Archive for the ‘Reagan Dunn’ category

>Impressions of a County Convention-Clark County GOP 20 March.

March 21, 2010

“I don’t belong to any organized political party… I’m a Republican.”

That could have easily summed up today’s effort by the Clark County GOP.

They live in terror of the Ron Paul types who, apparently, “took over” the 49th District in ’08. As a result, they slipped in a change to the rules that served to silence the delegates at the convention from running any resolutions from the floor.

“Time” was the excuse given. But at the end of the day, “time” is no excuse for silencing the bedrock of the local GOP.

The convention “HAD” to close at 5:00 PM sharp, we were told. So, therefore, in the interest of “time,” we had to silence the delegates. That wasn’t the main excuse, of course, but it was the excuse given.

I pointed out that one way to fix that would be to find a facility that DIDN’T have to close at 5:00 pm, because doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different outcome is, well, you know.

So, I made an effort to amend the rules. I made a motion to strip out the language limiting resolutions to those submitted in writing prior to March 13… and I was hammered.

Later, I was told by the chief tool of the hammering that it was because I had, they thought, thrown my lot in with the Paulinista’s. That was wrong on so many levels, but because of their fear, I was turned into collateral damage by people who could not and would not tolerate any agenda that did not closely dovetail with their own.

Then, the candidate speeches started.

Herrera got up and did a Barbie cheerleader speech typical of someone with cardboard depth and a vacuous grasp of the issues. Here’s clue, Jaime: we don’t care that you used to be able to play basketball. The president can do that, and look at what a total moron he is.

Doug Simpson, speaking for Clint Didier, got up and went off script, losing Didier the few votes he had in the room. Benton did his usual fine job, polished by years of experience and a deep passion for the job; David Castillo got up and actually made sense; the newest candidate (who’s name escaped me) got up and talked about the things important to him, but didn’t do to well due to his lack of experience. A large group of candidates spoke to a surprisingly small number of delegates, considering.

When I’ve had the chance to review the speeches, I’ll critique them here, and folks can draw their own conclusion.

I then went in search of Herrera supporters who, could explain to me what they could possibly see in Ridgefield Barbie to support her.

I couldn’t find one who could articulate it.

We split off into districts to elect delegates to the state convention.

I have actually run a state convention (Spokane in 2000) and attended a National Convention (Philadelphia in 2000) and I, personally, would rather dive into a pool of burning hydrochloric acid then do either again.

But others wanted to. We were, as I recall, supposed to elect 30 delegates and 30 alternates. I only knew 8 people on the list I could support, and I added 2 who said they were veterans. So, I voted for 10. I didn’t know or care who was elected for either the rest or the the alternates.

For the 18th District, it took about 3 hours to get the delegates and the alternates voted in. So, we started on the platform and resolutions two hours late.

My resolution from the caucuses, to require a county wide vote on the horrific waste of money known as the I-5 Bridge/Loot rail project, was adopted.

I discussed the issue with Marc Boldt. Boldt pledged to me that he would support putting the question onto the November ballot this year.

I will hold him to his word, because I already know that Tom Mielke will support putting the question to the people in an advisory vote scenario, which is what Marc agreed to as well.

So, we should hopefully see that coming up soon.

Anyway, it ended. The Benton Bars (Chocolate and maple bars, a Benton tradition) vacuumed up, the various cookies and gallons of coffee, the every-two-year fix for folks to hear themselves speak; the announcement by Jim Dunn that he was going to run again… the massive and unrelenting egos and the typical lack of competence.

What I’ve come to expect every county convention.

>Got an interesting letter from Reagan Dunn. Wants money. Doesn’t really say why.

February 28, 2010

So, there… in my mailbox… a letter from a nice guy named Reagan Dunn.

It’s a fund raiser. Says he’s “Chair, Republican Caucus.”

I gotta wonder: what the hell does THAT mean?

Let’s see. In the House, it’s Richard DeBolt. In the Senate, it’s some guy named Hewitt? And in the GOP, it’s Esser for the state wide party.

So, I admit some confusion. What “Republican Caucus” is he talking about. And why should I give them money?

Well, let’s look at the letter.

Fairly standard schlock. Talks about how screwed up things are… and then wants my money to bring some sort of rather nebulous “message of budget discipline to every level of Washington State.”

Message? What message? How? Who? Who the hell ARE you, anyway? So, the letter talks about how you were a “no” vote on the King County council for a foot ferry system.

Well, that must mean that your effort to stop it didn’t work.

Apparently, you couldn’t get any other Republicans to vote with you. So…. why should I give you my money, again?

It says you will “stand up for me against this kind of spending.” But since you failed to stop “that kind of spending,” why should I give you my money, again?

You “need my help today?”

For what?

You’re not running for governor. That’s either going to be Rob or Dino. Or both.

You’re not running for the Senate. If you were, with your practically nonexistent name ID, you already would have announced.

So why should I send you money?

At this point, I see little difference between you and a staffer I saw in DC after the GOP tsunami of 94. He was holding a cardboard “homeless” type sign that said “Not hungry, not homeless, will work for legislation.”

You just want me to send you money for no reason I can ferret out, that you’re going to use for whatever you want… like, maybe, get new siding for the house?

Sorry. I don’t have that much money to give away. And if I did, it wouldn’t be to a politician.