Archive for the ‘scumbag’ category

>The worthlessness of Obama "Taking full responsibility."

January 8, 2010

On the surface, “taking full responsibility,” particularly when you ARE fully responsible for screwing up our security while showing comical incompetence, in this case, with your response to the Christmas Day Crotch Bomber attempt to kill hundreds of Americans does have an aura of nobility about it.

Unless, of course, it was just another in the ever-lengthening series of screw ups that you’re responsible for (see domestic policy, economy, Keystone Cops foreign policy and screwing up the war in SW Asia for additional examples) where, it seems, no one is responsible for your lies, exaggerations, deliberate negativity designed to talk our economy down and the like.

In short, “taking responsibility” without the requisite action necessary as a result is as worthless a gesture as many of the vapid, Nero-ian gestures (Not to mention the uncommented-on-by-the-leftist-media weekly White House parties and golf games) you’ve made since we were unfortunate enough to wake up and discover that you had become our president.

In short, Mr. President, the only way you can actually “take full responsibility” is to admit you’re in far over your head, that you don’t have a clue, and that, as a result, you’re now going to do the one thing this situation demands…

…and resign.

Taking “full responsibility” without providing “full accountability” is as worthless a ploy as telling us that if we’d only pass the porkulous, why, there’d be an 8% ceiling on unemployment… or telling us that CSPAN cameras would be in on the negotiations for health care reform.

Part of the reason we’re treated with such contempt by Iran (and whatever happened to that January 1 ultimatum, eh?) and several other countries is that they neither respect or fear you because like me, they think you’re a gutless clown.

Mr. President, if you’re actually GOING to “take full responsibility,” then resign.

Otherwise, this just becomes another lie. You know, like the whopper you told where you weren’t going to sign any more bills with pork in them? Or the “it’s all Bush’s fault” scam you keep running? Like those?

Barack Obama. He’s SUCH a card.

And if you don’t agree with me, you’re probably a Jim Mora fan.

>From the "No Lie Empty Suit Obama" won’t tell file: AP sources: Obama OKs taxing high-end health plans

January 7, 2010

You remember it, don’t you?

So, now, what is our empty-suited, hypocritical, anti-American racist bigor ACORN in Chief going to do?

AP sources: Obama OKs taxing high-end health plans

By ERICA WERNER, Associated Press Writer Erica Werner, Associated Press Writer Wed Jan 6, 6:52 pm ET

WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama signaled to House Democratic leaders Wednesday that they’ll have to drop their opposition to taxing high-end health insurance plans to pay for health coverage for millions of uninsured Americans.

In a meeting at the White House, Obama expressed his preference for the insurance tax contained in the Senate’s health overhaul bill, but largely opposed by House Democrats and organized labor, Democratic aides said. The aides spoke on condition of anonymity because the meeting was private.

House Democrats want to raise income taxes on high-income individuals instead and are reluctant to abandon that approach, while recognizing that they will have to bend on that and other issues so that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., can maintain his fragile 60-vote majority support for the bill.

Pelosi and four committee chairmen met with the president Wednesday as they scrambled to resolve differences between sweeping bills passed by the House and Senate. The aim is to finalize legislation revamping the nation’s health care system in time for Obama’s State of the Union address early last month.

Despite the dispute over the payment approach, Pelosi, D-Calif., emerged from the meeting expressing optimism.

“We’ve had a very intense couple of days,” Pelosi said. “After our leadership meeting this morning, our staff engaged with the Senate and the administration staff to review the legislation, suggest legislative language. I think we’re very close to reconciliation.”

Congressional staff members stayed at the White House into the evening to continue work and a conference call of the full House Democratic caucus was scheduled for Thursday.

Barack Obama. He puts the “diss” into “Dishonorable.”
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WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama signaled to House Democratic leaders Wednesday that they’ll have to drop their opposition to taxing high-end health insurance plans to pay for health coverage for millions of uninsured Americans.

In a meeting at the White House, Obama expressed his preference for the insurance tax contained in the Senate’s health overhaul bill, but largely opposed by House Democrats and organized labor, Democratic aides said. The aides spoke on condition of anonymity because the meeting was private.

House Democrats want to raise income taxes on high-income individuals instead and are reluctant to abandon that approach, while recognizing that they will have to bend on that and other issues so that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., can maintain his fragile 60-vote majority support for the bill.

Pelosi and four committee chairmen met with the president Wednesday as they scrambled to resolve differences between sweeping bills passed by the House and Senate. The aim is to finalize legislation revamping the nation’s health care system in time for Obama’s State of the Union address early last month.

>Why, as a soldier, the ACORN in Chief sickens me.

November 19, 2009

That the empty suited, anti-American racist bigot occupying the White House loathes the military is no particular secret.

In every way from dithering on his decision to ignore HIS HAND PICKED COMMANDER in Afghanistan, to getting wounded Veterans to buy their own health care to using soldiers as campaign props…. I dispise this clown and everything he stands for.

So, it came as no particular surpise when I discovered this tidbit from Michelle Malkin:

We need not imagine the national uproar that would have ensued had George W. Bush talked to American soldiers the way that the President Obama did today at a U.S. military base in South Korea:

President Obama will not announce his decision on sending more troops to Afghanistan before the Thanksgiving holiday, senior aides said Thursday.

The news came as the president greeted 1,500 troops at Osan Air Base in South Korea, just before boarding Air Force One and heading back to Washington after an eight-day trip to Asia.

Obama arrived on the base 3:19 p.m. local time (1 a.m. Eastern Standard Time) and received a rousing welcome from 1,500 troops in camouflage uniforms, many holding cameras or pointing cell phones to snap pictures.

“You guys make a pretty good photo op,” the president said.

Standing on a riser wearing a blue suit and red tie, with a cluster of troops and a large American flag behind him, Obama expressed “the gratitude of the American public” and said his meetings in four countries over eight days in Asia will help deliver a “safer, more prosperous world for all of us.”

He got a huge cheer when he told them he was increasing military pay. “That’s what you call an applause line,” he said, before boarding his jet and taking off at 4:11 p.m.

More here:

It’s just a damned shame that we’re cursed with such an utterly clueless moron to run the show.

>Jeers to the Columbian for stroking Jacks’ idiocy.

November 15, 2009

There is obviously no lie this rag won’t go to in their abortive effort to scam us into paying for an unneeded and unwanted bridge and loot rail… and this garbage is no exception.


Cheers: To state Rep. Jim Jacks for listening to his constituents in the business community. The Vancouver Democrat, who is serving his first term, this week finished his campaign to talk to 50 business owners in 50 days. “As a legislator, you are making decisions for large numbers of people. I want to have relationships with a lot of people that I know and trust,” he said back in September, when he launched the drive. Of course, critics would say, it won’t hurt him to have this list of proven contacts as he runs for re-election in 2010. Be as cynical as you wish, but politicians who listen to people now won’t need that contact list as much later.

By the way, what did he hear? Build that new Interstate 5 bridge. And toll it, if need be, because paying a toll is a lot cheaper than paying the wages of drivers stuck in traffic.

As this despicable waste of wood pulp wanders around, holding “boards” to TRY and find out why increasing numbers of people won’t read their garbage, it’s examples of this kind of sickening crap that should be the very first place to look.

We have no way to follow up; no one from any of them are quoted, and Jacks’ (as well as this stain on journalism’s) conclusions are so full of crap they resemble nothing as much as a Christmas Goose.

That these “businesses” allegedly want this unneeded and unwanted bridge to be built is as meaningless as all of the other fake and bogus polls and other forms of garbage they spew in support of a bridge replacement that THE PEOPLE DO NOT WANT (see “Election of Tom Mielke,” followed by “Election of Tim “The Liar” Leavitt“) and while having the names and phone numbers of these 50 businesses who could see the idiotic tolls that will be imposed as an impediment to taking our business over the river might make good copy, the fact that this moron is marrying himself to a multi-billion dollar waste of money will do precisely ZILCH for his “re-election.”

And continuing the lies that this massive waste of money will do ANYTHING to reduce congestion simply goes to show how unbelievably despicable our lying scum of a paper actually is…. PARTICULARLY since THESE scumbags WON’T HAVE TO PAY FOR IT.


>Brian Baird: Coward (XXXIII) Baird Toast, anyone? And the additional cowardice of our local stain on journalism, the Columbian.

November 11, 2009

This represents the 33rd in my series of Cowardman posts.

Yesterday, our local disgrace to journalism was all about the FBI “taking over the investigation,” as if that meant anything. Today: The FBI confirms that it was a scam.

Baird’s leftist, sycophantic supporters flooded the article.

Here’s a sampling of their more moronic comments:

by M Johnson : 11/10/09 10:38am – Report Abuse

Now all you whiners who have been screaming “why doesn’t the Columbian look into this death threat?” can shut up and wait for the FBI’s findings.

OK, M Johnson, we now HAVE their findings, and Baird made it up. You happy, now?

Johnson, Gee I’m glad you are so certain of what was going on Tim Mc Veigh’s intentions. I thought it was because Clinton was president.

USMCbrat, you need to stop being so ignorant. Baird rides the middle of the fence just to please RW extremists like you. It was at the height of the anti-Iraq movement that Baird went against all his most ardent supporters to say that the so-called surge was working. he took a lot of crap for that, but he doesn’t just follow party line.

Now, he is saying that he may not vote for the Health care package in it’s current form. And I suppose that isn’t good enough for you either.

As for brain cells, before you go shooting your mouth off, remember that he was a doctor before getting into politics. and you were, A Marine? Coming from someone who was in the Navy, just remember brat… the grunts are there to hold a gun and guard the brains. Hey, I know, lets vote that criminal Benton in!

Some whiners want us to be a communist country. Baird’s doctorate was a PhD in Psychology. And look what shrinks have done for us lately?

Baird is a cowardly scumbag. His votes no longer matter after his rank, voting-for-bills-he-hasn’t-read hypocrisy, his vote for the porkulous and his vote for the cap and swindle. That he used his head on THIS bill by no means wipes the slate clean over his sickeningly offensive remarks about Nazi’s and his cowardly refusal to face his constituents. Those rank failures will not magically disappear because he was terrified enough to actually vote his district on the empty suit’s program to turn us into a socialist country.

The fact that the FBI is taking the threats made against Rep. Baird to be credible and serious should be sufficient to warrant an apology from those who questioned his integrity and implied the threats were fictitious.

The fact that it took the FBI about 60 seconds to figure out what anyone whose eyes were not cemented shut with leftist bias means that those doggedly supporting the Cowardman should apologize for attempting to defend his non-existent integrity since the threats WERE fictitious.

Not a Baird supporter…


but I just can’t stand people that make an accusation without any BASIS in fact.

Sorry. Common sense is all the BASIS in fact that MOST people need.

by billy o : 11/10/09 1:03pm – Report Abuse

Maybe you should enlist, brat. I’ll bet that your dad would show a little more respect for another public servant; something you could learn from.

Baird has done an exemplary job as representative for ALL his constituents, not just the ones that voted for him.

There are lies, damned lies, and billy o’s lies.

He has done a SHITTY job for ALL of his constituents, EVEN those who DID vote for him. But that leftist blindfold certainly works when it’s on tight.

We did not want him to vote “yes” on ANY bill HE HADN’T READ. Leftists, who are delusional by nature, don’t care about things like that, of course. In fact, the more moronic of the ilk, like billy o here, don’t want anyone to read the details since that’s where the devil resides, and that MIGHT derail the socialist plan.

that is what makes him such a good congressman. I would rather he did exactly what I wanted, but I know that there were a lot of Republicans that voted for him also, and he does a good job of staying in the middle, like most of his district.

One of our biggest problems today are those who just swallow a line based on the letter after the name.

The drivel quoted above is a classic example of that.

The FBI doesn’t typically waste time and resources on investigations without credible evidence to believe a crime has been committed. This is particularly true when partisan politics is involved.

Well, it’s not hard to agree with this. And John K was right. They wasted ZERO time concluding that the threat was bogus nonsense.

Well done, John! You REALLY schooled us on THAT!

And waiting until an arrest and conviction have been made before apologizing is a cop out. A crime is still a crime regardless of whether an arrest and conviction have been made.

Again, I have to agree. Now that Baird’s been outed as making the whole thing up, waiting to apologize makes precisely zero sense… and an apology SHOULD be part of his resignation letter.

by BJ Davey : 11/10/09 7:26pm – Report Abuse

TIP OF THE DAY: A chianti is best served while eating crow.

Living up to your name, BJ?

And as for your tip, since you’ve just experienced the consumption of that particular fowl, make sure you wipe the feathers off your face.
And, as for our cowardly disgrace to journalism?

As I pointed out, they’ve been all about rehabing our scumbag Cowardman’s image. So, what do they do when they find out that which most of us already knew?

Why, they stick it in their fishwrapper only addition so the blogger’s they believe are such lowlifes can’t beat them around the head and shoulder region with it.

Well, here’s the skinny, provided by Victoria Taft:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
FBI: “Threat To Baird Not Serious!”

Available only in the print edition of the November 11, Columbian, but on the front page.

The FBI, although they won’t say when they took over the investigation or how they determined it, but they have announced they have closed the investigation saying “the phone call did not pose a serious threat.”

Just yesterday the Columbian ran an article saying the investigation was turned over to the FBI.

Will Kathie Durbin apologize to Clark County GOP Chair Ryan Hart for writing an article critical of him releasing a statement expressing offense at the August 19 quip by Baird about a Ryder Truck with his name on it?

I doubt it, she wrote this article and makes no mention of Ryan.

>Brian Baird: Coward (XXVIII) The Columbian CONTINUES to try and rehab Baird’s sucky image… and where’s the author of the so-called "threat?"

October 22, 2009

I’m sure we’re in for months more of this kind of garbage, but this crap is over the top.

“Baird,” we are told, “suggests sweeping reforms.”

Well, one reform I could agree with is for this slime ball to resign.


This rank, cowardly hypocrite who called ME a “nazi” and a “brown shirt” because I’m smart enough to disagree with that scum-sucking slime in the White House on his socialist medical program? This rank hypocrite who had already evidenced unbelievable hypocrisy by ignoring his own 72 hour rule by voting for the porkulus program that’s indebted my children for the entirety of their lives and then voted for the cap and swindle, all without reading the bills in question…. HE “suggests sweeping reforms?”

I don’t give a damn if this moron comes up with a cure for the common cold; his despicable actions, his rank hypocrisy, his mortifying insults and unbelievable arrogance have disqualified him from running for dog catcher, let along continuing on as our Cowardman.

And then, to make it even MORE bizarre, this absolute coward who refused to face us because of made-up threats, releases his grand vision IN SEATTLE, instead of having it published here, in OUR district.

And by the way, Cowardman… we’re over two MONTHS down the road from your lies about getting threatened… so when are we going to see some arrests? WHen are we going to see somebody fry?

What’s that? You or your people MADE IT ALL UP?

Well, DUH!

WHY? WHY are we stuck with such a cowardly worm, who’s constituent relations are a pure, complete embarrassment?

With his credibility completely destroyed, his cowardice confirmed for all to see, we’re now in the midst of our stain on journalism’s unceasing efforts to rehab this moron’s image so he will be a little less detestable in November of next year.

Well, like I used to say back in my GOP days: Elephants don’t forget… and they don’t forgive.

>Tim "The Liar" Leavitt CONTINUES to lie: Claims "75% chance bridge will not have tolls."

October 17, 2009

You would have thought by now that Tim “The Liar” Leavitt would have learned his lesson.

According to Lou Brancaccio, this represents The Liar’s position on tolls:

“Then there’s my buddy, Tim Leavitt. He’s running for Vancouver mayor. And he’s trying like heck to separate himself from Mayor Royce Pollard. They’ve been hanging their hat in the same place — the Vancouver City Council — for several years now, so they’re a lot like Cheech & Chong. Same ol‘, same ol‘.

Tim realizes he had to find a difference, so he picks the new I-5 bridge. Now, both these guys appreciate the need for a new bridge. And both would accept tolls. But Royce says the tolls are inevitable. Tim says, “Not so fast, my friend.” Tim feels some magic could be worked and the bridge could be built without tolls.

In fact, he said he feels there’s a 75 percent chance of it.”

You see, this is the lying scumbag we’ve all come to know and despise.

The Liar has a better chance of winning Mega Millions then he does to get a bridge in here without tolls.


Obviously, Leavitt is clinging to his calculation that if he just keeps lying about tolls, he’ll get enough suckers on board to become mayor.

The problem is that in his massive arrogance, this scumbag truly believes we’re stupid.




And taking it a step further, The Liar has already said that even WITH tolls, HE WILL CONTINUE TO SUPPORT BUILDING THIS BRIDGE AND LOOT RAIL.

My God, this man is a lying little weasel. He’s pathological.

He’s lying. He KNOWS he’s lying. He’s aware that anyone actually paying attention to what he says KNOWS he’s lying. He doesn’t CARE that he’s lying. BECAUSE HE WILL DO AND SAY ANYTHING TO GET ELECTED.

It’s bad enough that a rank hypocrite like Tim “The non-voting Liar” Leavitt wants YOU to vote for HIM. But to continue to lie like this in the face of common sense is to insist the world is flat, or that Obama has a clue. (Yeah, I know it’s the same Obama Leavitt endorsed, but this guy can’t use toilet paper without trying to get some sort of political advantage out of it, so what can you do?)

So, it’s up to you, Vancouver. You can vote for this lying scumbag who rarely voted himself… due to his contempt for the gift provided to us all by the sacrifices of tens of thousands who died to insure we have the franchise… or you can vote for a guy you may disagree with, but who is at least honest and honorable.

Otherwise, you’re going to get tolls anyway, along with a whiny, snivelly mayor that played you like he did the hispanics, who blathers: “We’ll, at least I tried,” when he knew all along that tolls were the ONLY way to get this done, but had to lie about it like Sam Adams lied about having sex with that teenager.
But that’s Tim “The Liar” Leavitt for ya.

>Why does he need to lie? Tim "The Liar" Leavitt is STILL acting like a whiney little punk.

October 15, 2009

What’s up with that? You would have thought that playing the lying, whiny little crybaby would not be the politic thing to do… Yet it seems that “The Liar” can’t help himself.

In the article discussing the TV buys going on by respective campaigns and independent expenditures on their behalf, we get this tripe:

Both pledged not to engage in negative campaigning. But Leavitt said. Pollard already has done so by allowing the IBEW-sponsored ad, which he called not factual,” to air.

“I think the candidate has ultimate control,” he said. “If he wanted to, he could say, ‘Stop that negative campaigning.’ I believe it’s reflecting more poorly on him than on me.”

It’s this kind of deliberate lying that makes “The Liar” into a sniveling weasel that shouldn’t hold ANY elective office, let alone mayor of Vancouver.

Tim “The Liar” Leavitt knows full well what the phrase “independent expenditure” means. He knows full well that candidates have precisely ZERO control over ads resulting from IE’s. So when the “The Liar” says that he’s moronic enough to believe that “candidates have ultimate control,” he’s just continuing on in his pattern of being a lying scum bag.

And taking it a step further, while bleating that the ads are “not factual,” it seems the cat’s got his tongue on HOW the ads are “not factual.”

I go back to yesterday’s apology to the people of Southwest Washington for this massive embarrassment to our entire political system. Today’s babbling by this weasel goes directly to that.

Deliberate lies and shifting responsibility. That’s what Tim “The Liar” Leavitt brings to the table.

And that’s a damned shame. He COULD have been a contender.

>The Columbian blows the call AGAIN: No on 1033.

October 14, 2009

It’s not terribly surprising that a paper that has long since given up any pretense of putting people ahead of their government would fail to endorse this common-sense initiative.

It’s also not terribly surprising that like every other leftist organization foaming at the mouth at the idea of implementing taxing and spending limits that the drug-addled (Or in this case, money-addled) governments at all levels seem incapable of imposing on themselves, seem equally incapable of coming up with any sort of alternative, viable or otherwise.

It’s difficult to read this kind of propaganda and lies from our local paper. As I’m writing this, I’ve been unable to make it past the line “governments would be denied recovery,” for example is one of the more blatant lies this stain on journalism has engaged in. It’s also a matter of perspective: our local cancer of the community advocates for GOVERNMENT when they SHOULD be advocating for the people.

Is it going out too far on a limb to venture the allegation that this same kind of nonsense spewed forth from these same pages on I-601, I 695, and I-747?

Of COURSE THIS paper would not want to see laws changed that might make it more difficult for their leftist friends in the legislature, who provided them with a massive B&O tax cut in the midst of a $10 billion state deficit, to further bail out this abysmal stain on journalism with our money if that money available is reduced.

The fringe leftist nut jobs running this rag seem incapable of understanding how bad we, the people, actually have it. That they cannot seem to get it is a fascinating study, given the number of times this rag has circled the drain itself. But it’s a failure to grasp this concept that provides this paper with the necessary arrogance to shill an unneeded and unwanted I-5 Bridge replacement/loot rail project that will cost 65,000 plus commuters upwards of $1300 each per year for THEIR pet project that THEY won’t have to pay for.

The lies at the various levels of government posted in this crock of crap ALL fail to rely on the FACT that ALL of these whining, sniveling governments who see their empires threatened by this initiative have the ability to ASK US.

That’s right. They can ask us if we want to give more money to government, a concept apparently as alien to this morons as common sense.

Note that in this despicable garbage heap of an editorial, ALL of their concern is for government. NONE of their concern is for those of us actually paying the bills.

But then, given their history of lies, exaggerations, twisted “polls” and the like, is that any surprise?

They stick to their utterly moronic idea that we should let our governments run wild, spending and taxing however the special interests de jour may impact the outcomes. They say this kind of crap as if we, the voters, may simply wave some sort of wand and undo all the damage these clowns accomplish in between elections.

The idiocy of this is obvious to anyone knowledgeable about the Washington State Constitution, which states:

POLITICAL POWER. All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed…

So, the moronic idea that we should just “let legislators legislate” is nothing more than an endorsement of the system this rag has directly benefited from at OUR expense, and an endorsement of the system that has buried us in debt; a system they WANT to impose a massive cost on for their silly-assed bridge and loot rail, and a system where the complete lack of self-control has resulted in a sickening state financial picture that our government wants to improve by jacking up our taxes in the midst of this horrific recession.

The hypocrisy of this garbage is obvious. If the legislature wasn’t doing precisely and exactly what these scum wanted, they would be the first to demand that the people mobilize and take control through this very same process.

It’s all well and good to let “legislators legislate,” when those sent up there are doing your will. But this despicable waste of wood pulp has yet to explain how we, the people, can find a way to undo the damage these clowns frequently do after we’ve voted them out.

The people did not, for example, want the Hilton subsidized with out tax dollars. How, to continue the example, can voting the clowns out who supported suing the people of this community into silence, another despicable act the morons running this rag supported; undo the Hilton deal?

It can’t.

But these scum SUPPORT the idea that we, the people, should abrogate our responsibility and authority at all times to those who govern us, save at the polls where yes, we can vote them out, but no, voting them out will not undo the damage they’ve caused, or restore the will expressed by the people, once again ignored by those who are supposed to be looking out for us.

So, how about this: instead of the asinine idea that we ignore our responsibilities and hide our respective heads in the sand while we ignore everything the legislature does; how about we resume control over our government and make them come to US to ask US if what they’re doing us OK with US, instead of signing off on the leftists ideas furthered by this waste of space that government knows best and that we shouldn’t have any say on those things WE have to pay for.

There’s both a history and a reason why this cancer in our community doesn’t want us to have a say.

And I, for one, am heartily sick of it.

>Local loot rail fans, here’s the future for us: Sound Transit – $3.1 BILLION DOLLARS LESS THAN PLANNED TO BE COLLECTED.

October 9, 2009

That’s right, folks. Like the rest of the lies from Loot Rail fans, our closest massive waste of money in Seattle is coming in a mere $3.1 BILLION dollars short on their budget.

Sales and car tab taxes, tab taxes that have driven renewal costs to absurd levels, will have to be jacked up even HIGHER because of these lying scum.

And we’re going to be facing the same thing here in EVERY respect.

That $4 BILLION waste of money for a bridge we don’t want or need… a bridge that’s entire reason for being replaced is ONLY to get loot rail into Vancouver? Figure on at least TWICE that much.

And who is going to make up for the shortfall? Talk about income redistribution.

And the money making quote in this article?Among the consequences:

Future light-rail lines will need to adhere to low-cost, simple designs, agency managers said. No cuts in service were suggested at Sound Transit’s board meeting Thursday.


This is yet another in the series of reasons why I-1033 MUST be approved. Out of control spending and waste by out of control government bureaucrats and elected officials who simply DON’T CARE since it’s not their money.

These people lied about how much their absurd level of taxes and fees for a worthless, obsolete, unneeded and unwanted transportation system that only amounts to bus replacements for the view who have an astounding amount sucked out of OUR pockets for THEIR transportation needs.

Disgusting… and a total rip off.

They tell us they only plan to waste $4 BILLION on this steaming pile.

Don’t believe them. Don’t believe them because the number of times these kinds of projects skyrocket over budget in comparison to the number of times they come in under the number they promise is geometrically higher.

Between this kind of swindle and the empty suited, anti-American racist bigot actually ACCEPTING the Noble Piss Prize, I have rarely been more disgusted with my government.