Archive for the ‘empty suit’ category

>Why is Herrera continuing to lie?

December 16, 2009

About 1 second after Brian Baird was visited by reality and decided to go out without getting carried out, we all knew that Herrera, the Legend in Her Own Mind, would immediately jump in.

After all, she never gave a damn about representing this district; her whole shtick was to get SOME marketable experience that would at least provide SOME level of believability to make people think this woman is even remotely qualified to serve in the legislature, let along Congress.

This career intern has precisely zero experience to serve in Congress. None.

Everyone alive who follows the political scene knew that Herrera would immediately announce. And although I shouldn’t be, I AM surprised that she’d lie so blatantly about it, fake claims of RNCC recruitment and all that. I personally know that she was and is NOT the RNCC’s first choice; that individual is still considering his or her options.

But Herrera is a liar. She has not been recruited, period. Her puppet master, Cathy McMorris-Rogers, in charge of candidate recruitment for the House, may say that now (although, strangely, McMorris remains silent in the face of these fake claims, one way or the other) but as another blogger has pointed out, Oliver the Spaniel could have given a better, more thoughtful, more prepared interview last night on Victoria Taft then a moron who, while having allegedly been “recruited” for the “past 6 months,” gave precisely zero thought to the issues or how she would address them.

That Herrera has no integrity is obvious. Her efforts to try and get people to break their word by getting them to do “co-endorsements” shows a lack of character and political prostitution that is sickening in every respect.

We do not need another empty suit in government. The emptiest suit on the planet is already running the show. Why we should put in a McMorris clone, who will do whatever McMorris wants, however and whenever she wants it, is simply beyond me.

Had Baird voted his district on the porkulous, cap and swindle and socialized medicine; had he faced us last August without name calling or faking death threats, we never would have heard of Herrera in this cycle. Baird would have politically nailed her like a 2X4. We all know it. And the RNCC certainly wouldn’t have “recruited” a total light weight like her to take him on, if they were going to “recruit” anyone at all.

What we need is someone honorable, qualified, and committed to the people instead of their own career and someone who won’t view people as tools to help build their own agenda.

And that excludes Herrera.

>Jaime Herrera… more integrity problems. "Co-endorsements?"

December 12, 2009

I noticed a few things about Herrera when he was going for the appointment in the 18th.

I noticed that she had a tendency to grossly exaggerate. For example, Herrera told us that her 10 years of not living or working in the district immediately preceding the appointment process was the same thing as “serving in the Army.” And now, someone who hasn’t lived here wants to be in Congress?

Like she had ever served in the military?

Well, it isn’t. And for those who never have served, to tell those of us who have what something is “like” is kinda offensive.

And now, having stayed out of the congressional race, this political opportunist is calling up all of the up all the people who have made endorsements in this election and asking them to violate their word by giving a “co-endorsement.”

Endorsements generally aren’t all that. After all, people have endorsed Herrera and she’s turned out to be a Barbie doll rep… someone who wouldn’t hire Richard Curtis’s late legislative assistant because she was “too old.”

And now, she’s going around and calling people, asking them to break their word?

That’s the kind of integrity we DON’T need in Congress, or anywhere else in elective office.

Giving the appointment to this opportunist was a mistake. Supporting her egotistical run for Congress is an even worse mistake.

>Last night, I expressd my disappointment in the ACORN-in-Chief’s performance.

December 2, 2009

Last night’s performance by the president
, like all of his performances in every area since he took office, was abysmal.

There is no confidence within the military generally, and West Point particularly, in this empty suited clown’s leadership or vision. They knew, like *I* knew, that the request for more troops SHOULD have been granted immediately. There was and is plenty of time to determine the missions needed, but now we have a 3 month delay of the inevitable, and more of us are going to die unnecessarily because of the clown calling the shots.

To illustrate the point, the fine folks over at Victoria Taft’s blog have put together a few vids off of YouTube. These kind of focus on the cadet’s reaction to one president… and their distinct NON-reaction to a clown who can’t even PLAY president on TV.

Folks, there’s a reason those kids were sitting there, looking like they were waiting to see a dentist who’d run out of anesthetic.

And by the way, BHo? Making those kids sit there for 4 hours to wait for YOUR dumb ass?

Bad idea.

Head on over and check it out.

>So, what’s it all mean now at the national level?

November 4, 2009

First, I appreciate the victories of both (and especially) Gov. (Elect) Bill Christie (R-NJ) and Gov. (Elect) Bob McDonnell (R-VA).

We are met with a White House, once again engaging in self-delusion mode, wherein they try and tell us that “they” didn’t have anything to do with those elections since they were “local.”

Visions of then White House Press Secretary Dee Dee Myers standing outside the White House that freezing November morning back in 1994 until at least 4 a.m. local time, giving the following answer to EVERY question asked of her:

“The president does not view the results of this election as a referendum on his leadership.”

… dance in my head.

Both New Jersey and Virginia went with the Empty Suit in 2008, New Jersey by 14.7 % and Virginia by 6.3%. Obama invested in both states; heavily in New Jersey; less so in Virginia where Deeds knew that the VA voters were in a mood to reject the messiah’s programs.

So, we’re confronted with a White House that is “Bart Simpsoning” this result.

And what would the White House be babbling if the left had ran the table?

The exact opposite.

This represents an almost diametric scenario from that typically reserved for the GOP: I’ve frequently posited that the GOP knows how to achieve power, but has no real clue as to how to keep it.

A tin-eared White House, seeing the same polls we do, plus their own internals, knows that their policies and vision sucks in the eyes of the American people. They also know that somehow, magically, the empty suit’s personal popularity remains above 50%, even though his policies don’t.

They made the calculation that we’re still not paying close enough attention… that we’re still awed by the man of “Hope and Change,” but it seems they forgot to ask: “How’s that ‘HopeyChangy‘ thingy working out for you?”

While the president has undeniable, but increasingly smaller personal popularity, that doesn’t translate to stiffs like Deeds or crooks like Corzine.

There’s been a certain “Nero-esque” quality to the president: More golf in 10 months than Mr. Bush in 3 years; weekly Wednesday parties at the White House that have rung up a bill in the hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars while homeless people are, literally, just down the street.

The bizarre lies put out there for the President, for example, that “he wouldn’t be watching the election results” show an inability to grasp reality and a knee-jerk position that lies are the order of the day no matter how short the term, since we have a limited memory and after all, one lie can be replaced by another as needed. (Doesn’t this “saved or created jobs” thing just make you want to blow chunks?)

Yesterday’s result represents a message. The bleeding for the democrats is arterial. Do they become responsive and actually begin to listen? Or, as I have repeatedly prophesied, undergo 1994 all over again?

The choice is up to them. And if they make the wrong one, then the choice will be up to us.

>For other fringe-left whack jobs beside those running Congress: Why?

October 6, 2009

>The article says it all, except to ask, why?

Why is the fringe left so afraid of letting us ALL check these bills out ahead of time?

It was wrong when the GOP controlled Congress; it’s wrong now.

Mike Baker asked the question best, in the cartoon below. So the question is this: why?

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Congressional leaders fight against posting bills online

By: Susan Ferrechio
Chief Congressional Correspondent
October 6, 2009

As Congress lurches closer to a decision on an enormous overhaul of the American health care system, pressure is mounting on legislative leaders to make the final bill available online for citizens to read before a vote.

Lawmakers were given just hours to examine the $789 billion stimulus plan, sweeping climate-change legislation and a $700 billion bailout package before final votes.

While most Americans normally ignore parliamentary detail, with health care looming, voters are suddenly paying attention. The Senate is expected to vote on a health bill in the weeks to come, representing months of work and stretching to hundreds of pages. And as of now, there is no assurance that members of the public, or even the senators themselves, will be given the chance to read the legislation before a vote.

“The American people are now suspicious of not only the lawmakers, but the process they hide behind to do their work,” said Michael Franc, president of government relations for the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

At town hall meetings across the country this past summer, the main topic was health care, but there was a strong undercurrent of anger over the way Congress rushed through passage of the stimulus, global warming and bank bailout bills without seeming to understand the consequences. The stimulus bill, for example, was 1,100 pages long and made available to Congress and the public just 13 hours before lawmakers voted on it. The bill has failed to provide the promised help to the job market, and there was outrage when it was discovered that the legislation included an amendment allowing American International Group, a bailout recipient, to give out millions in employee bonuses.

“If someone had a chance to look at the bill, they would have found that out,” said Lisa Rosenberg, who lobbies Congress on behalf of the Sunlight Foundation to bring more transparency to government.

The foundation has begun an effort to get Congress to post bills online, for all to see, 72 hours before lawmakers vote on them.

“It would give the public a chance to really digest and understand what is in the bill,” Rosenberg said, “and communicate whether that is a good or a bad thing while there is still time to fix it.”

>Speaking truth to Power: McChrystal v. Obama

October 5, 2009

So, the president celebrated the deaths of 10 Americans killed in combat in Afghanistan by taking what one blogger refers to as “the Klingon Princess” out to dinner to the Blue Duck Tavern.

You know, if I was one of the White House Chefs, I’d begin to wonder: how bad is the food at the White House, anyway?

Anyway, as it happens, the empty suit appointed an Army general to command NATO forces in Afghanistan. You know, essentially what the messiah called The Good War ™

Anywho, while Afghanistan is burning, Emperor Obama is fiddling… and as I may have mentioned on occasion, Amerrican blood is spilling because of his incompetence; his dithering, his complete lack of experience and his total ignorance and disdain of all things military.

General Stanley McChrystal is, no doubt, throwing his career away by challenmging our ACORN-in-Chief publically to do what must be done.

McChrystal is speaking truth to power in a something less than conventional way. The empty suit has “political considerations” from the fringe left that elected him.

In London, Gen McChrystal, who heads the 68,000 US troops in Afghanistan as well as the 100,000 Nato forces, flatly rejected proposals to switch to a strategy more reliant on drone missile strikes and special forces operations against al-Qaeda.

He told the Institute of International and Strategic Studies that the formula, which is favoured by Vice-President Joe Biden, would lead to “Chaos-istan”.

When asked whether he would support it, he said: “The short answer is: No.”

He went on to say: “Waiting does not prolong a favorable outcome. This effort will not remain winnable indefinitely, and nor will public support.”

The remarks have been seen by some in the Obama administration as a barbed reference to the slow pace of debate within the White House.

Indecision is not a vice in a President. People are dying because this man is afraid.

And while General McChrystal may be seeing the end of his time in the military, he is to be admired and respected for putting his country and his men and women ahead of the political designs of a hapless moron.

>When a leftist outfit like Saturday Night Live slams the messiah, you know the wheels are coming off.

October 5, 2009

Unlike Victoria Taft, I actually thought this skit was pretty funny.

Victoria was more concerned about delivery than substance, while I was stunned that the Obama Leg Tingling Network would ever air anything dissing The One.

The TRUTH contained in this SNL skit speaks for itself. How long it remains available on YouTube before NBC yanks it is another question.

So take 4 minutes or so and join with me in concluding the the President is at the very top of my “People I’m Glad I Ain’t” List.

>FOX is reporting that Chicago has lost their Olympic bid

October 2, 2009

So… we’re out millions and the empty suit couldn’t even get THAT right?

Clearly, no amount of lipstick on THAT pig changes it from anything BUT a pig.

You suppose that they were put off by the monumental arrogance and waste represented by the empty suit’s wife vaporizing hundreds of thousands of tax payer dollars by rolling in a day early… instead of waiting ONE DAY and coming in on the massively wasteful plane trip of her old man?

Nah. Leftist arrogance is attractive, but even that can be over done. Clearly, ol bare arms was a hindrance; and the empty suit’s “charm offensive” has been proven to be another waste of time, energy and effort.

The decision was just a few minutes ago…. so: how long until Obama blames Bush for HIS debacle?

>No media bias here: Thousands show up to see Glenn Beck and who does the Seattle Times write about? 30 protesters.

September 26, 2009

Yup…. thousands of people went to Safeco Field to see Glenn Beck… and who did the Seattle Times write about?

Thirty or so fringe left haters.

The obvious issue here is for the whacked out left to bring in their own mouth piece.

Of course, they don’t HAVE one that could fill a stadium… or fill a phone booth, for that matter, but they could at least go through the motions.

Now, I can take Beck or leave him. He drives leftists even more insane then they already are, since being a leftist requires questionable sanity to begin with…. which certainly means he can’t be all bad. He comes on strong. But doesn’t he need to, given the lies, incompetence, and blood the ACORN in Chief is going to spill?

Anything that drives those lemmings over the edge has to have some redeeming value. Check out leftist scum writer Joel Connelly’s hissy fit on Beck for just one example.

People have problems, apparently, with Beck referring to the messiah as a racist. I don’t have a problem with it, myself, since the empty suit IS a racist and sat in a black Klan style church for years to prove it.

One wonders, though: those with the problem they may have about Beck (or me, for that matter, since I’ve referred to Obama as that empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot for months) need to be asked:

Did you people have a problem with all the names your ilk called President Bush?

What’s that?

Of course you didn’t.


It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that if it were some leftist like Bill Clinton at the stadium, this paper would have worshipped at his feet and ignored anyone disagreeing with him.

>Gee… having a clueless moron in the White House makes me feel GREAT about now: Iran building SECOND nuke plant.

September 25, 2009


A small poster has been making the rounds on the net over the last few days. It shows George Bush in a rather humorous pose and the title under the picture is “Miss me yet?”

I’m not exactly sure. But if the question were asked a different way, something like: Given the latest news concerning Iran’s drive to get a nuke, would you rather have George Bush or Barack Obama at the helm? that answer is easy.

And it ain’t the empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot, either.

We have an unpleasant task in front of us. The question here is this: does the ball-less moron that’s president get it? Does he have what it takes to do what needs to be done?


I’m not 100% sure that Bush would have what it takes, either. But I think he would be much more LIKELY to have it.

First, Obama and the Russians are too stupid to figure out that WE are number one of their target list… not Israel.

I’m pretty sure that Obama’s lack of depth and his built-in anti-semtism, as repeatedly illustrated by his nazi preacher, would oh-so-secretly thrill the empty suit if Israel were the target… and if Iran’s chief nutberger actually would blow Israel away.

The trouble with that, however, is Whackjob isn’t all that keen on creating 2 to 4 million martyrs at one time…. martyrs that would be laid at his feet. His strategic problem is that he, Whackjob, cannot pop a nuke in Israel without killing hundreds of thousands of Arabs.

But killing millions of Americans? Killing millions of Russians? Why, that’s a whole different kettle of fish.

What to do…. what to do.

The scumbag running Iran is fully capable of killing millions…. of us. He’s shown his nazi-like tendencies when it came to murdering his own people in cold blood while they were protesting… mostly to the amazingly deafening silence of that idiot in the White House. A dictator capable of slaughtering his own would feel no compunction in slaughtering anyone else.

One wonders: has the thought occurred to the fringe-leftists infesting the White House that all of Whackjob’s bluster about Israel is a feint? Is this scumbag’s hatred, aimed at Israel, designed in it’s entirety, to make his actions “acceptable” to the empty suited idiot running the show in DC?

Question One: Will that idiot we call “President” do anything that will make any difference?

Question Two: Does he fully understand the threat?

Question Three: Does he know what needs to be done?

Question Four: Will he do it?



No and,


The ACORN in chief has spent all of his time paying those who got him elected off, and wasted considerable time on health care reform that is going no where.

During the entirety of the campaign, and years before, the left whined and sniveled about how tough our military was having it. They cried, and bitched about how long and how many tours our ALL VOLUNTEER FORCE had to spend in Iraq.

OK… the leftist scum took power in 06. Their moron became president 9 months ago.

What have they done to fix this?


So now, we’re faced with an inability to immediately respond with the force we need for our own security.

Yeah, the leftists ALL knew how to do it SO much better.

Except they didn’t.

Unfortunately, we have little ability to put boots on the ground. Further, at this point, we lack the guts/will on the part of the simple-minded idiot running the show. Because of leftist game playing, where NOTHING was done to address this scenario, we only have one choice: Does this country become fully committed to end the threat of Iranian nukes?

Or do we, as I suspect the Coward-in-Chief ultimately will, just accept it as a fate-accompli?

That is the temporary, short-lived solution. That is, putting off the ultimate problem will keep us comfortable for a little while longer.

But then what?

If we fail to act… THEN what?

The now-acknowledged presence of this SECOND (the first was bad enough) nuclear facility DEMANDS action.

FAILURE to act sends a message… just like making the tough decision sends a message.

We must mobilize the entirety of the Armed Forces of the United States.

We must immediately re-implement the draft, to include women.

We must NOT count on our “allies” to help us; we must be prepared to go it alone.

We must NOT allow Russia or China to threaten us out of doing what must be done.

Yes, I know. It will take away some of the comfort that we’ve experienced for the past 8 years; when we SHOULD have mobilized as a society and a country to defeat the threat; had we done so back then, we wouldn’t be facing an Iranian nuclear threat NOW.

But the time to act is NOW.

And our failure to act NOW will cause rivers of American blood to flow later. Not much later… but later.

So the leftist idiots can bury their heads farther and deeper into the sand… so that when these scum get around to hurting us…. they will hurt us really, really, bad.