Archive for the ‘McKenna’ category

>Many thanks for Attorney General Rob McKenna’s challenge to Soviet-style healthcare.

March 23, 2010

Congratulations to Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna who is going to go forward with legal challenges to put a stop to Obama’s socialized medicine plan.

As previously mentioned here, I will not buy government mandated health care insurance; I will not pay fines; I will not send the IRS more money to pay for it.

In short, if they want me, they’re going to have to come and get me.

McKenna, being the only elected official speaking for the people statewide, has bitch-slapped our worthless waste of skin governor, who has thrown her own hissy fit because Rob didn’t get what amounts to her permission to sue… not that he needed it.

Gregoire, to our shame our current governor and a former AG herself, obviously knew before she threw her tantrum that McKenna could do whatever he wished here, with or without her support.

And in response to your moronic question that you’re so clueless that you don’t know “who he represents,” I would offer this:

He represents the vast majority of us who do not want this. He represents those of us who view the Constitution as something more then an a series of suggestions.

McKenna is right. The worst that can happen is that he loses. But if he wins, then that means the moron running this state would have cheerfully wanted us to live under unconstitutional laws that SHE supports. And to that, I say: drop dead.