remember: Christie was no Hoffman in his political positions or philosophies. Christie was much closer to Dede then he was to Hoffman.

Christie did not win running a campaign on GOP social themes. He ran a campaign on the classic fiscal and integral themes to clean up rampant corruption and to rein in out of control government spending. Fortunately, Corzine was dragged down by the multiple appearances of a clueless president; a situation he obviously (and wrongly) felt to be to his advantage because he, Corzine, had failed to appreciate the impacts of campaigning with a failure.

And looking at New Jersey, let’s not forget there was an independent candidate in this election as well, and how well did he do? (He has 5.7% of the vote at this writing)

The largest newspaper chain in New Jersey, the Star Ledger, had even gone so far as to endorse the independent, saying among other things, thus:

The lamentable fact is that the two parties are, themselves, little more than narrow special interests. Their competition for short-term political and/or monetary gain has jeopardized the state’s long-term economic health and left it with a tarnished national reputation.

Where the major parties have differed, their differences have been inconsequential. Where they’ve been the same, their similarities have been destructive.

All political parties seem to have become punch lines on the political scene; many of them populated by the most gullible, blinded, desperate, arrogant people I have ever known.

That type of attitude is marked here locally with the fringe-right wing support of Tim “The Liar” Leavitt and among those surrounding the conservative in the NY 23rd.

Here locally, we get this kind of garbage from a Jon Russell lackey:

Finally, I want to offer some advice to Jon’s political opponents within the Republican Party who have so eagerly manipulated this to reflect negatively on Jon. Take a look at all the Comments left by readers of what you’ve published on this. No doubt, I haven’t found all that has been written along these lines but of the ones I’ve found, I haven’t found one single Comment that supported the author’s position. With that in mind, I would encourage you to consider what I have termed the “Hoffman v Scozzafava … Wake-Up-Call …”. As the old folk song says, “The times, they are a changing” and you should be giving more sober thought to how your words and especially your actions, fit in with the current political landscape.

As deftly shown in the NY 23rd, the advice this political ingrate provides is worthless. It’s also breathtaking in it’s pomposity and arrogance.

I oppose Jon Russell’s candidacy for reasons that transcend politics and enter into my personal knowledge of him as a man. No amount of political posturing or branding can change that, and no amount of bullying by his supporters will change the facts of what I know.

There can be no doubt that the GOP ran the wrong candidate in the NY 23. There can also be no doubt that had the powers-that-be ran a primary, or took the control of making the candidate appointment out of the hands of a mere 11 people, that the NY 23 would still be in GOP hands, instead of such a massive embarrassment because the GOP hammered the 3rd party candidate like a nail until, all of a sudden, their candidate, being such great judges of character, bailed and quite effectively endorsed her fellow democrat, there being no accounting for character.

Hoffman’s fringe-right perspectives were not enough. His lack of charisma, the GOP’s hammering of him on Friday and sudden support of him on Saturday, the lack of a coherent message from GOP leadership, the ultimately successful efforts by the media and leftists to demonize the right… all combined to take away a seat that the GOP has owned, outright, for over 140 years.

The GOP focuses on the wins in NJ and VA… they run around telling us the tide has turned.

And in the same breath, they try not to even talk about the debacle of the NY 23… like it was all a bad dream.

I view myself what I refer to as a “pragmatic conservative,” sharing many of the views of the right. But I don’t do it so blindly that I can blow past common sense, my own eyes, or develop the ability to suspend disbelief. That goes to the heart of why I’ve bailed on the GOP.

BOTH sides took hits yesterday. BOTH sides have much to consider. Both sides won, and both sides lost.

The unanswered question is this: what are they going to do about it?

>So, what’s it all mean?

November 2, 2009

Lessons from the election:

Somebody much smarter then I once remarked that You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

Here locally, we had candidates who decided their way to success was to follow the Obama Formula of either lying about your intent or lying about the impacts.

As I write this, I don’t know what the outcomes will be locally. But I know the questions: will The Liar be successful in vaulting himself into office by manufacturing an issue out of whole cloth, lying about it, and then fooling the people into buying into it, and getting an amount equal to 1/3rd of his entire campaign coffer from mysterious New York money to make that happen?

Will those shilling for David Barnett in LaCenter be successful in their pro-casino efforts by following the lie pattern established by the Mayor? Or will the people come to understand that any negotiations of any kind will be done entirely to benefit the organized crime effort that will result in the destruction of LaCenter as the occupants know it?

Will the people of this state simply be overwhelmed by the millions in out of state money and the ad campaign of the “No on I-1033” campaign that has been one big lie from the very beginning in a media effort that would have grossed out Nazi Propaganda Minister Joesph Goebbels in it’s breadth and audacity?

Or will they come to understand that our state is incapable of making prudent decisions when it comes to fiscal restraint? Will they come to understand that EVERY prediction that I-1033 will cause “harm” is a lie because the legislature can eliminate the entire initiative on the first day of session if they have a mind to do so?

Will they see past the lies of the “Yes” campaign on R-71 and see the institutional discrimination and outright effort to buy the senior citizen vote with the age-limited civil union bill for heterosexuals?

On the National level, will we finally begin to throw of the yolk of Obamaism? Will the people admit that we made a horrific mistake in electing the empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot?

Will the GOP finally come to understand that it takes much more then an “R” after your name to be a Republican? Will hey finally figure out that mainstreamers like “The Witch of the 23rd,” allegedly a Republican but now doing robo-calls for her fellow leftist democrat are NOT in fact, Republicans but are, instead, democrats in a different wrapper?

Will the leaders of the GOP come to understand that “party loyalty” has no place in the mind of the mainstreamer, as illustrated by their many defections to the democrats AFTER mainstreamers were stupid enough to help get them elected? Will they finally get that “a big tent” does NOT equal “blind obedience?”

These represent the questions of interest to me. Not only what happened, but what have they learned?

Stay tuned.

>Yet another reason why I’m no longer in the GOP: BREAKING: Scozzafava suspends NY 23 campaign

October 31, 2009

In NY’s 23rd Congressional District, the GOP was running a neo-communist by the name of Dede Scozzafava to replace Army Secretary and token-Republican-in-the-Obama-Cabinet John McHugh, who was appointed out of the seat; in GOP hands since the Civil War.

POLITICO has the skinny on Scozzafava’s last second decision to hit the silk.

Scozzafava had been endorsed by every left wing organization, including such stellar outfits as ACORN and Daily Kos, meaning that any resemblance between Republicanism and Scozzafava was purely coincidental.

So, along comes the independent, Doug Hoffman. Hoffman is a much closer version of what a Republican is SUPPOSED to be; standing for classic Republican themes that the GOP forgot all about when they had overwhelming control of all 3 branches of our government.

Hoffman has been endorsed by almost every high profile conservative around today, such as Governor Tim Pawlenty, Sarah Palin, Fred Thompson, Darrell Issa, Dick Armey, Rick Santorum, and a wide variety of others.

This wave has been building for weeks… a blind man could see it in a minute. Had the GOP bothered to look, they would have seen it as well and dropped their dogged and doomed support of this communist after admitting they had screwed up.

Instead, we’ve got Newt Gingrich out there like the halt leading the lame, brow-beating everyone smart enough to dump this waste of political space along with Steele’s efforts at wasting tens of thousands of NRC dollars to try and prop Scozzafava worsening numbers back to at least respectability.

Blind allegiance is a very bad thing. A brief review of history will show time and again what a sorry result we get when we let others think for us instead of using our own judgment.

I will not blindly follow anyone. I will not be a member of any group that requires, or even asks for me to blindly follow anyone. And the NY-23 debacle is a microcosm of the problem with party allegiance: it’s demanded that we vote for RINO’s at every level, that we put up with Republicans endorsing democrats (like our county commissioners) and that we just charge ahead, doing what we’re told… precisely like the requirements the left put on their Obamatons.

And here, in a nutshell, is why I’m no longer a Republican, despite having reached the lofty heights of Executive Director of a State GOP organization.

But the closer I got to the center of power, the more radioactive it became.

Now, I will work to elect good men and women REGARDLESS of party, because there’s a dearth of both in office today… men and women who can think for themselves, instead of blindly responding to what their political masters order them to do.

That is why I will do all I can to derail the political plans of people I know to be of low character, who lack integrity and who manipulate others into giving their support just to ignore honor, ignore integrity, and ignore character once they’re sworn in.