Archive for the ‘scam’ category

>Leg democrats explode leftist electoral carnage device: November disaster awaits.

March 5, 2010

Democrat state senator Lisa Brown, having obviously grown tired of democrat control of the Washington State Senate, today took a major step in returning that control to Senate Republicans with the introduction of her moronic state income tax bill.

Brown, already on political suicide watch for an equally idiotic play to get rid of I-960 even before the ink dried; now sits atop a political organization with all the structural integrity of rice pudding slathered over pig intestines, indicated a new level of determination to assist in leading her party to a Dresden-like destruction at the polls this November; of a variety previously only witnessed in Hiroshima when a bunch of folks heard something and said “What’s that?” 10 years to the day before my birthday or the 1994 elections, whichever came first.

Clearly, the utter cluelessness demonstrated by our president has seeped down to the lower levels of the fringe left, infesting their leadership with a political death wish unheard of since the days of Soviet expansionism as illustrated by the Warsaw Pact’s response to Hungary in ’56.

So, as far as that goes, I applaud Brown’s efforts to increase GOP numbers in the Leg. It’s the kind of thing that will truly make 1994 look like a fender-bender in comparison. Clearly, Brown is as bright as she is tall, and at 4 foot 5 inches or so, that ain’t sayin’ much.

Well Done!

>Confusing motion with action: Obama and airport security.

January 3, 2010


Our president has brought himself a series of major problems.

His failures to secure our air travel, sending out that moron to tell us “the system worked…” and now all this talk about about new, intrusive (and no doubt, incredibly expensive) and in the case of the Crotchbomber, utterly useless airport scanners.

This is a CLASSIC bait and switch. It’s the very definition of attempting to confuse the American population that they’re REALLY doing something THIS time… and even though it’s going to cost us MORE billions, they overlook that fact that had these scanners been in place…. had the Crotchbomber actually BEEN scanned with one of these…

…. it wouldn’t have made any difference. It wouldn’t have worked, anyway.

It hasn’t been so long that I’ve forgotten one critical, post 9/11 fact: The hijackers did nothing before the attack started that was illegal in the sense that they carried illegal or otherwise prohibited items on board those aircraft.

Government under Bush felt that a huge response to the matter was necessary, however, so they embarked on a massive, incredibly wasteful program to increase federal employment (and federal unions) by an additional 70,000 or so federal employees.

The items they brought on board the aircraft were not prohibited at the time. They didn’t “slip through” security. No one looked the other way.

The fact is that they were successful in large part because no one anticipated that 20 guys could hijack 4 aircraft and fly them into targets which would have resulted in the deaths of the hijackers as well as the passengers.

A fanatic willing to die in the name of their cause to complete their crime is the most dangerous of all. While not completely unknown in our society, we had relegated them to a Waco-like status, where adherents were nut jobs, incapable of the planning and coordination the 9/11 attacks actually required.

They were mostly successful because we were mostly unprepared. And no amount of federalizing 70,000 people would have made any damned difference even if that had been done BEFORE the hijacking.

But the White House (Bush) needed to do SOMETHING to keep the people from focusing on the systemic failure of our security system that allowed this to happen. So, this massive and ongoing waste of money was whipped up with democrat approval (obviously) and the GOP was too timid to point out what a waste it was, and how it wouldn’t have made any difference in the outcome, anyway.

We made all these changes. And, we changed policies to keep the items used in the hijackings off our aircraft. And yet, even since then, we’ve had at least two attempts to destroy aircraft by passengers who made it through all this new-fangled security.

And now, what’s the big push?

Why, it’s implementing full-body scanners that seem to be capable of reading a woman’s “tramp stamp” tattoo, but which would NOT have been capable of figuring out the Crotchbomber had actually had a bomb under his clothes or his junk, for that matter.

But oh, man… is our president responding…. or WHAT?

var articleheadline = “Are planned airport scanners just a scam?”;

Are planned airport scanners just a scam?

New technology that Gordon Brown relies on for his response to the Christmas Day bomb attack has been tested – and found wanting

By Jane Merrick

The explosive device smuggled in the clothing of the Detroit bomb suspect would not have been detected by body-scanners set to be introduced in British airports, an expert on the technology warned last night.

The claim severely undermines Gordon Brown’s focus on hi-tech scanners for airline passengers as part of his review into airport security after the attempted attack on Flight 253 on Christmas Day.

The Independent on Sunday has also heard authoritative claims that officials at the Department for Transport (DfT) and the Home Office have already tested the scanners and were not persuaded that they would work comprehensively against terrorist threats to aviation.

The claims triggered concern that the Prime Minister is over-playing the benefits of such scanners to give the impression he is taking tough action on terrorism.

And experts in the US said airport “pat-downs” – a method used in hundreds of airports worldwide – were ineffective and would not have stopped the suspect boarding the plane.


So, yeah. Our “shout out” president is REALLY making changes (Now, anyway.)

The problem is that it’s fairly clear that none of them will make any difference.

But then, he doesn’t care if it does or not.

He only cares that you THINK it does.


>Next sacrificial lamb up, maybe Brian Hatfield?

December 10, 2009

So, Brian Hatfield might have the itch.

The problem is that Hatfield is best known for having his buddy, Brad Owen, create a job for him that resulted in a 37% increase in Owen’s budget back in 05.

Now, Hatfield didn’t particularly do anything or have any particular experience for the job that Owen made up for him, but, what they hey. Owen was a buddy, and in a position to shaft the taxpayers for this guy, so, why not?

Here’s some details from the time:

The Seattle Times did a report on Lieutenant Governor Brad Owen’s massively increased budget request.

Now, I’ve got to tell you… I think Brad does a GREAT job. In fact, we could do worse for governor or senator (Hey, wait a minute… we HAVE done worse! What am I saying?) and I vote for him on a regular basis. In fact, Brad and Brian Sonntag are my two automatic democrat votes.

But I’ve got a problem with this entire situation.

See, Brad hired then newly re-elected State Representative Brian Hatfield (D-19) because… well, because Brian needed a job. Not that there WAS a job, you understand. Brad liked Brian enough to make UP a job, exclusively for him… because, apparently, outside of being a democrat state representative, Brian couldn’t find a job on his own. In the interest of full disclosure, though, I wonder if Brian had let the voters of the 19th know that if he got a better offer, he was going to dump them like a bad habit. No matter… in that regard, what’s done is done.

Now, I freely admit that democrats are geniuses at this sort of thing. The moment they take power in any office, they immediately begin to replace staff with choices of their persuasion, or, as Brad did, make up jobs for their cronies to keep them in the game.

Republicans rarely emulate that effort, which is just one of the many shortsighted reasons why Republicans are not in power in this state.

That said, Brad decides to pay Brian a lot of money for this made-up, previously unneeded job. More money, in fact, than any other employee in the Lieutenant Governor’s Office.

Well, I’ve got to tell you, I can understand that. I mean, how weird is it that Brian was paid more…. A LOT more…. Than the guy he would titularly answer to, Brad’s Chief of Staff?

So, part of this massive increase is a result of the “bow wave” effect caused by Brian’s hiring.

According to the article, Brian, who hasn’t been there long enough, relatively speaking, to figure out where the office men’s room is located, is somehow worthy of a $5200 pay increase, in addition to his $68,500 that he’s already getting.

But, because Brad is paying this guy so much friggen money, he has to bump everyone ELSE in the office up… so Brad’s Chief-of-Staff gets a $20,000 a year raise to $70,000, a “deputy director and international trade specialist” gets a $25,000 bump to $65,000 while others are getting pay raises of $3,500 to $8,600 yearly, while every OTHER state employee has to make do with 3.2% this year and 1.6% next year.

Brad, your excuse that this is a “pay equity” issue doesn’t wash.

1. Everyone in your office, presumably, knew what he or she was getting when they agreed to work for you. “Pay equity” has nothing to do with it.

2. Even if “pay equity” WAS a valid reason to get these outrageous pay raises through, it cannot be justified in the face of government’s failure to address “pay equity” for EVERY state employee. In short, your staff are state employees, no better or worse then any other state employees. Further, you know as well as I do that you’re buying your staff’s silence, to keep them from complaining about this hiring.

3. You pro-offered no REASON for hiring Brian in the first place. His hiring was, in fact, a violation of his commitment to the voters and an abuse of your power and discretion. There was NOTHING noted in the article that spelled out ANY experience, education or training on Brian’s part that would qualify him, even for a made up job like this one… because if he WAS qualified for this job, he would have NO difficulty getting a job somewhere ELSE.

4. I’m sorry his wife has cancer. My left knee hurts… is that a reason you should hire me? Brian’s insurance coverage is no better or worse working for you than as a state representative. Her cancer, as unfortunate as it is, justifies nothing and I’m surprised that anyone would suggest that it does.

5. Here’s a bulletin. We are in the midst of a multi-billion dollar budget deficit. So you decide to pile on with this budgetary excess?

Brad, I believed in you. Not as a democrat or a member of any organization. I believed in YOU.

But when you abuse the budget in this manner, you abuse each of the 6 million people who inhabit this state… and, as I am one of those people, struggling to pay your taxes and keep my home… you abuse me.

The people would be best served by your decision to fire Brian and to give your staff the same level of raises that any other state employee gets. This is an issue greater then your decision to help out a buddy at the expense of those of us you would govern.

Brad Owen never answered my letter. I was not worthy of a response.

I am, after all, just one of his constituents. So, why should he bother to answer me?

No matter. The end result is that Hatfield has to explain this…. and do it in such a way that it makes sense.

Good luck with that, Brian. You’re gonna need it.

>So, do you Vancouver GOP’ers get it, yet? Leavitt IS a liar.

December 2, 2009

I have placed post after post on this blog pointing out where Tim “The Liar” Leavitt is doing his best to live up to the sobriquet I applied to him.

I pointed out that the ONLY reason this clown hitched his wagon to the toll issue was because he needed something…. ANYTHING… to separate himself from Pollard, since they were, essentially, attached at the hip.

To The Lair’s credit, and that of his entirely democrat campaign staff which included Steve “I can be bought” Stuart, he pulled it off. His web of lies and deceit counted on the fact that the right wing in Vancouver is essentially made up of delusional types who see things the way they want them… and not the way they are.

As I have stated throughout the entirety of that scumbag’s campaign: Tim “The Liar” Leavitt WAS ALWAYS IN FAVOR OF TOLLS, just like the fact that he was ALWAYS IN FAVOR OF THIS BRIDGE AND ALWAYS IN FAVOR OF LOOT RAIL.

Now…. tell me how that’s different from Pollard?

I cannot even begin to fathom how so many on the right were taken in by this leftist scum bag. *I* tried to tell you. *I* tried to tell EVERYONE… but you people refused to listen.

And yet, as I read the comments on the article in question, it becomes clear that even though you idiots were taken in by this casket salesman, you STILL support him!

Clearly, the one thing politicians can count on is the stupidity of the voter.

Just ask that empty-suited, Anti-American racist bigot in the White House.

People, you got hosed. The problem is that YOUR stupidity is going to cost us all.

>ANOTHER $10,000 of East Coast, special interest money for Tim "The Liar" Leavitt?

October 29, 2009

SOMEBODY is buying Tim “The Liar” Leavitt, precisely like SOMEONE bought Steve “I’ll take $100,000 in unmarked bills laundered through Progressive Majority, Mr. Barnett” Stuart.

So far, that SOMEONE has laundered $40,000 through an East Coast union with absolutely NO dog in this fight… like SOMEONE laundered $100,000 through Progressive Majority for Commissioner Steve Stuart (D-Barnett)

I WILL find out who, and hopefully get them indicted. Meanwhile that these people felt compelled to scam this cash through a union on the other side of the country must mean SOMETHING… something like they think Leavitt has managed to lose an election that was, sure enough, his TOO lose… and this expenditure means that it looks like he’s pulled it off brilliantly.

You know, a lot of people are going to look like idiots here.

If Leavitt manages to pull this off then he, like Stuart, will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of whoever is buying him. And I AM going to find out who that is.

>So… who’s laundering money into Tim "The Liar" Leavitt’s campaign?

October 24, 2009

You’ve got to wonder where the money is coming from for Tim “The Liar” Leavitt.

$35,000 has been laundered so far. The questions are: Who? How? Why? and for What?

I’m still working on I’Ding the source of the New York money. Rumor has it that the cash from New York City will be matched by somewhere through Georgia.

Who’s behind that money? Why would Leavitt not condemn it? Why wouldn’t he shut it off? Why wouldn’t he go to the source and demand that the money be returned so he couldn’t benefit from it… and that the canvessers that HE unleashed and then lied about when it came to them working for Pollard, be defunded?

Why would east coast money be piling up for The Liar?

I mean, after all, according to The Liar, he can shut off independent expenditure with a snap of the fingers… SO WHY DOESN’T LEAVITT TURN HIS OFF?

Simple. Because he’s a rank, slimy, hypocrite.

Unfortunately for this community, he’s surrounded himself with slimy hypocrites, Like Steve “Put the cash in a plain paper bag, Mr. Barnett” Stuart, and we’re all made to suffer for it.

With his lies about tolls on the I-5 bridge replacement/loot rail scam and his newly hatched “tax everyone instead of tolls” plan, combined with his playground campaign lies and character assassination of his opponent and the fact that this slimy worm didn’t bother to vote, time after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time, after time… and he has proven himself unfit to hold ANY elective office.

>Ann Donnelly had a great column today in support of Tim "The Liar" Leavitt, except for one thing:

October 15, 2009

She blew it when she characterized Leavitt as being opposed to tolls.

When Tim “The Liar” Leavitt says, on one hand, that he allegedly opposes tolls, but then says he won’t oppose the bridge iif tolls are are “must have,” then what he’s REALLY saying is that he DOESN’T oppose tolls.

You see, Ann, if he REALLY opposed tolls, then he would make that a binding condition of his support for the bridge. As in:

Mayoral candidate Tim Leavitt and city council candidates Jeanne Stewart (an incumbent) and Bill Turlay (running against Jack Burkman for an open seat) oppose bridge tolls, while Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire, Congressman Brian Baird, Portland Mayor Sam Adams, and Vancouver Mayor Royce Pollard tell us tolls are inevitable.

I must admit to some level of disappointment on Dr. Donnelly’s part. As a former chair of the County Republican Party, I would have thought she would have been somewhat less gullible, and somewhat more attuned to “the Liar’s” toll scam.

Tim “The Liar” Leavitt has been attempting to lull people into actually believing his garbage about opposing tolls. It is something of a disappointment that Ann Donnelly would actually fall for it.

The liar has made it clear he doesn’t oppose tolls. What he’s trying to do, and apparently succeeding a small amount with those not paying attention, is to get people to BELIEVE he opposes tolls.

The problem with that is more then just rhetoric.

Tim “The Liar” Leavitt does NOT oppose tolls if he will NOT oppose a bridge that has them.

And he won’t do that. What he moronically calls “obstructionist,” the rest of us call “standing up for principle.”

Of course, to stand up for them, you have to have them. And this whiny, sniveling punk wouldn’t know character and integrity if they walked up and bit him in the ass.

While I agree with much of Donnelly’s analysis of the bridge tolling situation, I simply cannot believe she’s allowed herself to get sucked in by The Liar’s casket-salesman persona.

There are two candidates running for mayor. Only one of them is lying about tolls if this bridge is to get built.

It’s unfortunate that Ms. Donnelly seems incapable of figuring out which one.

>Local loot rail fans, here’s the future for us: Sound Transit – $3.1 BILLION DOLLARS LESS THAN PLANNED TO BE COLLECTED.

October 9, 2009

That’s right, folks. Like the rest of the lies from Loot Rail fans, our closest massive waste of money in Seattle is coming in a mere $3.1 BILLION dollars short on their budget.

Sales and car tab taxes, tab taxes that have driven renewal costs to absurd levels, will have to be jacked up even HIGHER because of these lying scum.

And we’re going to be facing the same thing here in EVERY respect.

That $4 BILLION waste of money for a bridge we don’t want or need… a bridge that’s entire reason for being replaced is ONLY to get loot rail into Vancouver? Figure on at least TWICE that much.

And who is going to make up for the shortfall? Talk about income redistribution.

And the money making quote in this article?Among the consequences:

Future light-rail lines will need to adhere to low-cost, simple designs, agency managers said. No cuts in service were suggested at Sound Transit’s board meeting Thursday.


This is yet another in the series of reasons why I-1033 MUST be approved. Out of control spending and waste by out of control government bureaucrats and elected officials who simply DON’T CARE since it’s not their money.

These people lied about how much their absurd level of taxes and fees for a worthless, obsolete, unneeded and unwanted transportation system that only amounts to bus replacements for the view who have an astounding amount sucked out of OUR pockets for THEIR transportation needs.

Disgusting… and a total rip off.

They tell us they only plan to waste $4 BILLION on this steaming pile.

Don’t believe them. Don’t believe them because the number of times these kinds of projects skyrocket over budget in comparison to the number of times they come in under the number they promise is geometrically higher.

Between this kind of swindle and the empty suited, anti-American racist bigot actually ACCEPTING the Noble Piss Prize, I have rarely been more disgusted with my government.

>Destroying trust in government: Jon Russell’s Blog

August 15, 2009

I hate political corruption. I hate it when the left tries it, as The Empty Suit has practiced it since he swindled us into voting for him.

I hate it when the right tries it, like Jon Russell, congressional candidate, is trying it now.

Jon passes himself off as some kind of conservative. But it’s all for show.

One must not be judged by what they say or write when they’re running for office. To find out the truth, one must review what one has done when he or she wasn’t a candidate. And Russell is no exception.

Russell is no more a conservative than he is a brain surgeon. The fact of the matter is that I know a lot about Mr. Russell. And over the next several months, more and more will be provided on this blog, so you, too, will get to know Mr. Russell like I do.

And here’s a disclaimer.

I do not work for any campaign. I am not writing this because anyone has told me to do so. I am not being paid, promised, threatened or coerced in any way. I just happen to know Mr. Russell and I don’t like what I see. That said:

Today’s tidbit?

We had a Port Levy election not too long ago back, when the Port Commissioners arrogantly attempted to ram a huge tax increase down our collective throats for money that, ultimately, they didn’t need. The campaign was a miserable failure, losing in the vicinity of 70% “no” to 30% “yes.”

Who was the political genius that ran that effort? Who was paid to do everything he could to ram through one of the largest tax increases in local history? Who was so politically inept and incompetent that the results will live on as one of the worst political massacres in local history?

Why, that would be one Jon Russell.

Russell has a history of political mercenary-ism. By running this unneeded and unwanted tax increase campaign, Russell has shown that, in the words of Charles Barkley, “If the money was right, I’d play for the Klan.”

We’ve already GOT a cowardman that has sold out for campaign donations with huge earmarks.

Why we want to elect another one?

Ann Donnelly felt compelled to press release Russell in a recent column wherein she writes as the Columbian’s token Republican (though certainly not a conservative… she’s delusional enough to support the I-5 Bridge Replacement/Loot Rail scam) and Russell felt compelled to cut and paste it on to his blog… as if all of those words actually meant something.

They didn’t.

We’ll chat again.

>The local BIA blows the call: endorses Leavitt when they should have stayed out.

August 8, 2009

Tim Leavitt has proven he’s a FINE casket salesman. He makes people think they NEED the bronze casket handles.

Illustrated by his scam of the hispanic endorsement and his bizarre, lying efforts to make people believe he doesn’t want tolls on the massive waste of money and effort known as the I-5 Bridge replacement/loot rail project, (He wants the bridge… therefore, he wants tolls, since you cannot have one without the other) the local BIA screwed up big time by endorsing this scam artist.

When Leavitt loses (and he will lose) they will have an avowed enemy as mayor in the form of “No Choice” Royce. As I have shown, when it comes to the major issues impacting our community, there is no difference between Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber, save for the level of slickness in their respective packaging.

Now Pollard can, and should, hammer Leavitt for being in the pocket of special interests even more than he is.

Neither Pollard nor Leavitt are fit for elective office… and frankly, I would have thought that Bomar and the BIA would have known better.