Archive for the ‘leftists’ category

>Leg democrats explode leftist electoral carnage device: November disaster awaits.

March 5, 2010

Democrat state senator Lisa Brown, having obviously grown tired of democrat control of the Washington State Senate, today took a major step in returning that control to Senate Republicans with the introduction of her moronic state income tax bill.

Brown, already on political suicide watch for an equally idiotic play to get rid of I-960 even before the ink dried; now sits atop a political organization with all the structural integrity of rice pudding slathered over pig intestines, indicated a new level of determination to assist in leading her party to a Dresden-like destruction at the polls this November; of a variety previously only witnessed in Hiroshima when a bunch of folks heard something and said “What’s that?” 10 years to the day before my birthday or the 1994 elections, whichever came first.

Clearly, the utter cluelessness demonstrated by our president has seeped down to the lower levels of the fringe left, infesting their leadership with a political death wish unheard of since the days of Soviet expansionism as illustrated by the Warsaw Pact’s response to Hungary in ’56.

So, as far as that goes, I applaud Brown’s efforts to increase GOP numbers in the Leg. It’s the kind of thing that will truly make 1994 look like a fender-bender in comparison. Clearly, Brown is as bright as she is tall, and at 4 foot 5 inches or so, that ain’t sayin’ much.

Well Done!

>Did Herrera jump the gun… and the shark… by announcing last night?

December 10, 2009

Other discussions were taking place when State Representative Jamie Herrera (R-DC) got WAYYYYYY out in front of those discussions and announced on Politico that she was all in. The article ratcheting back her persona that she was being “groomed” for this by moving her position backwards to “considering” this run lends itself to that conclusion

Not so fast, Herrera. There are other, MANY other much more qualified then you to represent this district in Congress.

See, Jamie… to actually be a Member of Congress requires far more substance than a smile that’s the poster for an orthodontist.

Unfortunately, that’s all Herrera’s got.

While she’s never worked to get what she’s been given, while she has zero experience, while she’s never had a private sector job… while, in fact, she’s done nothing except be a career intern… that’s simply not enough.

That’s not to say I don’t believe she shouldn’t run. On the contrary, I think she should announce and then resign her seat in the House. That way, we can get rid of her there… and then, when she gets hammered in the primary, she could just be gone altogether.
I’d also like to see Moeller, Wallace, and the rest of the leftist caucus down here announce.

They have no chance… Wallace is toast because it’s too easy to hang the bridge and the wasted tens of millions around her neck; no one north of 39th would ever vote for Moeller…. Steve Stuart is over no matter what he does due to both his desire to jam this unwanted bridge with its unwanted and unneeded loot rail down our throats along with the corruption that got him elected in the first place… the $100,000 from David Barnett that bought Stuart like the 13th Amendment had never been passed.

Yes… it’s gonna be a hoot to see which leftists line up to get their asses kicked… almost as much as a hoot watching Herrera getting beaten like a rented mule.

Who needs the NFL when you’ve got this?

>Limbaugh and the NFL issue.

October 14, 2009

So… let me get this straight.

An Obama leg-humper like “Fergie” will have no trouble getting a piece of the Miami Dolphins ownership pie (Which Fergie and a growing group of minority owners in the franchise apparently view as something of a fashion accessory) but Limbaugh has been blackballed by scum like Al “Tawana BrawleySharpton (I wonder how Al would like it if he was ever kept from getting a radio show because of his rampant bigoted racism? Would that be just swell with him?) and communist democrat racist bigot Sheila Jackson Lee, to our everlasting embarrassment and shame a member of Congress from becoming a minority owner of an NFL Franchise?

So, we can allow a slimeball back into the game who visited agony upon agony on dogs for a fricking HOBBY to come back in and PLAY, but because Limbaugh has SAID some things these scumbags don’t like, HE is excluded? HE is discriminated against?

What laws has Limbaugh violated?


Yet the NFL is FULL of players who’ve violated the law in everything from drugs to sexual assault and in some cases, getting cleared for murder.

So, why is it that these scum aren’t at least held up to the same standard as Limbaugh?

Why is it that these racist bigots are able to impact a business decision like this?

Why is this OK?

It isn’t.

You know, I have never seen the Seahawks play in their new stadium. I actually never will, given the history of that facility and the massive abuse of the taxpayer, ignored by the legislature that allowed a slime ball billionaire to rip us off for hundreds of millions of dollars to keep a football team here.

I’m strange, that way. I’ve only set foot in the Vancouver Hilton, once, and that was at the behest and support of a client and friend of mine… and I will never go back… all for the same reason: the abuse of the taxpayer, in this case, fostered by the city council.

I played the game for roughly 22 years: Little league, high school, military, college) and my old body is something of a wreck because of it. I’ve lived and breathed football for over 40 years… even went out and bought a 72 inch HD unit to watch it. But this is it.

Ultimately, if the NFL determines that someone can be kept out of franchise ownership because of the racist bigotry of the few… particularly the few not involved in the ownership of that franchise, then I will never watch another NFL game, ever, anywhere. And that includes television.

It’s not that I’m a big Rush fan. On the contrary, all too often in the past when I did listen, it seemed like you could avoid listening for 6 months, listen again, and it would seem like you hadn’t missed anything.

But what I AM a huge fan of is freedom. I am a HUGE fan of freedom of speech.

Just for one example, I believe that the empty suited, anti-American racist bigot in the White House has damaged us for untold generations. But unless he’s convicted of doing something illegal… something like, well, watching the slaughter of dogs for sport and making money off of that peculiar hobby; I don’t believe that if he has the money, he should be disqualified from owning part of an NFL team.

But then, I also don’t believe in the leftist, racist double standard, either.

But, like the idiotic decision of NASCAR to go to cookie cutter, no-difference cars resulted in me ignoring them: I can live without NFL football if they’re going to base their ownership decisions on discriminatory, made up as they go-along racist bigoted policies that turn my stomach.

Their call. And while I’m not particularly one who’s fond of lawyers; if, ultimately, Rush is kept out of ownership because of the left’s bigotry, then I hope he sues the NFL’s ass off.

But if, as a report I’ve just seen says, Rush is out?

Then so am I.

>The leftists and their lies about I-1033

October 6, 2009

I admit it: I support 1033.

Over time, it has become increasingly clear that leftist scum will lie about anything. For me, that the Vancouver Education Association opposes this initiative is a stand-along reason to support it, since teachers have proven time and time again that their only concern is for themselves.

Their continuing lie that this has anything to do with Colorado’s temporarily suspended TABOR law is just that, a lie. But like the local rag and our country’s democrat leadership, the left has shown that their is no lie they won’t tell to further their agenda.

In all the whining and sniveling in this particular leftist propaganda, absolutely ZERO mention is made of the ability of scum like these to take the simple expedient of ASKING us to fund their greed.

WE pay the bills. The very idea that in times like these, WE should have no say in the matter of when, how and how much is spent is absurd nonsense.

It’s the same kind of lies these same kind of people spewed when the late and lamented I-601, or the end of the world as we know it crap of I-200, or certainly the “knock the world off it’s axis” of I-695…. or even the out and out lies of the gas tax that we needed so desperately, the gas tax that was going to do OH SO much… only to discover that the project list was and is a fictional sham, long since whacked by around 40%.

The moron running the show, Governor Stupido, was out bleating just the other day that she might have to raise taxes. Well, one could only hope that she tries this stunt next legislative session…. just in time for the spool up to the 2010 general.

The despicable and predictable leftists running the rag will certainly urge us to all vote “no” on I-1033, and cite many of the same lies the scum in this column will use.

But with the tax bit in Christine’s mouth, NOW becomes the most important time in this state’s history to reign in government.

The very idea so terrifies the leftist with their fangs buried so far in the taxpayer’s jugular… that it leads them to lie like these two lied. And because these scum failed to even mention the voter option of I-1033, every thing they sniveled was just that; a lie.

>More fringe left hero-worship of the ACORN-in-Chief by our local waste of pulp.

September 24, 2009

Yesterday, the empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot, so admired by his fellow communist, Castro; and essentially “owned” by his soul brother Qaddafi, gave one of the most politically inept and ignorant foreign policy speeches ever uttered by a sitting president; well, at least since his fellow democrat Carter had the job; and our local stain on journalism slobbers all over themselves in adoration.

The moron who wrote that garbage tells us: “Obama’s message to world leaders is clear

On that much, of course, everyone can agree.

It’s clear he’s selling out Israel. It’s clear he sold out Eastern Europe to the Soviets (I mean the Russians) It’s clear he, personally, will allow the psychotic Iranians to develop nukes. It’s clear that he’s a cowardly moron, incapable of standing up for what’s right and what’s just.

Here’s the speech he SHOULD have given.

“Thanks for coming by and listening. This is how it’s going to go.

Any attack on Israel by anyone is an attack on democracy everywhere. With the first attack, we will cut off all foreign aid to the country where the attack comes from. Thus, it’s in that country’s best interests to protect their borders from such attacks. Foreign aid will be restored at one half the prior level, 6 months after the last attack.

The money we save from ending foreign aid will be used to offset the costs of providing Israeli security. You people don’t like it? You don’t want to use the dollar as the standard trade currency? Swell. Get your free money somewhere else.

We will begin conventional bombing operations against Iran before the end of this speech.

We are going to start with all military assets and if Iranian support for terrorism does not stop, we will then begin to destroy civilian architecture. Interference with American affairs will no longer be tolerated, and those who draw blood from us are going to suffer a terrible price.

As a nation, we are tired of Iranians murdering our military members with impunity. We have no interest in simply sitting back and allowing you to become a nuclear power so you can use that threat against your neighbors. Any nuclear attack from Iran to anywhere will be met with massive retaliation that will eliminate Iran as a country.

To that end, you have one week to run over the entirety of you nuclear program, including all materials, plans, structures and personnel. Failure to do so will result in immediate and massive conventional bombing of your civilian infrastructure.

If things like running water and electricity are of particular note to you, then you had better pay attention…. because in a short time, you will have neither.

To the people of Iran, your government is your business. You continue to allow a repressive, psychotic nutjob to run your country… but you do so at your own risk. The time has come to put an end to the threat that is Iran. Further, the time for “talk” has ended.

It is now time to act.

In Eastern Europe, we will be installing a massive missile defense shield to help protect our NATO allies.

I admit it; we screwed up when I foolishly and stupidly told the Russians we would not set up the missile defense system promised by the prior administration… in the vein hope that Russia would join with us to help control that whackjobs running Iran. That was no excuse.

Right or wrong, we gave our word. Our word MUST be something that can be counted on around the world.

Once given, there will be no intransigence, no hesitation, no prevarication. Once given, we will keep our end of the bargain.

And if Russia believes these defenses are aimed at them, I would point out that, unless Russia has any designs that would REQUIRE defenses on other countries, then even if those defenses ARE aimed at Russia; Russia should not care.

These weapons will be entirely and only defensive in nature. Why should Russia concern itself with the defensive actions of others?”

The rest of this speech SHOULD have been along these lines covering energy, human rights and trade and the like.

Instead, it was another of his “blame America First” productions, so beloved by leftist scum… such as those cranking out our local disgrace to journalism… the embarrassment of our community.

These types of editorials are inevitable. When a leftist rag endorses a fellow fringer, they really have no choice but to continue the charade that their decision to become left wing lap dogs was somehow justified, especially now that this blithering idiot is telling them that they’ll be getting a taxpayer-financed bail out.

Yup. Fringe-left journalism at its finest.

>And speaking of the ACORN scandal… where’s our local rag’s coverage?

September 14, 2009

As detailed several times below, the Columbian is a wholly-owned leftist newsletter, bought and paid for with our tax dollars by a greatful democrat legislature.

Well, like that great democrat Lyndon Johnson was credited with saying: “Down in Texas, once we buy a (newspaper) they STAY bought.”

First, we have minimal to zero coverage of one of the largest protests in the history of the United States. Now, we have no coverage of a scandal that might, ultimately, bring down a presidency… and where’s this waste of pulp’s coverage of that?

No where that I could find.

Now, why do you suppose that is?

>They need to get ready to lock me up: I will NEVER buy mandatory health insurance, and I will NEVER pay ANY fine because I didn’t.

September 10, 2009

I’m sitting here, basking in the afterglow of the empty-suited moron’s lies about health care in this country, and his plans for that program.

Part of that program is FORCING people to get health care insurance. Those ignoring this edict risk a $3800 fine.


I will go to prison before I pay a dime of such a fine. If, as a small businessman, I get health care insurance, that is MY decision… not his.

What…. unbelievablescumery.

>HATERS DENIED AGAIN!!! R71 REMAINS on the ballot.

September 2, 2009

We’ve seen the rank bigotry of the fringe leftists infesting us. They’re so predictable and easy to manipulate. But then, they’d have to be, or they wouldn’t BE leftists to begin with.

That said, their ongoing effort to deny us the right to decide this question, a typical issue when it comes to a will of the people they might not like, took it in the nards today when a King County Judge ruled that their bogus, nonsensical efforts to silence the people on their garbage position was as worthless as the rest of their bigotry.

Spector said in her ruling that “the court recognizes the concerns raised by the plaintiffs regarding the validity of a significant number of petitions and signatures in this case.”

But she also said the law does not require the secretary of state to refuse to accept petitions that do not meet state law and that it is unclear whether there are limits to the secretary of state’s discretion to accept petitions.

Furthermore, Spector said, the King County Superior Court has no authority to prevent the secretary of state from accepting the petitions with questionable signatures, and that those challenging the signatures can only do so after the referendum has been certified.

Any challenge to R-71 would have to be brought before the Thurston County Superior Court within five days after the referendum is certified, she said.

It takes a special kind of hatred and bigotry to deny the people the right to determine this, or any issue granted us by the Constitution of this state, anf the leftists must be defeated any time they try it.

>HATERS DENIED! Referendum 71, The "end special rights for gays" initiative, makes the ballot!

August 31, 2009

Earlier, I talked about the left’s and the gay’s abhorrence of democracy and fear of the will of the people.

A few hours ago, Referendum 71, a referendum to roll back the special rights granted people merely because of their lifestyle choices by a socially leftist legislature, qualified for the ballot.

Gays and their supporters put all of their faith into working hard to deny the people of this state the RIGHT to determine this issue.

That is much like the local politicians and bureaucrats who insist on keeping the people from having a direct say in the monstrosity that is the I-5 Bridge and Loot Rail waste of billions. It’s that same arrogance, that same”our judgement is superior to yours” crap pushed by our local paper.

The fear of the will of the people is palpable among the leftists. They long for a Stalinist model with that empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot and his cult of personality in charge.

Now, we’ll stand back and watch the leftists and gays hurl accusations of bigotry, precisely like they hurl accusations of racism against anyone smart enough to object to Obama’s socialist policies.

I have no idea how this is going to turn out. But the more gays and their allies hurl these allegations of “Nazi” and “Brown Shirt,” the more likely the outcome will be the same for them as it is the scumbag representing the 3rd District in Congress.

And they won’t like that at all.

>More leftist deflection from our local fishwrapper: Oh goody! WE made them say "inartful."

August 29, 2009

Politics, as a business, sucks.

The observance of politics is frequently toxic to the extent that the anger and frustration one feels when those who have a public position that is, allegedly, requiring of some level of trust, fairness, and journalistic tenets deposit those elements of their profession into the toilet with their respective processed lunches.

Recently, the democrat newsletter known as the local paper, for example, felt it “newsworthy” to publish the sniveling whines of someone who didn’t like a fundraising letter.

Do I even have to mention the party that sent the letter out?

Of course not. Anyone reading the tripe this rag publishes knows automatically which party provided the letter.

The abandonment of journalistic fairness took place throughout the entirety of what we can laughingly call “the story.”

Even the moron writing this article had to admit that ALL political parties engage in what some will call “objectionable” verbiage in their fundraisers:

Democrats have been just as guilty, according to Portland pollster Mike Riley, quoted in Tuesday’s Columbian: “Both parties do that. They are using some of the hot-button issues to see what activates the voters. It’s politics as usual within the party faithful. No one that I know puts any credibility in thesetypes of polls.”

The idiots publishing this slop knew that before they published it.

So… why did they publish it? What was the point?

It was, of course, part of their ongoing effort to rehab our Cowardman’s image.

It failed, of course, because nothing this waste of pulp has, is, or will do can achieve that.

And where these scum failed… again… was when they failed to get a fund-raiser from the leftists at the same time… say, any one of those demonizing President Bush (who, compared to the Empty suited, anti-American racist bigot currently running the country is starting to look more and more like Abe Lincoln) and stopping just short of demanding his assassination; and doing the same thing to the authors of THOSE efforts.

Since these leftists agreed with that kind of nonsense, and since an institutional double-standard for leftists is just company policy around there; well, fat chance that would ever happen.

All of which begs the issue: Why didn’t it happen? Why didn’t these morons go out and get a leftist fund raiser to compare this with?

IF you’re going to do such a moronic story, the ONLY way it works, in the interest of fairness, even-handedness and JOURNALISM is to do it for BOTH parties, PARTICULARLY when your own source TELLS you that BOTH PARTIES DO IT.

But that would be yet another instance of this rag allowing facts to interfere with it’s agenda.

And they can’t have that… can they?

Their bogus editorial goes on to spew:

Much like the definition of “journalist,” the true meaning of “survey” often can be a little blurred. Our advice: Check the source, make sure it’s genuinely identified and decide if it’s got an agenda.

Given the trainwreck that is your paper, and given your obvious hatred of anything to the right of Lenin, why don’t you take your advice and jam it where the sun don’t shine?

The definition of journalist is sunk in stone. There’s nothing blurry about it, except to those who’ve abandoned the definition… the science… and the principles of what a journalist is SUPPOSED to be.

You know… like this paper?