Archive for the ‘Sarah Russell’ category

>Victoria Taft/KPAM 860 AM Blog weighs in on Russell’s integrity issues.

July 8, 2010

Lew Waters, one of the bloggers at Victoria Taft’s blog has weighed in on the increasing crescendo concerning Jon Russell’s integrity problems. It speaks eloquently for itself.

Washougal Council Member & 18th L. D. Candidate Accused of Claiming An Academic Degree He Does Not Have

Jon Russell, Washougal Republican City Council Member, Mayor Pro Tem, former candidate for Washington’s 3rd Congressional District and now candidate for Washington States 18th Legislative District seat being vacated by Jaime Herrera has been accused in both the Columbian and on Clark County Politics blog of laying claim to a degree he does not hold.

Jon Russell’s degree

Both the Columbian and Thomas Edison verify it: Russell’s claim of a college degree is fake.

Russell’s defense is “I’ve always said I’ve earned my degree. I’ve never said I obtained my degree.”

From a screen shot of Russell’s About Me page on his website from November 2009, I read his claim of “Jon’s experience in politics started as he was working on his degree in political science first at Vincennes University and finally at Thomas Edison College in Trenton N.J.

His About me page, effective July 6, 2010 says, “Jon’s experience in politics started as he was working on his degree in political science first at Vincennes University and finished his degree at Thomas Edison College in Trenton N.J.

Calls to Thomas Edison College confirm he was never awarded a degree.

Left unsaid in the Columbian post are allegations that he has claimed his wife and co-owner of Columbia Gorge Medical Center in Washougal is a “Doctor” and a “physician” when she is in fact an advanced Registered Nurse practitioner.

Here and Here

I find it hard to understand the motivation of an alleged Christian who would lie about these things, or, for that matter, who wouild be so eager to leave his wife with yet another infant so he can go up to Olympia and play State Representative.

>Jon, didn’t I learn you better’n that that? Russell starts his OWN blog and the lies keep coming!

July 7, 2010

Unlike Russell, who lacks the guts to link to this blog, I freely and actively will link to his:

It’s called Fact Checking The Web.

Now, how do I know it’s Russell’s? That’s easy:

So far, it’s possessed of a single post. In preparation of destroying it, I offer it here, unabridged and unedited.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Is it true that Jon’s business advertises that his wife is a Doctor instead of a Family Nurse Practitioner?

In reference to Clark County Politics authored by Kelly Hinton: Is it true that Jon advertises his wife as a Doctor instead of a Family Nurse Practitioner?

The Vancouver Business Journal published a story on the Federal Healthcare legislation recently adopted into law; In the article the Vancouver Business Journal referred to Sarah Russell as a Doctor. When this was brought to Jon’s attention in the blogosphere he asked them to change the on-line version to reflect Sarah’s official title.

An accusation was made by the same blog that Jon was advertising that Sarah was a Doctor. The fact is that Jon’s medical clinic does not spend money on advertising. The posting found in the Camas/Post Record wrongfully refers to Sarah as a Doctor is their on-line directory.

It is clearly stated on the door of their medical clinic that Sarah Russell is a Family Nurse Practitioner. Jon is proud of this fact, because his business model is built on Independent Family Nurse Practitioners delivering quality care at a lower price.

Odd, isn’t it? I have no problem linking to his blog or even the specific post in question… yet he can’t seem to even name the blog that’s beating his non-existent credibility to a pulp.

Any hoo…. let’s address these issues, shall we?

Faux question one:

In reference to Clark County Politics authored by Kelly Hinton: Is it true that Jon advertises his wife as a Doctor instead of a Family Nurse Practitioner?

Russell responds to his own, carefully worded answer:

The Vancouver Business Journal published a story on the Federal Healthcare legislation recently adopted into law; In the article the Vancouver Business Journal referred to Sarah Russell as a Doctor. When this was brought to Jon’s attention in the blogosphere he asked them to change the on-line version to reflect Sarah’s official title.

Which, of course, merely acknowledges what I’ve said all along.

The reason this defies believability is simple:

I have heard, from his own mouth, Jon Russell describe his wife as a “physician.” That particular lie was delivered to 18th District PCO’s on May 22.

Further, how likely is it that the Vancouver Business Journal would publish an article… and this narcissistic serial liar wouldn’t read it? And, having read the article in question, did the fact that the VBJ refered to his wife as a doctor just completely escape his attention? Why didn’t he have it changed immediately when he read it?

Why, indeed.

And Jon’s cowardice? That’s further confirmed by Russell failing to mention that the “blogosphere” that brought it to his attention was me.

You see, parsing isn’t Russell’s particular field of expertise. That Jon has yet to address lying to the PCO’s? Well, that’s another kettle of fish altogether. Jon goes on to whine:

An accusation was made by the same blog that Jon was advertising that Sarah was a Doctor. The fact is that Jon’s medical clinic does not spend money on advertising. The posting found in the Camas/Post Record wrongfully refers to Sarah as a Doctor is their on-line directory.

Jon HAS been “advertising” his wife as a doctor, if to no other extent that HE is telling everyone she IS a doctor.

That said, how likely is it that the Camas Post Record’s “on-line directory” went up in a bubble and Russell neither knew about it… or OK’ed it in advance? Regardless of whether or not he paid for the listing, is it even remotely likely that he was unaware of it? And regardless of the logistics of the posting, isn’t it Sarah Russell’s responsibility to make sure it’s accurate?

And let’s take a look at the title of Russell’s post:

Is it true that Jon’s business advertises that his wife is a Doctor instead of a Family Nurse Practitioner?



Jon can’t even get THAT right.

So, there you have it. Russell lies about having a degree. He lies about his wife being a doctor. He lies in an interview. He leaves Washougal city government a debacle. he cavalierly violates PDC law. He parses, badly, what he means to say. He obviously believes transparency is an arcane concept that doesn’t apply to him. And he is unfit to hold public office.

Jon. You should have listened.

Cross posted to Jon Russell Watch.

>The Columbian has "interviewed" me over the fake degree/fake doctor debacle.

July 4, 2010


Regular readers are well aware of the, ahem, the high esteem with which I hold the Columbian Newspaper.

Well, imagine my surprise when I received the following:

I’m investigating your accusations against Jon Russell re his academic credentials and his wife’s professional status. If this results in a story, I will be naming you as the accuser. I will also be reporting Russell’s response to your accusations.

Russell claims that you and Ann Rivers are business associates, that you support Rivers in the 18th District race, and that Jon Russell Watch is an attempt to undermine his campaign so Rivers will win the primary. True? What if any role are you playing in Rivers’ campaign? Thank you for your prompt response.

Far be it from me to be obstructionist to the press, so, I was more then happy to reply as follows:


Russell claims that you and Ann Rivers are business associates,




that you support Rivers in the 18th District race




and that Jon Russell Watch is an attempt to undermine his campaign so Rivers will win the primary. True?


Only secondarily.

My opposition to Russell stretches back to last Summer, (long before he bailed out of his abortive congressional run) where I told him directly that I would do everything I could to oppose him. My first blog post against Russell was on June 16 of last year. Today’s political yuk: Jon Russell to run for Congress? I wrote many posts on CCP opposing him for Congress and criticizing him for the Washougal debacle. I told Russell personally last summer that I did not want him anywhere in government, based on my interactions with him in the past and his poor performance as an elected official, much of which is detailed in my blogs.


I set up Jon Russell Watch (and Jaime Herrera Watch, come to think of it) when it became clear that the volume of posts I was doing on Russell was taking up too much space on that blog. As of now, I have done 37 posts on Russell on Jon Russell Watch. And while many of them are placed on both CCP and Russell Watch, it was with an eye towards weaning one from the other, so I could get a focus for each blog, using CCP for issues of local and national importance to me, while separating out the issues of the campaigns that concern me the most so that they would have their own readership.


I call that “secondarily” because first, I publically and loudly opposed Russell before I started Russell Watch when he was running for Congress; and second, I would have written every word I put up if Ann was not running.


Russell Watch has nothing to do with Ann Rivers. The evidence I have provided; that Russell has indicated his wife is a “physician” to the 18th District PCO’s, that he called her a ”doctor” in the Vancouver Business Journal and then changed the story to “family nurse practitioner” after I blogged about it and that Sarah Russell has advertised herself as a doctor at the Columbia River Gorge Medical Clinic in a newspaper owned by the Columbian, if I’m not mistaken, is not something I fabricated. The allegations contained within the PDC complaints I filed against Russell were not manufactured out of whole cloth.


The simple defense for Russell is to prove me wrong. Had he provided that proof, I would have immediately posted it and apologized, a policy I’ve made clear on CCP, and have, in fact, done in the past: (Redux) In keeping with my policy of correcting errors, I post the following from Richard Carson, Independent Candidate for the 18th.


The fact is that I first emailed and then called (in response to their email) the registrar’s office at Thomas Edison yesterday. They verified that they had not awarded Russell with a degree, a verification I would imagine that anyone could get by using the numbers that post provided… which is why I provided them.


I get that Russell’s defense is to attack my motives and motivation. But whatever my motives and motivation, that has nothing to do with the evidence. This, however, shouldn’t have anything to do with me if the evidence proves my assertions. I’m not in this for the greater glory of me. I’m in this to provide information about a candidate who holds himself out to be one thing while the evidence tends to show he’s something else.


I did not make him falsely tell the world that he had “finished his degree at Thomas Edison State College in Trenton, NJ.” He wrote that here without any help or urging from me.


I did not make him tell the 18th District PCO’s his wife was a “physician.


I did not make him tell the Vancouver Business Journal his wife was a doctor and then ask them to go back and change the story after he was caught.


And I certainly did not make him advertise in the Post Record that his wife was a doctor as a part of his “clinic” that we hear about incessantly.


Those were decisions Russell made. And in the Richard Blumenthal era, I think it’s safe to say they were the wrong decisions to make.


I write what I write because *I* want to write it. No one has any say or sway over the words I post. They are what I believe, my opinions and where the evidence takes me. No one is paying me or controlling me… though some have tried to control me.


As for my role in the River’s campaign, that title is “friend and supporter.” She is her own woman, her positions are her own and in no way are caused by me. We agree on many of the issues, but my support of Rivers is because I know all of the candidates actually running a serious campaign on the GOP side, and she is the best qualified, experienced, knowledgeable and most visionary candidate running.


As far as that goes, I look forward to another column from Brancaccio about how worthless bloggers are.




I publish this here on the off chance that the newspaper might actually do a story on the local version of Mr. Blumnethal. I provide this here to make sure that readers of our local august publication get ALL of the story, so nothing is lost in translation.


Cross posted at Jon Russell Watch.


>Complaint filed with Health Systems Quality Assurance Board: It is illegal to advertise or identify yourself as a doctor unless, well, you’re a doctor

July 1, 2010

Yesterday, Clark County Politics filed a formal complaint with the Health Systems Quality Assurance Board concerning Jon and Sarah Russell.

The complaint alleges that Jon and Sarah Russell have deliberately misrepresented Sarah Russell as a doctor.

The evidence consists of the article that Jon Russell arranged to have changed almost 90 days after it was published, and the ad in the Camas Post Record, both identifying Sarah Russell as a doctor.

The evidence concerning the article where Russell indicated that Sarah Russell was a doctor, only to change it when I mentioned it in my blog is located here; the screen capture where they advertised Sarah Russell as a doctor in the Camas Post Record is here.

Again, I have no idea why they felt compelled to lie about Sarah Russell’s status. I cant even begin to understand why they feel the need to advertise an “Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner” as a doctor… or as anything else besides, well, an advanced registered nurse practitioner… unless there’s some sort of requirement that a health clinic have medical doctor oversight.

ONCE may be a mistake. THREE times? Well, that’s a pattern of lies.

Regardless. That this alleged Christian conservative would systematically and deliberately lie about his wife; both verbally (I witnessed him telling the 18th District PCO’s on May 22 that his wife was a “physician) AND IN WRITING (In the Vancouver Business Journal and in the ad in the Camas Post Record) WOULD tend to cast doubt on his fitness to hold office.

Because if he would lie about something as unnecessary as that… where does it end? What else would he lie about? When do we believe him?

Cross posted at Jon Russell Watch.

>More lies of misrepresentation about Sarah Russell, fake doctor.

June 30, 2010

I admit it. I just don’t get it.

Sarah Russell is not a doctor. So why does she misrepresent herself as one?

This goes beyond weird.

This is just getting out of hand.

Thanks again to the anon tipster who keeps send me this stuff.

Cross posted at Jon Russell Watch.

>Update on Jon Russell’s lies about his wife’s profession and revisionist history.

June 29, 2010

As I pointed out yesterday, Jon Russell has been lying about his wife’s profession since he hit the campaign trail for Congress.

He has repeatedly referred to her as a “physician,” and even now calls her a “family nurse practitioner” when, in fact, she’s an “advanced Registered Nurse practitioner” (according to the state) and in the article mentioned below, Russell referred to her as a doctor.

Here’s the screen capture of the article yesterday:

The paragraph in the screen capture above in the lower right corner says:

“Though Jon Russell isn’t a medical practitioner, as co-owner of Columbia Gorge Medical Center in Washougal with his wife, Dr. Sarah Russell, he claims to have a novel approach to healthcare.”

He also seems to have a novel approach to lying.

Now, to protect himself, or at least try to protect himself, I anticipated that Russell would set about to get this lie changed. That, of course, is why I did a screen capture that provides undeniable proof that Russell has been lying about his wife for reasons only he can explain to you. That’s also why I didn’t use the screen capture yesterday in the original post, because I knew he would set about to get the article changed because I forced him to tell the truth.

So, here’s the screen capture of that same article today:

Revisionist history at it’s finest.

The offending article now says:

“Though Jon Russell isn’t a medical practitioner, as co-owner of Columbia Gorge Medical Center in Washougal with his wife, family nurse practitioner Sarah Russell, he claims to have a novel approach to healthcare.”

Odd, isn’t it?

Yesterday, his wife was a doctor. Today, she’s presented as a family nurse practitioner. The state, however, says she’s an advanced registered nurse practitioner.

At this point, maybe the problem is that Russell has no idea WHAT his wife does. But one thing is certain: she’s not a doctor…. even though in the interview, Russell clearly indicated she was.

Now, I appreciate the fact that Russell reads my blog, and that in his panicked state, immediately set about to change the story he SHOULD have changed over 2 months ago. Can anyone not believe that Russell lied deliberately, and only had the story changed to be a little more truthful (he’s still lying about what his wife is) only as a result of this blog and Russell Watch?

Why, if it weren’t for anticipating this completely predictable thug’s actions, I wouldn’t be able to prove that he was lying… would I?

In fact, I anticipated he would do that, which is why I did a screen capture in the first place, because except for lying, Russell has proven himself to be very big on revisionist history.

But the fact is that a picture really DOES tell a thousands words, although this picture really boils down to just a few:

Jon Russell is an out and out liar.

And is that who we want to send to Olympia?

Thanks for the anonymous tip that pointed this out on the first post.

Cross posted to Jon Russell Watch.