Archive for the ‘I-5’ category

>More pro-bridge propaganda from our local waste of wood pulp.

October 4, 2009

There are a wide variety of realities out there concerning our erstwhile stain on the science of journalism’s efforts to ignore the will of the people of this community when it comes to their pet project: namely, the unneeded, unwanted, and massively opposed I-5 Bridge replacement/loot rail project.

. Reality One: Our current I-5 bridge does not require replacement.

Replacing this bridge is a huge waste of money because the current bridge works perfectly well and has been declared “safe” by the Region 6 DOT Administrator, Don Wagner. This in the face of the local rag’s despicable lies and exaggerations they rely on to try and persuade us that THEY, and THEY alone know what’s best for us.

. Reality Two: The ENTIRE reason to replace the perfectly safe and functional I-5 Bridge is, start to finish, to get the camel’s nose under the tent flap of Portland’s loot rail into Clark County.

The ONLY reason to replace a bridge that doesn’t NEED replacement is to bring loot rail into Clark County.

Thus, those shilling this garbage are willing to waste $4 to, ultimately, $8 BILLION or more of OUR money to bring in THEIR loot rail.

. Reality Three: Those screaming the loudest to make this project happen…. won’t have to pay for it.

That’s right. The scum demanding this project; the leaders of government in Vancouver and our own birdcage liner streaming pile of hypocrisy will not be among the 65,000 plus commuters every work day who will ultimately be tasked to shoulder the burden of PAYING for a project WE do NOT want, that it’s main cheerleaders will NOT have to pay for.

. Reality Four: The rank hypocrisy of I-5 Bridge cheerleaders.

Speaks for itself.

. Reality Five: There is no lie this despicable rag won’t tell to get this pile of crap built.

One of the most complex subtopics in the new-bridge discussion has little to do with civil engineering. It has to do with money. It’s the matter of tolling, and what this subject definitely does not need is knee-jerk “No!” responses from people who refuse to recognize that tolls helped build both of today’s Interstate 5 Bridge spans, and tolls are used more often these days to pay for bridges in this state and nationwide.

What the scumbag who wrote this garbage doesn’t realize is that the arguments against this massive crap pile FAR exceed any arguments for it.


We all get, save for scumbag Tim “The Liar” Leavitt, that this thing will not be built without tolls. We get that, in spades.

But since there is NO REASON TO BUILD IT, then there is NO REASON FOR TOLLS.

What our history of tolling is; what other states do or do not do, is absolutely irrelevant and worthless as a basis for US to do ANYTHING.

This despicable rag knows that. What others do to address there transportation problems is, most likely, based on the reality of their situation.

The reality of OUR situation is that the bridge DOES NOT NEED TO BE REPLACED, that the ONLY reason these scum want to replace this bridge is to bring in loot rail, that those whining the most about this garbage WON”T HAVE TO PAY FOR IT, and that the 65,000 commuters who WILL have to pay upwards of $1300 or more per year will do so IN ADDITION TO PAYING OREGON STATE INCOME TAX.

That’s our reality. And those who have this “knee jerk” reaction that tasks everyone ELSE to pay for what THEY want are rank hypocrites when they try and play that card against us.

. Reality Six: They won’t let us vote on it.

Odd, isn’t it? The non-existent need for this massive waste of money is so obvious that you would think the scum cheerleading for this would be DEMANDING that we be allowed to vote on it so we, as a community, could REALLY get behind this project!

Strangely… on that subject, their perspective is clear: we don’t get a say. And the why on that is obvious: while they are clueless idiots on arcane subjects like asking those of us who pay the bills if we WANT this thing, they can count votes like anyone else, and they know this pile of crap would be overwhelmingly CRUSHED at the polls.

Well, hell’s bells, we can’t let a little thing like the will of the people get in the way of wasting billions of our dollars, can we?

>This has got to be tough: Someone faking an identity on the Columbian lied that THEY were Tim "The Liar" Leavitt!

October 3, 2009

It’s got to be tough to be a public figure these days, particularly when you’re a lying scumbag like Tim “The Liar” Leavitt.

Leavitt, who has been scamming people into actually believing he opposes tolls on the massively wasteful, unwanted and unneeded I-5 Bridge replacement/loot rail project has made a HUGE deal about how he’s so “opposed” to tolls.

A search of this blog or google will result in quote after quote where this slimy little worm has REPEATEDLY come out in opposition to tolls.

Of course, to THIS slimeball, he really doesn’t care if tolls are imposed; he’s so beholding to the special interests that own his ass that he has pledged to support this eye-popping waste of billions EVEN IF IT HAS TOLLS, because, after all, this unprincipled scumbag doesn’t want to be an “obstructionist.”

Well, imagine my surprise when someone scammed his identity, and engaged in some major revisionist history in the comments section of one of the series of lying propaganda pieces spewed out by our local daily stain on journalism, who’s despicable efforts to ram THEIR agenda down our throats has made them a joke in the field of news.

Anywho, this fake Leavitt wrote the following:by

Tim Leavitt : 10/2/09 6:18pm – Report Abuse

There are a lot of great comments here, and I agree with many of you! But I want to be clear about something. Contrary to the statement in this piece, I have not made opposition to tolling a centerpiece of my campaign for Mayor of Vancouver. There are many other issues at stake, and I’ve been discussing them regularly and in much more depth than my opponent ever could.That tolling has become a primary issue of discussion is true, but that is because I have made REPRESENTING THE CITIZENS of Vancouver the centerpiece of my campaign. There is never only one alternative to solving a problem. Tolling Clark County commuters is just one option, and one that obviously I am not fond of. Unfortunately, it’s the only option that has been discussed for much too long now, and incumbent officials have become complacent.The discussion about tolls would be entirely different if there were enough jobs here in our community. If current leadership had spent any effort at all on sustainable job creation. But unfortunately, that hasn’t been the case—and now they are telling our commuters that this bridge will be paid for on their backs.

Where to begin?

As I’ve already stated, the movement AGAINST tolling IS THE ONLY CAMPAIGN CENTERPIECE THIS MORON HAS.

It’s the only issue he’s known for, the only thing he can lay claim to as a substantial difference between himself and Pollard.

He’s making every effort to tap into the anger brightly illustrated by the vast majority of comments preceding the comment of this fake Leavitt’s. Where that blew up in his face was when he lacked the guts to come out and put a point on it: he failed to come out and say:

If this bridge has tolls on it, then count me out.

In fact, he’s done just the opposite: he’s come out and said that requiring tolls will have NO IMPACT ON HIS SUPPORT OF THIS MASSIVE WASTE OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS.

And this is the main problem when you lack any integrity. You lie so much, for so long, in front of so many, that when you finally realize that people are figuring out that you’re a liar, as Tim “The Liar” Leavitt is figuring it out, well, then, it’s too late, and you’ve got to engage in a little revisionist history.

There is only one person who can be blamed for taking this bogus position on tolling. There’s only one person who can be blamed for selling out the people of this entire region because he lacks the guts to oppose this unconscionable waste of billions of our dollars, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOT IT’S TOLLED.

And that person is our own, slimy little worm, Tim “The Liar” Leavitt.

But then, this COULDN’T be the real Leavitt, could it? After all, the REAL Leavitt wouldn’t ever lie…. would he?

>There’s a certain level of irony in these so-called Bridge/loot rail workshops.

September 28, 2009

So, the planners want to hear from us on light rail stations, etc… and presumably, they can continue to ignore us… but placate us with how “public” the process has been.

The utter nonsense of it all…. the irony, if you will, is that we, the people, don’t want any of it.

It’s not unlike the condemned man getting the privilege of picking out the rope that will be used to hang him.

The end result is the same: how he gets dead doesn’t really matter.

The powers that be, ignoring the needs and want of the people they dominate and ignore, want us to believe we’ve actually had a say. Using another analogy, it’s much like polling the passengers on the Titanic after everyone felt that little “bump” in the ice field as to what pattern of china goes best with the silverware.

It astounds me that we seem to have abrogated our ability to just say “no” to this massive, unneeded waste of billions of our hard-earned dollars. The monumental arrogance of our public servants, those who, allegedly, work for US seem to have become confused as to their station in life.

Are they, in facts, servants of the public? Or has the worm turned, so to speak, so we find ourselves working for, and paying for, those self-same servants? So far, we’re a $100 million plus buried into this unbelievable heap of steaming crap, wasted on studies and consultants as they busily vacuum up the taxpayer’s dollar.

We have a multi-billion dollar project that we have to pay for being rammed down our throats. Tim “The Liar” Leavitt tries to make political hay out of this situation by lying about his position on tolls… the unions stand to get paid off and we stand to see a $100,000,000 hole blown in our local economy for the next several decades as a result.

Man… I bet these scum are proud.

>Today’s quiz question:Why aren’t we allowed to vote on the multi-billion dollar boondoggle that is the I-5 Bridge/loot rail project?

September 23, 2009

I stumbled across an interesting law this morning. it’s RCW 42.30.010, the pre-amble to the Open Public Meetings Act:

RCW 42.30.010
Legislative declaration.

The legislature finds and declares that all public commissions, boards, councils, committees, subcommittees, departments, divisions, offices, and all other public agencies of this state and subdivisions thereof exist to aid in the conduct of the people’s business. It is the intent of this chapter that their actions be taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly.

The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them. The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created.

So… can somebody tell me why we have “surrendered our sovereignty” to the CRC… to CTrans… to Portland…. to Vancouver…. to WADOT?

We have a law in this state that plainly says:

The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies which serve them.

So, the question: why have we surrendered our sovereignty about this project? Why is it that our elected officials have taken no steps to allow us to exercise the sovereignty that, by state law, we do NOT surrender?

No elected official who does not advocate for a vote on this massive waste of money that will impact generations is fit for election, regardless of party.

And that means those running for mayor of Vancouver.

H/T to

>Man, it’s like the tide coming in: MORE Columbian Stupidity?

August 1, 2009

Jeers to the idiots at the Columbian for reveling in the agony of collapsed home prices, where they focus all of their giddiness on the buyer while forgetting the agony of the seller. But who’s ever said that this rag has situational awareness of a vision that reflects this community?

And are we to be surprised by this all-too-typically one-sided view? This rag even uses this same editorial to continue to reward their leftist masters for making it easier to waste billions of our dollars for the same reason they stupidly cheer the pain of those likely forced to sell their homes in a down market:

Because it’s not their money.

One wonders how this rag will feel when they’re finally forced into Chapter 7, and they’re broken up and liquidated like a ship on the shores of that ecological hell-hole; Alang, India, where even the mightiest are reduced to rubble.

Will they be thrilled about those buying up THEIR assets for next to nothing?

But this is yet another of the Columbian’s many stupidities… and a microcosm of the mindset that enables them to saddle US with 4, 6 or who knows how many billions in taxes and fees for a project THEY want but THEY will not have to pay for:

The moronic, wasteful, unnecessary and unneeded waste of billions known as the I-5 Bridge/Loot rail project.

Which, of course, brings us to part two of this paper’s steaming pile of a column this morning, the fact that they got on their knee pads in front of that cow, Murray, who has, as they put it,

“for improving the chances of securing federal funding to extend Portland’s light-rail system into Vancouver.”

Only a completely out-of-touch-with-reality-rag would congratulate yet another leftist’s efforts to waste billions on something her constituents DON’T WANT, but on something her handlers have told her she must provide.

This is a sickening reversal for those sane enough to see through the smokescreens and lies of loot rail supporters and the tens of billions they intend to waste and suck out of our economy before they’re through…. just like they did in Seattle.

Good God, but our paper is criminally obscene in their efforts to brush aside the will of the people when that will, as it so frequently does, clashes with the agenda of the few sitting around a table, saving us from ourselves under the illusion of “democracy” as they control more and more of our lives… and our wallets. And why are they doing it?

Because it’s not their money.


>Here’s our future if that horrific I-5 replacement bridge is built: Tacoma Narrows Bridge tolls could rise

March 21, 2009

Tacoma Narrows Bridge tolls could rise


TACOMA — The state Transportation Commission has recommended raising some tolls on the new Tacoma Narrows Bridge as traffic volumes – and toll collections – have dipped recently.

Commissioners on Thursday recommended boosting the standard toll to $3.25 from $2.75 for drivers who have transponders that record their tolls electronically. The $4 cash charge at toll booths would remain unchanged.

February traffic counts were 77,920 vehicles lower than the 1.12 million projected. Tolls collected were $172,706 less than projected.

The commissionÂ’s next meeting is scheduled April 22, which is when its members most likely would change the toll rates.

A toll increase likely would take effect July 1.

Information from: The News Tribune,

Soundoff (6 comments)

>Here’s an idea on the bridge: make those ramming it down our throats pay the toll.

March 7, 2009

Few things in life are easier than using OPM.

OPM, of course, is “other people’s money.”

The morons ramming this unwanted, unneeded and MASSIVE waste of billions of dollars down our throats are hot to do it for a variety of reasons. Indebting each man, woman and child in Clark County around $10,000 each without giving us any say is immoral, unethical and totalitarian.

But most of all, they’re spending money that they will not have to pay. As a result, they lie, they mislead, they ignore those who oppose them.

So, how about this. How about each official, elected or appointed, being required to pay the toll for this bridge as long as they live… whether they use the bridge or not?

So, the idiot that runs the city of Vancouver? Give him a bill for $1200 a year for the rest of his life. Attach his pay… and when he leaves the employ of the city, attach his retirement. Do the same for the city council members voting for this garbage. Steve Stuart? Deb Wallace? Craig Pridemore? Moeller? Jacks? Probst? And let’s not forget attaching Bill Fromhold’s massive retirement.

Apply the same law to every state or government employee in a policy making position that supports this insanity. Lookingbill, the management of C-Trans, Don Wagoner… all of those who demand this crap… and all of those who refuse to allow us a vote.

Make THEM all pay for the rest of THEIR lives, like they will make all of US pay for the rest of OUR lives.

That won’t make the incredibly asinine waste of money any more right, but hey, they should ALL feel the pain they’re inflicting on us.

Maybe that way, they won’t be so eager to screw us if they knew they were getting screwed in return.

>Tim Leavitt announces for Mayor: but who cares?

January 6, 2009


(UPDATE: I have a large number of informational posts about Tim “The Liar” Leavitt, so please read them all.)

I’ve been watching Leavitt for awhile. I’ve been watching Pollard since he was running the show at Vancouver Barracks.

The only difference between them appears to be one of age. Leavitt is completely in the pocket of the special interests, like Pollard; totally supportive of the unwanted and unneeded I-5 Bridge replacement with loot rail, like Pollard; and completely opposed to asking us if we want this colossal waste of time, energy and/or money… like Pollard.


None. And because you refuse to put the question to a vote, that makes you the same kind of weasel you would propose to replace.

In this instance, the only question is this: do we want an old weasel or a young weasel?

Where has Leavitt publicly opposed Pollard? How often has Leavitt voted “no” on something Pollard wants?

Folks, there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between them and both of them stand as an example of the kind of government we deserve.

“Chief” over at has a few hundred well chosen words for Mr. Leavitt… and they’re worth a read.

Leavitt to challenge Mayor Pollard

January 5, 2009 4:30 p.m.

Jeff Mize, The Columbian

Vancouver Councilman Tim Leavitt, who has talked about running for mayor for more than two years, made it official Monday.

Mayor Royce Pollard and mayoral candidate Tim Leavitt at an earlier event. (Files/The Columbian)

Leavitt, 37, sent out a brief statement Monday afternoon saying he wants to represent all city residents as Vancouver mayor.

He will face 14-year incumbent Royce Pollard, who said he will run again.

In his statement, Leavitt said “It’s time to focus in on the welfare of citizens across all of Vancouver, returning to basics at City Hall.”

“As mayor, I will fight for the security and quality of our neighborhoods, trim nonessential spending and taxation and improve the business climate to create more high-paying jobs for Vancouver.”

Leavitt was appointed to the seven-person council in 2003 to replace Jim Moeller following the Vancouver Democrat’s election to the Washington House.


>Gregoire throws "No-Choice Royce" a bone: A few bucks for the waterfront, but nothing for his light rail project.

December 19, 2008


It’s bizarre and ironic that Royce Pollard would waste $4 Billion to get a $700 million dollar, “camel’s-nose-under-the-tent-flap” light rail project that nobody wants, but that’s the cold, harsh, reality confronting us all today.

For whatever the reason, the Mayor of America’s Vancouver would saddle each resident of Clark County with an equivalent tax debt of $10,000 or so each, so that the brochures for this thriving metropolis could have a picture of a light rail train on the cover; in this instance, a train unable to move because of weather.

The plan is to replace a bridge that does not need replacing, and then to charge the 60,000 or so people that need both the I-5 and I-205 bridges to go to work only an additional $100 or so per month for the privilege, all to get light rail in here.

This plan will do absolutely nothing to address congestion; Portland’s congestion issues even with their massive, over-budget and criminal-laden light rail system is legendary and worse then Seattle’s, which acknowledges that a completed, multi-billion dollar waste of money known as light rail will do nothing to reduce congestion. Nor will it have any impact on freight mobility, the only other justified reason to expend transportation dollars outside of safety… and no one has shown where the I-5 bridge is unsafe, or certainly unsafe to the point where it needs to be replaced as opposed to repaired or retro-fitted.

No, in the minds of the Downtown Mafia, the bridge has to go in favor of something light rail compatible. Never mind that we’re in an economic meltdown or that officials everywhere have been told their isn’t any money for this. They keep chugging away, wasting $10’s of millions for planning that could go elsewhere and actually make a difference besides in consultant’s Porsche payments; all for a bridge that will never get built.

Yesterday, the Governor released a budget that will hopefully drive a stake through the heart of this waste monster… for in the budget was absolutely not one dime for the bridge, if our erstwhile bridge/light rail, cheerleaders, aka the Columbian, are to be believed.

Hopefully, between the lack of cash and the new GOP majority on the county commission, we can bury this steaming pile of waste once and for all… and start looking at 3rd bridge possibilities that reflect the changing demographic of our county.

Plan includes money for waterfront but not bridge
Thursday, December 18 9:27 p.m.


Gov. Chris Gregoire’s proposed budget includes money for the Columbia River waterfront and a state Highway 500 interchange, but nothing for a new Interstate 5 bridge.

“We assume it continues, but we don’t have additional dollars to fund it,” Gregoire said about the Columbia River Crossing during a conference call with The Columbian Thursday.

Gregoire, a Democrat who begins her second four-year term next month, promised three months ago to include $3.1 million in her budget for infrastructure improvements to open up the former 32-acre Boise Cascade site.

Gregoire said she put that amount in her capital budget for the coming biennium, money the city of Vancouver could use to support a large-scale project that could attract $1.2 billion in private investment and generate millions in tax receipts for state and local governments.

The city has identified $38.6 million in rail, road and utility improvements and pledged $15.5 million to the project. Developers have agreed to chip in $8 million, and state lawmakers already approved $910,000.


Now, chances that the waterfront project will attract $1.2 billion worth of anything are only exceeded by chances of common sense prevailing at both city hall and the newspaper; in short, zero.

The city’s moronic tax structure; their strong arm tactics on local projects, their wasteful spending on subsidizing the Hilton for millions of taxpayer dollars (so far) with millions of taxpayer dollars to go; their head tax and all the nonsense that goes with it… all of that combine to give pause to anyone investing in the new and improved (but still largely vacant) slum that is downtown Vancouver, the Soviet Socialist Republic of Southwest Washington.

The only bone I have to pick with the Governor’s budget is the waste of $52 million on an unneeded (compared to, say, the 134th Ave debacle in Salmon Creek, which didn’t seem to get any money, or none that was mentioned, at least) new SR 500 interchange at St. Johns.

We’re still looking to make up for the wasted time during the OTHER $50 million blown on the VanMall and Andresen interchanges; unneeded, unwanted and unnecessary to those of us who use them every day… just like we used them every day BEFORE they were tore up and replaced with feats of engineering instead of traffic light coordination.

But all in all, I’ll settle for this over the massive, colossal and unnecessary waste advocated by the downtowners in favor of their massive boondoggle known as the I-5 Bridge replacement.