Archive for the ‘liar’ category

>Russell lies about his degree in on line Voter’s Pamphlet.

July 7, 2010

>Is there ANYTHING this guy tells the truth about?

I earned my degree from Thomas Edison State College

What does the phrase “I earned my degree” mean to most human beings?

To most of us, that means that he HAS a 4 YEAR degree from that college.

He doesn’t. He doesn’t have ANY degree from ANYWHERE.

It’s kinda like the difference between an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner and a Doctor. They ain’t the same.

He’s lying on purpose, and now he’s lying directly to the voters he would try and scam into voting for him.

I already feel sorry for his kids.

And I certainly feel sorry for the people of Washougal who are stuck with this clown until they either recall him or he gets bounced in the next election.

He even mentions McKenna like McKenna even knows this worm is alive.


Cross posted at Jon Russell Watch.

>Russell STILL lying about his education?

July 7, 2010

Here’s what his FaceBook page USED to say.

his FaceBook page:

Education Info


Now, it says:

Let’s remember what Russell’s campaign web site STILL says as of this writing:

Do you see anything about “Zoology” anywhere in that lie?

I get why he had to change it. After all, it’s kinda tough to claim you’ve completed the requirements for a degree that doesn’t exist. And no, Edison does not offer an AA Degree in political science.

So, to that end, Russell even lied to the newspaper.

Here’s what we’ve got.

We’ve got a pattern of lies and obfuscation. We’ve got a history of lying about his wife being a doctor. We’ve got a history of Russell violating the PDC laws in a half dozen ways.

What we DON’T have is a reason to vote for a liar.

Cross posted on Jon Russell Watch.

>The Richard Blumenthal of the 18th Strikes again: Jon Russell lies about getting his college degree.

July 1, 2010

So, on Russell’s web site, it says this:

Jon’s experience in politics started as he was working on his degree in political science first at Vincennes University and finished his degree at Thomas Edison State College in Trenton, NJ

And that’s fine. Thomas Edison is a fully accredited College.

There’s only one problem:

While Russell may have attended there… he didn’t graduate. So, while lying about getting a degree is right up there with getting a matchbook cover degree from a degree mill, that all begs the issue:

Why does he lie about it?

I checked with the fine folks here:

Thomas Edison State College
Office of the Registrar
Phone # 609-984-1180
Fax # 609-777-0477

In discussions with the Office of the Registrar at that school, a records check indicated that they had not “awarded any degree to Mr. Russell.”

Unless, of course, the plain meaning of the phrase: “and finished his degree at Thomas Edison State College in Trenton, NJ” has some other meaning besides the obvious meaning of the term.

Why am I not surprised?

This is from yet another anon tip I received that said the following:

Anonymous said…

He was questioned last year about his education as well. He would write on his bio the colleges he attended. When questioned about degrees it was left blank. Now he states he has an AA in Political Science. Which is only offered as a BA..You calls himself a Christian…Reminds me of Sarah Palin, all smiles no substance…Full of sh*t…

The Palin issue aside, I did not publish this remark until I could verify it.

It is now verified.

Richard Blumenthal has nothing on Russell.

Cross posted at Jon Russell Watch.

>I’m stunned: Under Oath, Union Official Says Obama Lied About Blago Contacts

June 30, 2010

Well, here’s the appeal set up. Failing to allow Blago to call Obama now will get any conviction overturned.

Thanks to Doug Ross # Journal for this tidbit.

Gee, What a Surprise: Under Oath, Union Official Says Obama Lied About Blago Contacts

Sitting down? I don’t want to catch you off guard, but a powerful Democrat union boss said that President-elect lied about not having contact with disgraced Governor Rod Blagojevich about his vacated Senate seat.

Top union leader Thomas Balanoff said he was at dinner the night before the November Presidential election when he got a call that was blocked… So he didn’t take it.

Later he listened to his messages: “I walked outside, listened to it and it was from President Obama,” Balanoff said.

“Tom, this is Barack, give me a call,” the soon-to-be President-Elect said on the message… After Balanoff sent word through an Obama aide to call him back, Obama returned his call later that night.

“Tom, I want to talk to you with regard to the Senate seat,” Obama told him… Balanoff said Obama said he had two criteria: someone who was good for the citizens of Illinois and could be elected in 2010.

This brings to mind a little number I put up back in December of 08:

Thursday, December 11, 2008
MORE: Obama denies it, but the evidence is mounting: He DID discuss his replacement with Blagojevich
As reported on Little Green Footballs yesterday, evidence is mounting that President-Elect Obama lied when he in declared that he had not discussed his replacement with Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Yesterday, the reference was to a TV station (KHQA) that had pulled two articles concerning these meeting(s) after Obama’s denials.

Today, the issue is a Chicago Tribune article dated October 30 that references a meeting between Obama… and Gov. Rod Blagojevich…. concerning the very thing that Obama has denied: a meeting with Blagojevich concerning Obama’s successor.

Hat tip to directorblue via Little Green Footballs.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

RED ALERT: Chicago Tribune article referenced Obama-Blago discussions on Senate Seat!

David Axelrod, KHQA and now the venerable Chicago Tribune all independently reported that Governor Blagojevich and Barack Obama held discussions regarding his Senate replacement. For those keeping score at home, this makes four different sources (KHQA had two articles on the topic) referencing one or more meetings, which Barack Obama said never took place. Who would you believe: me or your lying eyes?


All this crap just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside about our President.

>Update on Jon Russell’s lies about his wife’s profession and revisionist history.

June 29, 2010

As I pointed out yesterday, Jon Russell has been lying about his wife’s profession since he hit the campaign trail for Congress.

He has repeatedly referred to her as a “physician,” and even now calls her a “family nurse practitioner” when, in fact, she’s an “advanced Registered Nurse practitioner” (according to the state) and in the article mentioned below, Russell referred to her as a doctor.

Here’s the screen capture of the article yesterday:

The paragraph in the screen capture above in the lower right corner says:

“Though Jon Russell isn’t a medical practitioner, as co-owner of Columbia Gorge Medical Center in Washougal with his wife, Dr. Sarah Russell, he claims to have a novel approach to healthcare.”

He also seems to have a novel approach to lying.

Now, to protect himself, or at least try to protect himself, I anticipated that Russell would set about to get this lie changed. That, of course, is why I did a screen capture that provides undeniable proof that Russell has been lying about his wife for reasons only he can explain to you. That’s also why I didn’t use the screen capture yesterday in the original post, because I knew he would set about to get the article changed because I forced him to tell the truth.

So, here’s the screen capture of that same article today:

Revisionist history at it’s finest.

The offending article now says:

“Though Jon Russell isn’t a medical practitioner, as co-owner of Columbia Gorge Medical Center in Washougal with his wife, family nurse practitioner Sarah Russell, he claims to have a novel approach to healthcare.”

Odd, isn’t it?

Yesterday, his wife was a doctor. Today, she’s presented as a family nurse practitioner. The state, however, says she’s an advanced registered nurse practitioner.

At this point, maybe the problem is that Russell has no idea WHAT his wife does. But one thing is certain: she’s not a doctor…. even though in the interview, Russell clearly indicated she was.

Now, I appreciate the fact that Russell reads my blog, and that in his panicked state, immediately set about to change the story he SHOULD have changed over 2 months ago. Can anyone not believe that Russell lied deliberately, and only had the story changed to be a little more truthful (he’s still lying about what his wife is) only as a result of this blog and Russell Watch?

Why, if it weren’t for anticipating this completely predictable thug’s actions, I wouldn’t be able to prove that he was lying… would I?

In fact, I anticipated he would do that, which is why I did a screen capture in the first place, because except for lying, Russell has proven himself to be very big on revisionist history.

But the fact is that a picture really DOES tell a thousands words, although this picture really boils down to just a few:

Jon Russell is an out and out liar.

And is that who we want to send to Olympia?

Thanks for the anonymous tip that pointed this out on the first post.

Cross posted to Jon Russell Watch.

>Proof of Jon Russell’s lies about his wife being a doctor.

June 28, 2010

>From the Vancouver Business Journal:

Local clinics feel waves of national policy
Newly-signed healthcare legislation creates new rules, regulations and many questions
April 2nd, 2010

In Clark County, where 10 percent of the population is uninsured and another 13 percent can’t afford access to healthcare, according to the Clark County Public Health Dept., many patients are already encountering the effects of a brave new world in healthcare – one complete with different rules, regulations and lots of questions.

Though Jon Russell isn’t a medical practitioner, as co-owner of Columbia Gorge Medical Center in Washougal with his wife, Dr. Sarah Russell, he claims to have a novel approach to healthcare. As does Dr. Rebecca Hoffman, who runs a similar clinic in Vancouver, Great West Family Care.


This, of course, is a lie. Sarah Russell, Jon’s wife, is not a doctor and never has been.

Why someone has to lie about this sort of thing is simply beyond me. But lying like that is yet another reason to vote for someone… anyone…. besides a clearly pathological liar.

Russell had a duty to tell the truth to these people.. He had an additional duty to correct this story once it came out.

Do we want a proven liar to represent us in the legislature?

I know I don’t.

Crossposted at Jon Russell Watch.

>Apparently, Obama has yet to understand: "Brevity is the soul of wit."

April 4, 2010

Bill Shakespeare’s timeless observation from Hamlet, way back in 1602 applies as much today as it did 400 years ago.

When you’ve surrounded yourself with yes men, yes women and sycophants, you rarely here the word “no.” It’s fairly clear, based on his disastrous administration to date, that no one has the testicular fortitude to stand up to him and say something like, “Uh, Mr. president, excuse me, but is the destruction of our economy REALLY what you want to be known for?”

So, when taken to task a few days ago in a surprisingly poorly prepped (Typically, Obama’s public appearances are scripted to the “n’th” degree, so people like the woman in this article aren’t allowed within 5 miles of The One, because once you take this clown off the teleprompter, it’s all over.

Obama’s 17-minute, 2,500-word response to woman’s claim of being ‘over-taxed’

By Anne E. Kornblut

CHARLOTTE – Even by President Obama’s loquacious standards, an answer he gave here on health care Friday was a doozy.

Toward the end of a question-and-answer session with workers at an advanced battery technology manufacturer, a woman named Doris stood to ask the president whether it was a “wise decision to add more taxes to us with the health care” package.

“We are over-taxed as it is,” Doris said bluntly.

Obama started out feisty. “Well, let’s talk about that, because this is an area where there’s been just a whole lot of misinformation, and I’m going to have to work hard over the next several months to clean up a lot of the misapprehensions that people have,” the president said.

He then spent the next 17 minutes and 12 seconds lulling the crowd into a daze. His discursive answer – more than 2,500 words long — wandered from topic to topic, including commentary on the deficit, pay-as-you-go rules passed by Congress, Congressional Budget Office reports on Medicare waste, COBRA coverage, the Recovery Act and Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (he referred to this last item by its inside-the-Beltway name, “F-Map”). He talked about the notion of eliminating foreign aid (not worth it, he said). He invoked Warren Buffett, earmarks and the payroll tax that funds Medicare (referring to it, in fluent Washington lingo, as “FICA”).

Always fond of lists, Obama ticked off his approach to health care — twice. “Number one is that we are the only — we have been, up until last week, the only advanced country that allows 50 million of its citizens to not have any health insurance,” he said.

The problem for Obama, of course, is that he’s a total liar, not to be believed.

In areas as far ranging as his opposition to the wildly successful surge in Iraq, to his fantasy 8% unemployment ceiling if only the porkulous would be passed, to his complete lies about lobbyists in his administration to his lies about the taxes of those of us making less than $250,000 to his lies about this monumental waste of trillions on health care (Notice how the number of those “uninsured” seems to keep climbing? Why, back in the day, it used to be 35 million. Now, all of a sudden, he’s lying about it by saying the number is 50 million.)

The reason his lying is at issue is because one of the things liars do when they attempt to explain, is they talk… and they talk… and they talk…

Over the years, how many times have we heard that if you can’t “dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”

HCR/SL (Health Care Reform/Student Loans) is a socialist, wealth redistribution garbage heap. It is a crap pile of horrific proportion. Obama knows this, and evidence that he knows it is in this term-paper response to a simple and true observation by a woman named Doris, who accurately proclaimed that “We are over-taxed as it is.”

Back in college, studying communism, it became clear that one of that system’s many fundamental flaws was a failure to take into account human nature.

In a totalitarian society of the variety Obama is implementing, again we see that fundamental flaw overlooked.

Human nature typically is that when one works the hardest, one should receive the most in return for that work. It is that X Factor as to why some of us strive towards excellence.

Under the Obama regime, effort is not rewarded. Everyone who isn’t “rich” is a victim of those who are, and those who are somehow become responsible, directly, through income redistribution, for those who are not.

I am reaonably well off. But I certainly haven’t always been so. As a product of the welfare state, I used the military to pay for my education, and I have managed rather well for the past several years consulting on business and political projects that have become righter than they are wrong.

So, even in a down economy like this, the checks keep coming.

I have roughed out some plans for expansion of my business, since at some point, I want to not be working out of a home office.

But lately, I’ve been asking myself: Why should I? Why should I take the risk? Why should I bust my ass to fatten the socialist wallet?

That’s the question I would love to put, directly, to the empty suited, anti-American, racist bigot currently occupying the White House.

I bet I’d get a hell of a lot more than 2500 words out of that clown now.

>Correcting Jaime Herrera’s campaign biography on the WA State House website.

January 16, 2010


Those following this blog already know that I believe our district has been stuck with such a despicable cur of a state representative. She was and is wholly unqualified to be a state representative, and she would be a complete disaster as a member of congress.

Thus, her bizarre biography…. rife with omissions and exaggerations of the kind little Miss “I wouldn’t pretend to presume to know” Herrera has become legendary for.

To tht end, I’m going to address her sadly lacking biography, and fill in a few of the missing blanks while dealing with her gross exaggerations.

Jaime Herrera : Washington House Republicans #disclaimer-jmwebdev{display:none}

Click here for a printer friendly version of this biography

State Representative Jaime Herrera grew up in Southwest Washington. A Prairie High School graduate and member of the Prairie women’s basketball team, she also participated in activities like 4-H, fishing at Battle Ground Lake on opening day and swimming in the Lewis River. She also joined her family in climbing Mt. St. Helens. These activities have given Jaime an understanding of the natural resources unique to Southwest Washington, as much as anyone else living in the area.

Jaime attended the University of Washington, earning her Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications. As a college student, she had the opportunity to intern in both the Washington State Senate and in Washington, D.C. at the White House Office of Political Affairs. From her graduation from high school, Jaime was gone from the 18th district; never working or living there. Jaime never held a job in the private sector, and worked as a career intern until she got a job in Washington DC.

From 2005-07, Jaime worked in Washington, D.C. pouring coffee, never once working as a “Senior” anything, leading her to lie about her position with Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Spokane). Jaime knew nothing about health care policy, education, veterans’ or women’s issues, but makes the claim that she was somebody to pump up a paper-thin resume’

Whenever she refers to herself as “Senior Legislative Aide,” Jaime is almost psychopathically lying, given that the record clearly shows that she never advanced beyond the lower level “legislative aide” status. Jaime answered the phone, wote a few letters, and carried proposals for Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers, including a health information technology bill and an education-based competitiveness bill. Both measures passed the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly and have since gone no where..

In 2007, a vacancy occurred in Washington State’s 18th Legislative District. During the “process” where she was appointed, Jaime lied about there “…not being a job she’d rather have” (since she’s running for congress, it’s pretty clear that there IS a job in the world she’d “rather have.”) that she would oppose a gas tax vote, and that she would be a “friend to organized labor,” has proven by her support for SEIU-approved bills.) As a result of McMorris’s strong arm tactics and back room deals, County Commissioners Betty Sue Morris (D-Clark), Mark Bolt (R-Clark), Axel Swanson (D-Cowlitz) and George Raiter (D-Cowlitz) appointed Jaime as the new State Representative to fill the open position. Jaime has since been elected to continue her post as the Representative of the people in the 18th Legislative District… something she’s trying to ditch as fast as possible.

In the Legislature, Jaime serves on the Health Care and Wellness Committee, the Human Services Committee and the Transportation Committee. In her time in the Legislature, she spearheaded a successful proposal to expand affordable health insurance options for Washingtonians. She delusionally claims she was instrumental in protecting a transportation project in Ridgefield that would have been built with or without her, central to improving the economic opportunities along the I-5 interchange. Representative Herrera’s first bill, like every new representatives first bill (assigned to train the new representative in how the process actually works) a bipartisan proposal to give tax relief to business owners serving in the military, was signed into law on March 27, 2008.

Jaime and her husband Daniel Beutler currently reside in Camas.

There. Much better.

And much more accurate.

One wonders why Herrera feels compelled to lie?


>The worthlessness of Obama "Taking full responsibility."

January 8, 2010

On the surface, “taking full responsibility,” particularly when you ARE fully responsible for screwing up our security while showing comical incompetence, in this case, with your response to the Christmas Day Crotch Bomber attempt to kill hundreds of Americans does have an aura of nobility about it.

Unless, of course, it was just another in the ever-lengthening series of screw ups that you’re responsible for (see domestic policy, economy, Keystone Cops foreign policy and screwing up the war in SW Asia for additional examples) where, it seems, no one is responsible for your lies, exaggerations, deliberate negativity designed to talk our economy down and the like.

In short, “taking responsibility” without the requisite action necessary as a result is as worthless a gesture as many of the vapid, Nero-ian gestures (Not to mention the uncommented-on-by-the-leftist-media weekly White House parties and golf games) you’ve made since we were unfortunate enough to wake up and discover that you had become our president.

In short, Mr. President, the only way you can actually “take full responsibility” is to admit you’re in far over your head, that you don’t have a clue, and that, as a result, you’re now going to do the one thing this situation demands…

…and resign.

Taking “full responsibility” without providing “full accountability” is as worthless a ploy as telling us that if we’d only pass the porkulous, why, there’d be an 8% ceiling on unemployment… or telling us that CSPAN cameras would be in on the negotiations for health care reform.

Part of the reason we’re treated with such contempt by Iran (and whatever happened to that January 1 ultimatum, eh?) and several other countries is that they neither respect or fear you because like me, they think you’re a gutless clown.

Mr. President, if you’re actually GOING to “take full responsibility,” then resign.

Otherwise, this just becomes another lie. You know, like the whopper you told where you weren’t going to sign any more bills with pork in them? Or the “it’s all Bush’s fault” scam you keep running? Like those?

Barack Obama. He’s SUCH a card.

And if you don’t agree with me, you’re probably a Jim Mora fan.

>MORE hypocrisy by the Columbian? When the "will of the people" matters.

November 23, 2009

One of the biggest problems I’ve got (and there are many) with our local excuse for journalism is their situational ethics.

They wrongly proclaim they’re mainstream, with no leftist bent, yet in the last partisan elections, they endorsed democrats and democrats only fr any open seat, from the president on down to the local level.

That, of course, is their privilege. But when they do endorse, they are much less likely to hold those they endorse up to anything approaching the same standard as those they oppose… the largest local examples being that of their glowing endorsement of the empty suited, anti-American racist bigot they wanted to win the presidency and their efforts to rehab the image of the Cowardman, our local congressman who faked a death threat to avoid facing his constituents over the empty suit’s socialization health care programs.

He has done a spectacularly abysmal job in every area. He’s piled lie upon lie, exaggeration upon exaggeration. But when it comes to those righteous editorials slamming that moron, what do we get?

Nothing but crickets chirping.

So, today’s effort, as innocuous as it is, gave yet another glimpse of this left wing rag’s double standard. Here’s the money quote:

In listening to the will of the public, and in supporting the construction and maintenance of trails, local governments show their commitment to recreation and public health

Which, of course, brings us to the crux of the matter:

WHY is the so-called “will of the people” so damned important when this stain on journalism supports what the perceive to be that will, but not nearly so important when this despicable rag fears the probable outcome?

And there’s the rub. The stinking, rank hypocrisy of the positions of this waste of wood pulp is but one of the many reasons why they’re circling the drain.


I’ve been waiting, with growing impatience, for this despicable crap pile to demand that the will of the people be sought in a county wide vote before we waste another dime on studies with pre-ordained outcomes that have vaporized $100,000,000.

This isn’t the only instance this garbage heap has talked about the “will of the people” when it suits them. Now, if they’d only apply the SAME standard to this horrific waste of billions of dollars that THEY want, but that THEY won’t have to pay for, why, I’d be EVER so grateful.