Archive for the ‘I-5’ category

>The State of Oregon to Steve "Owned by Barnett" Stuart: "Drop Dead."

February 11, 2010

The idiocy of even asking if Oregon would cut the commuters a break on the bridge tolls was just that. Embarrassingly idiotic… almost the product of a delusional drug-like state.

Steve “Cold, Hard Cash” Stuart is a frightened man. He’s terrified that someone will actually man up and take him on. So far, no one has the guts, which is quite amazing: Anyone running against Stuart could splatter him like a bug on the windshield of a car crossing that moronic, unneeded and unwanted waste of billions known as the I-5 Bridge/loot rail project.

If ANYONE ran against this clown, he could not survive his own demise, brought about by the hatred the people of this county have for the monstrosity he shills so much to build… all the while knowing HE won’t have to pay for it.

Here was my take at the time:

4. The state of Oregon will NEVER cut the people of this region a break on taxes. Whether they should or not is besides the point. The point is that YOU and that moron Leavitt are largely responsible for popping the people who live here with an additional $1300 per year tax for the rest of our lives for a bridge that YOU won’t have to pay for.

Even the local paper, which has lied and exaggerated for years over this issue, has noted the embarrassment of Stuart’s nonsensical attempt to get a little political cover for selling us out.

That Oregon rejected Stuart’s dismal effort relieves him of precisely zero responsibility for his efforts to screw the people of Clark County.

Over the first ten years of tolling, Stuart and the slime he’s riding with will charge each commuter $13,000.


And there is no political cover for that.

>The man with the political deathwish: Steve "Cold, hard cash, Mr. Barnett" Stuart and his moronic bridge.

February 5, 2010

Steve, look. The people of Clark County aren’t nearly as stupid as you seem to think.

This isn’t 2005 when you were able to get away with riding a wave of David Barnett’s last minute laundered cash into a commissioner’s seat.

So, here’s your sign:

1. We do NOT need, want, can afford or remotely desire a replacement bridge with your idiotic loot rail.

2. It is not government’s job to pay off your union buddies by wasting billions of OUR dollars to give THEM work. Government’s function is to govern, not to pay off unions the way David Barnett paid off you.

3. When you said: “I can only support a toll if it is low enough for Clark County working families to afford and creates a benefit that’s worth it,” you lied. Like that clown Tim “The Liar” Leavitt, there is NO toll level you won’t support, because, after all, the unions own you almost as much as Barnett.

So do us a favor and stop wasting our time. It doesn’t matter how high the toll is, you would find some excuse to support that monstrosity.

4. The state of Oregon will NEVER cut the people of this region a break on taxes. Whether they should or not is besides the point. The point is that YOU and that moron Leavitt are largely responsible for popping the people who live here with an additional $1300 per year tax for the rest of our lives for a bridge that YOU won’t have to pay for.

It is NOT important to “replace the existing bridge.” It doesn’t matter how many times you repeat that lie, it is not true. That you keep saying it doesn’t make it true, since a completed bridge will do absolutely NOTHING to address congestion OR freight mobility.

You know that, of course, but how can you pay off your union buddies unless this steaming pile of crap is built?

I repeat: providing employment for the unions jerking your chains is not the job of government. I don’t CARE about the “16,000” jobs that will put us into debt indefinitely. “Jobs” are NOT an argument for ANY of this… particularly since you lack the balls to ASK US FIRST.

To get that pig pile built and pay off your union lackey supporters, you are doing everything you can to sell out the 65,000 commuters perfectly happy with the paid for bridge we have now.

You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

>Koenninger blows it again on the bridge.

February 4, 2010

Look, I get that the Columbian collectively orgasms over replacing a bridge that by no means requires replacement so they can jam loot rail down our throats while forcing us to pay billions; I get that the rag has an agenda that is in spite of the people instead of a reflection of the people (Their bankruptcy does tend to speak for itself) and I get that they want US to pay for THEIR vision.

But it takes a level of arrogance that exceeds that of the size of Mt. Rushmore in order to characterize anyone opposing this unneeded multi-billion dollar monstrosity as a “meddler.” For a champion of the First Amendment to do so is as despicable a thing as this despicable man has ever written… and he’s written a great many.

There is one reason and one reason only why we have not been afforded a vote on this horrific waste of precious transportation dollars: the powers that be know that such a vote would lose and they have admitted as much.

To that end, if, what Koenninger calls “the bickering” will finally kill this steaming pile, then I say bicker away.

Here’s a memo to Koenninger: We do not NEED your bridge; we do not WANT your bridge; and we will do everything we can to limit the colossal waste of our money to the hundred million dollars we’ve already wasted for studies with pre-ordained outcomes that have made me so ashamed of the leaders of this community…. both the real, like our local governments; and the imagined, like the clown editor that wrote his column of pap as if he had any impact or power to persuade.

Things are happening out there that will impact this and provide a voice for those who are actually having the gun of government aimed at their heads to extort $1300 a year to begin with for their commute to Portland. You can either get on the train or get run over by it.

In the case of this stain on the science of journalism, there’s little doubt where they will stand on the popular movement coming.

>Congrats to the local paper for reporting what I blogged about several days ago.

January 27, 2010

In yet another typically gagging, cloying puff piece on the unneeded, unwanted and unnecessary multi-billion dollar waste known the I-5 Bridge replacement, the local rag finally gets it. As I blogged back in December, the cabal deciding what bridge/loot rail combination they plan on ramming down our collective throats agreed to a 6 lane bridge weeks ago (Not including loot rail lanes). Congrats to our local stain on our community for finally figuring it out.

So, when Tim “The Liar” Leavitt babbles that such an arrangement “…wouldn’t be acceptable to our community,” he’s failing to acknowledge that there is NO bridge of ANY size that would be “acceptable to our community,” and he KNOWS that.

But no matter what ultimately comes our of this steaming pile, ol‘ Tim will be on board. Because, as well know, the little slime ball “isn’t an obstructionist.”

Our local excuse for a paper continues to use lies such as this:

The request comes amid fraying support for the project.

In June and July of 2008, the 12-lane “locally preferred alternative” received the
conditional support of city councils, transit agencies and metropolitan planning organizations on both sides of the river.

Support began to wane last year.

The main problem with the lie about “fraying support” is that this community NEVER supported replacing the bridge or bringing loot rail here under ANY circumstances, least of all with $1300 per year (to begin with) tolls.

Now, The Liar KNOWS that this thing can’t be built WITHOUT tolls, but that didn’t stop him from REPEATEDLY lying that the mayor of Vancouver could STOP tolls, while telling us all along that even WITH tolls, HE would SUPPORT the new bridge.

And if this bridge comes out with the already-agreed-to 6 lane design, he’ll agree to that as well, BECAUSE HE CAN’T STOP IT.

NO bridge design here EVER had more than 6 through lanes. To that end, a 6 lane bridge was going to be the outcome REGARDLESS; a colassal, multi-billion dollar pile of money dumped down a toilet; blowing a $100,000,000 per year hole in our local economy, cheerled by hypocrites who wouldn’t ever have to pay the tolls… unlike those of us in the commuting public.

As for Steve “Unmarked Bills, Mr. Barnett” Stuart, here’s a clue.

We want this shut down NOW. And we do not WANT a “re-start.” WE WANT A THIRD AND FOURTH BRIDGE, WITH NO FRICKING LOOT RAIL.

You’ve already blown $100,000,000 tax payer dollars, thanks to Tweedle Dumb (Craig Pridemore) and Tweedle Dumber (Deb Wallace) and we have absolutely nothing to show for it… money that SHOULD have been spent on locating and designing a 3rd and 4th bridge that would both relieve pressure on the I-5 Bridge AND reduce congestion WHILE increasing freight mobility, something that a new bridge in the same place would absolutely NOT do.

Get used to dealing with your massive wastes of our money, Mr. Stuart… and start polishing your resume’.

Between the bridge and getting paid to be Barnett’s butt boy, this November?

You are going DOWN.

>The PATHETIC John Laird and his MORONIC loot rail prattle.

January 24, 2010

Of all the pathetic Columbian propagandists, John Laird has to be the worst… and his most recent screed of Goebbelian proportions is no exception.

As I pointed out shortly after the “Scott heard round the World,” this despicable rag MUST become more attuned to the public it purports to serve. Laird’s insulting and belittling crap pile is yet another in the series of proofs that at least for some morons, the word hasn’t sunk into their tiny pinheads that we are not going to put up with this kind of abuse.

This kind of abuse from our government…. this kind of abuse from our despicable local stain of “journalism.”

The very idea of spending, ultimately, 10’s of billions of dollars (which is what it will ultimately cost to cement our status as Portland’s bedroom community and tax subsidizer) is sickening.

The very idea of replacing a bridge that does not NEED replacing: disgusting.

The very idea of replacing a bridge when we need ADDITIONAL bridges… 2…. which we can get for roughly the cost of this ONE? Utter moronic stupidity.

Our local blithering idiot unfortunately allowed access to the press talks about “vision” and what we’ll need “50 years from now.”

Well, guess what, idiot stick: what we need NOW comes in miles ahead of what we need 50 YEARS FROM NOW, you fricking idiot.

And what we need NOW are at LEAST two more bridges…. NOT an UNNEEDED and UNWANTED bridge REPLACEMENT that will do NOTHING for freight mobility or congestion, save nailing all of US to move 4% of YOU that actually think we NEED this garbage pile but who WON’T HAVE TO PAY FOR IT.

Our local bankrupt newspaper continues to disgust. It cannot go under fast enough.

>The never-ending delusion of Tom Koenninger

January 13, 2010

It took no degree in rocket science to figure out that Tim “The Liar” Leavitt would be a disaster as mayor of Vancouver… and so far, he’s lived up to his billing.

He lied almost through out the entirety of his campaign, as he made up an entirely false position concerning bridge tolls.

Leavitt has always supported the bridge and loot rail, and he has always, always, ALWAYS supported tolls.

The PEOPLE, however, desperate to avoid paying the massive bill the Downtown Mafia and scum of the paper like Koenninger demand, were willing to suspend common sense (much like watching the movie “Avatar”) and vote for a guy who lied, but who more importantly TOLD people he was lying, because3 the other guy told the truth about bridge tolls and people, as illustrated by the unfathomable election of Obama, are willing to believe ANYTHING.

This always goes back to the one, unassailable fact:

This bridge does NOT need to be replaced.

We do NOT need loot rail.

And we DEFINITELY don’t need clowns like Koenninger, who will NOT have to pay for this monstrosity of waste to tell those of us who WILL have to pay for this steaming pile “what we need.”

Koenninger’s arrogance led to this garbage heap today:

But let’s be vigilant about the new bridge. It must include a lid over Interstate 5 to minimize the “downtown canyon” effect through Vancouver; it must provide adequate traffic access. As the entry point to the state of Washington and to the city of Vancouver, it must have a distinctive look, the “community connector” that the Fort Vancouver National Trust is developing.

Light rail is another consideration for the new bridge. Not only should it cross the bridge, but plans are needed for its expansion in the city in years to come as a transportation link, perhaps with the aid of a trolley system. Direct access from east Vancouver to Portland International Airport should be added to the vision.


1. We do not need, want or desire the replacement of the I-5 bridges.

2. We do not need any kind of “lid” over any road of any kind, as colossal a waste of money as I have ever heard of.

3. Any structure needs to be functional, period. If it looks like a bent bicycle, then that’s too damned bad. The last thing we “need” to do is pay hundreds of millions of dollars to avoid offending Koenninger’s sense of aesthetics.

4. We do not need or want loot rail from any point in the Portland Metro to any point in Clark County.

Each and every aspect of this project comes from Big “Koenninger” Brother who has always believed though his massive arrogance that HE knows best.

He doesn’t.

And BTW, Tom, YOU people elected him; YOU people need to live with him, liar and all.

>Another day, another Columbian bridge puff piece.

January 10, 2010

Recently, it became fairly clear that when it comes to the I-5 Bridge rip off/loot rail replacement, two groups of people fail to understand the issue with Tim “The Liar” Leavitt.

The first surprised me. The second has me wondering at the motives for that failure.

The first? Local GOP’ers who supported The Liar’s campaign.

Reviewing the bidding; we find that Leavitt’s campaign was run by democrats including the democrat county chair, democrat county commissioner Steve “Owned and operated by David Barnett” Stuart, democrat former county commissioner Betty Sue Morris, and democrat operative Heather Melton.

And then, of course, we re-iterate what was already known: The Liar does not, and never did, oppose tolling. He merely manufactured an issue out of whole cloth to seperate himself from Pollard; and he developed this bogus tolling issue as the vehicle to do that.

Then we find out that secret negotiations between Leavitt, “Easy Money” Stuart and Sam “If you’re under 18 in Portland, you can have an” Adams have taken place to reduce the size of the bridge even more… to 3 through lanes and one loot rail lane each way, period (the babbling supporters continuing lies about 6 lanes going both ways notwithstanding; there was never more then 6 through lines on the bridge proposal, just like the 6 lanes we have, well, right now)

The issue that surprised me the most on the issue of support is that the GOP’ers would be so badly taken in and hosed by The Liar.

The second here is that our local fishwrapper, hypocritically rabid bridger/looters who won’t, like most bridger/looters, have to pay for the project that will blow a $100,000,000 yearly hole in our local economy seems unable to grasp the fact that Leavitt does, in fact, support tolling; always has and always will.

When a clown like Leavitt SAYS he opposes tolls but then won’t oppose the bridge when tolls are required because that lying moron isn’t an “obstructionist,” well, that makes both him AND his so-called “opposition” worthless.

Democrats who want to ram the project down our throats ran Leavitt’s campaign. Is there anyone out there who can’t make the connection?

Now, there is no doubt that the people of Clark County don’t want this thing. It’s a massive and unneeded waste of money that anyone paying attention to would see in a minute. Thanks to Deb Wallace and Craig Pridemore, we’ve wasted $100,000,000 on studies with pre-ordained outcomes (It was never in doubt that the only acceptable option to the Downtown Mafia was replacing the I-5 Bridge and bringing loot rail in using the new bridge… in fact, loot rail was the only real reason to replace the bridge from the start)

And the powers that be, including our massive waste of wood pulp known as a “paper,” would rather dive into a boiling vat of hydrochloric acid then do what ethics and morality require (if not the law) and put this massive waste of money to a vote.

This project engages in massive over-promising and under-delivering and it would sentence 65,000 current commuters to paying, in addition to Oregon income tax, a $1300 per year fee just to go to work.

So, we have Kulongoski appointing yet another captain to our particular Titanic.

Well done. But then, I guess he needs someone to blame it on as well, right?

>Is it time to boycott Columbia Credit Union and the others listed in the Columbian’s propaganda?

November 15, 2009

In the most recent despicable effort by our curse of a community paper to ram an unneeded and unwanted bridge with loot rail down our throats, the following paragraph in the midst of the Columbian’s garbage heap leapt off the screen at me:

Thursday afternoon, Jacks completed the 50th interview of his “50 Businesses in 50 Business Days” project. Among the business owners and managers with whom he spoke were Steve and Tina Pash, owners of Frontier Landscaping, who have cut their work force to deal with the county’s economic slowdown; Bruce Davidson of Davidson & Associates insurance; and Robert Moore of Microstructure Technologies Inc. Others were car dealers Dick Hannah, Jon Creedon and Alan Webb; Bergen Peterson at Columbia Credit Union; and Tom Kemp of Peninsula Glass.

If these businesses support this indefensible effort to stuff this bridge with it’s $1300 per year tolls down the throats of 65,000 commuters; perhaps it’s time for those 65,000; their wives, husbands, sons, daughter, girlfriends and boyfriends to take their business elsewhere.

I have accounts at Columbia Credit Union. Had them there for years.

Friends of mine have them there as well.

As part of the campaign to kill this monstrous waste of money, I will pull my accounts, urge my friends to pull their accounts, and then set about to organize each of the 65,000 commuters these businesses are trying to screw so we can screw you back.

I’m just sayin‘.

>I guess Pat Campbell is just delusional.

November 14, 2009

Earlier, I posted Campbell’s moronic observations in my post below concerning the unwanted and unneeded I-5 replacement bridge and loot rail. Well, unable to leave well enough alone, he shows his ass again with this inanity:

Allen we are trying to take care of the immediate problem: An elderly lift bridge that doesn’t function well and may be destroyed by an earthquake. Taking care of all the problems you mention is not the main issue here.

Years ago during the Depression America stood up and built electricity generating dams and waterworks. As the time, there were people who were dead set against this. Now the same kind of people use those generated electrons to put their notes on the walls of this blog…

Pardon if I did not respond to your 9:08am post, but I have a life. I will have a life after I leave office. I only ran for office because no one else would and I was asked to. I did not ask for any campaign contributions and I promised I would act as a devils advocate on some of the major projects we are dealing with. I’ve come to the conclusion that they are reasonable projects and are worthy of support. I have 25 months or so left in office and maybe you negative folks want to run for office themselves or support someone else. Great! I don’t own Council Position #6, I am just trying to do my human flawed best for Vancouver as a whole while in it.

Well, let’s start with this lie:

Allen we are trying to take care of the immediate problem: An elderly lift bridge that doesn’t function well

No one has ever indicated that this bridge doesn’t “function well.” Since the replacement bridge will do absolutely nothing to address congestion and will suck billions of dollars out of our local economy, the only alternative to the current, perfectly safe and more than adequately functioning bridge is absolutely unacceptable.

and may be destroyed by an earthquake.

And frogs may not bump their asses if they only came equipped with wings.

ANY bridge across the river MAY “be destroyed by an earthquake,” AND THAT INCLUDES A REPLACEMENT BRIDGE.

Has the idea of retrofitting the bridges we have been explored?

Of course not.

Taking care of all the problems you mention is not the main issue here.

And it isn’t for you, either, moron… because nothing you’re advocating will do that, since you start with a lie and then ignore any other alternatives.

The ONLY acceptable outcome of the fake studies was the pre-ordained outcome we’ve been presented with: replacing the I-5 Bridge and jamming loot rail down our throats.

Of course, constructing 2 OTHER bridges in OTHER lo0cations WITHOUT loot rail would take ALL the pressure of the I-5 bridge and THAT could be done for the same money or less.

But bridgeaphile morons with blinders on won’t even consider the most viable of all alternatives, because NEITHER alternative would do what the ENTIRE point of this project is supposed to do: bring loot rail into Vancouver.

As for the rest of Campbell’s babble, cry my a river, scumbag. YOU are the one that posted up that “I need knee pads for Jacks “crap earlier; don’t even THINK about talking that shit without hanging around to defend it.

And in the face of your MAJOR lack of commitment as a reason to run for office; your BURNING desire NOT to provide the best possible representation…. do us all a favor and fricking quit, you whiny, sniveling little twit.

>Don Brunell of the Association of Washington Business parachutes in to tell us what’s best for us.

November 1, 2009

One of the many infuriating things about the criminal enterprise known as the Cowlitz megacasino is that those who would come here and ram this steaming crap pile down the throat of this community don’t live here, and will not have to suffer the almost uncountable negative impacts of their scam.

That’s just part of the reason I despise that effort and those behind it. These scum come down here from Seattle or Olympia or over here from Connecticut or up here from California to tell us how much WE will benefit from THEIR project.

That’s a flat out lie, of course. WE will have to bear the myriad costs and taxes THEIR project will require. And that’s why I oppose it.

How easy it is for those who don’t live here and who will not bear the costs of THEIR project to come down here and tell US what, how, and in what way to live.

And that’s the garbage Don Brunell just dropped on our doorsteps.

Here’s his letter to the editor:

Congestion makes jobs vulnerable

As president of the Association of Washington Business, I want to express our steadfast support for a new I-5 Columbia River Crossing. Current congestion levels are having a negative impact on the cost of doing business in Washington and on the environment. The future looks even worse. By 2030, truck traffic is estimated to increase at almost twice the rate of automobile traffic and, without a new crossing, congestion is expected to increase to 15 hours per day.

Freight traffic brings vital goods to and from our regional businesses and supports jobs and the Washington economy. There are only two major bridges between Longview and Stevenson, which makes the region extremely vulnerable. If either bridge was damaged or closed, it would lead to lost jobs and lost business. We need to keep Washington businesses competitive. This important project will benefit Washington, and it must be built.

Don C. Brunell



Olympia? Have you noticed, like I’ve noticed, how very well “Olympia” has done for the people of this state?

All of which is beside the points.

Point number one: Brunell, of course, doesn’t live here. Like the scum shilling this steaming crap pile that will vacuum $100,000,000 per year out of our local economy (odd that. Brunell seems to care so VERY much about our Washington’s economy.” But it sure seems that he doesn’t have much concern over the $100,000,000 a year hole he supports getting blown into OUR local economy. THAT sacrifice seems to just be “hunky dory” in the Olympia world of spending other people’s money.)

Point number two: Brunell seems incapable of conceptualizing what SHOULD have happened, and what MIGHT have made the waste of the $100,000,000 plus already blown for “planning” worth it if that plan was for what this region REALLY needed: a third and then a forth bridge.

A third and fourth bridge would do the very thing that Brunell is whining about. Two additional bridges to handle local traffic would free up the two other interstate bridges for the freight mobility concerns that Brunell is babbling about, WITHOUT forcing 65,000 people per day to cough up $1300 a year…. each…. for a project we do not want, do not need and for which Brunell will not have to pay a dime.

Point number three: I get that AWB and, therefore, Brunell directly will benefit from this massive waste of billions of dollars. But to LIE about it?

Brunell, here’s a clue:

When you babble “There are only two major bridges between Longview and Stevenson, which makes the region extremely vulnerable,” you fail to indicate that even after this crap pile is built, there will STILL only be “two major bridges between Longview and Stevenson.”

I point this out so that when you are determined to lie, you at least need to use common sense in the process. That, of course, stands as one of the biggest problems with bridge supporters: they cannot tell the truth and support this crap pile.

So, when you go on to spew: “If either bridge was damaged or closed, it would lead to lost jobs and lost business.” While true as far as it goes, you neglect to mention that it will be true even AFTER the perfectly serviceable, fully functional and safe I-5 Bridge we ALREADY HAVE is unnecessarily replaced.

Next, you infer that replacing a perfectly serviceable bridge with 3 through lanes with an 8 or so billion dollar waste of money with 3 through lanes and loot rail will somehow “help” to “keep Washington business competitive.”

In the face of Boeing’s justifiable decision to get the hell out of here, I would venture to say that we have many, many more problems concerning Washington business competitiveness then the waste of billions of dollars to replace a bridge that does not need to BE replaced.

And finally, you tell us that ” This important project will benefit Washington, and it must be built.” Mr. Brunell, while it MAY “benefit Washington, it damned sure will NOT “benefit” those of us who actually LIVE here. It WILL benefit those few businesses that actually get bribed by contracts for small jobs connected with constructing this massive waste of billions… but it will DAMAGE our local economy and accomplish NOTHING in terms of decreasing congestion OR increasing freight mobility.

While admirable, the single-mindedness and complete failure of those shilling the bridge, the vast majority of whom not being required to pay a nickel in costs for THEIR project, leads them to lie without a second thought.

They tell us this massive waste of dollars unheard of in this region will solve every problem up to acne, when, in fact, it solves NOTHING except to vacuum hundreds of dollars out of the pockets of working families across this region… something Mr. Brunell, who DOES NOT LIVE HERE, will not have to worry about.

Frankly, that kind of rank hypocrisy sickens me.