Archive for the ‘health care’ category

>Apparently, Obama has yet to understand: "Brevity is the soul of wit."

April 4, 2010

Bill Shakespeare’s timeless observation from Hamlet, way back in 1602 applies as much today as it did 400 years ago.

When you’ve surrounded yourself with yes men, yes women and sycophants, you rarely here the word “no.” It’s fairly clear, based on his disastrous administration to date, that no one has the testicular fortitude to stand up to him and say something like, “Uh, Mr. president, excuse me, but is the destruction of our economy REALLY what you want to be known for?”

So, when taken to task a few days ago in a surprisingly poorly prepped (Typically, Obama’s public appearances are scripted to the “n’th” degree, so people like the woman in this article aren’t allowed within 5 miles of The One, because once you take this clown off the teleprompter, it’s all over.

Obama’s 17-minute, 2,500-word response to woman’s claim of being ‘over-taxed’

By Anne E. Kornblut

CHARLOTTE – Even by President Obama’s loquacious standards, an answer he gave here on health care Friday was a doozy.

Toward the end of a question-and-answer session with workers at an advanced battery technology manufacturer, a woman named Doris stood to ask the president whether it was a “wise decision to add more taxes to us with the health care” package.

“We are over-taxed as it is,” Doris said bluntly.

Obama started out feisty. “Well, let’s talk about that, because this is an area where there’s been just a whole lot of misinformation, and I’m going to have to work hard over the next several months to clean up a lot of the misapprehensions that people have,” the president said.

He then spent the next 17 minutes and 12 seconds lulling the crowd into a daze. His discursive answer – more than 2,500 words long — wandered from topic to topic, including commentary on the deficit, pay-as-you-go rules passed by Congress, Congressional Budget Office reports on Medicare waste, COBRA coverage, the Recovery Act and Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (he referred to this last item by its inside-the-Beltway name, “F-Map”). He talked about the notion of eliminating foreign aid (not worth it, he said). He invoked Warren Buffett, earmarks and the payroll tax that funds Medicare (referring to it, in fluent Washington lingo, as “FICA”).

Always fond of lists, Obama ticked off his approach to health care — twice. “Number one is that we are the only — we have been, up until last week, the only advanced country that allows 50 million of its citizens to not have any health insurance,” he said.

The problem for Obama, of course, is that he’s a total liar, not to be believed.

In areas as far ranging as his opposition to the wildly successful surge in Iraq, to his fantasy 8% unemployment ceiling if only the porkulous would be passed, to his complete lies about lobbyists in his administration to his lies about the taxes of those of us making less than $250,000 to his lies about this monumental waste of trillions on health care (Notice how the number of those “uninsured” seems to keep climbing? Why, back in the day, it used to be 35 million. Now, all of a sudden, he’s lying about it by saying the number is 50 million.)

The reason his lying is at issue is because one of the things liars do when they attempt to explain, is they talk… and they talk… and they talk…

Over the years, how many times have we heard that if you can’t “dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”

HCR/SL (Health Care Reform/Student Loans) is a socialist, wealth redistribution garbage heap. It is a crap pile of horrific proportion. Obama knows this, and evidence that he knows it is in this term-paper response to a simple and true observation by a woman named Doris, who accurately proclaimed that “We are over-taxed as it is.”

Back in college, studying communism, it became clear that one of that system’s many fundamental flaws was a failure to take into account human nature.

In a totalitarian society of the variety Obama is implementing, again we see that fundamental flaw overlooked.

Human nature typically is that when one works the hardest, one should receive the most in return for that work. It is that X Factor as to why some of us strive towards excellence.

Under the Obama regime, effort is not rewarded. Everyone who isn’t “rich” is a victim of those who are, and those who are somehow become responsible, directly, through income redistribution, for those who are not.

I am reaonably well off. But I certainly haven’t always been so. As a product of the welfare state, I used the military to pay for my education, and I have managed rather well for the past several years consulting on business and political projects that have become righter than they are wrong.

So, even in a down economy like this, the checks keep coming.

I have roughed out some plans for expansion of my business, since at some point, I want to not be working out of a home office.

But lately, I’ve been asking myself: Why should I? Why should I take the risk? Why should I bust my ass to fatten the socialist wallet?

That’s the question I would love to put, directly, to the empty suited, anti-American, racist bigot currently occupying the White House.

I bet I’d get a hell of a lot more than 2500 words out of that clown now.

>The democrats’ death wish.

March 16, 2010

Not since the early to mid 60’s have I ever seen any group of people to bent on immolating themselves as I have the democrats… now known as the New Buddhists.

Those of us from that era still remember the bizarre but compelling scene of Buddhist Monks lighting themselves on fire in protest of South Vietnamese government policies en vogue at the time.

Self-immolation has been a powerful symbol of protest in the Western media since Buddhist monk Thích Quảng Đức set himself on fire to protest the Vietnamese regime

The actions of democrats as they urinate on the will of the people of this country to the exclusion of what their focus should be; namely, restoration of the private sector economy, has startling similarities to the actions of the protesting Buddhists of the 60’s in South Vietnam.

President Obama has been an utter failure of a president, making most long for the days of other, more capable and intelligent Presidents in comparison… such stellar lights as Jimmy Carter come to mind, and until now, easily the worst President of the last 100 years.

Now, the utterly clueless incompetent Obama runs the show. And he’s leading the left not only over a cliff but into a burning pool of hydrochloric acid upon touch down.


Why is the left so desperate to engage in Soviet-style parliamentary tricks to get a health care bill passed that will likely be repealed next January anyway, when control of both Houses of government will most probably switch back to the GOP?

I really had no idea democrats hated being in office, or hated to be in control of government so very much that they would throw it all away from this clownishly moronic effort.

It’s like they don’t have any adults around to keep them in line.

It is the damndest thing I’ve seen in all my years in and observing politics.


>In the interest of fairness: Baird’s response to the "Why?" did he vote "No" on the Pelosi Debacle Health Care Bill.

November 20, 2009

I have my own conclusions for another post, but this is important reading for those who want to be fully informed.

Baird Healthcare Response 112009

>The bigotry of faux racist victims: "You can’t vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man."

November 19, 2009

It’s a shame that for the most part, the black community of the United States is led by racebaiters and scum like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

One has to wonder: is equality their motivation? Or is it more a matter of dollars and cents?

After all, under any other circumstances, a lying little bitch like Al “Tawana Brawley makes a great ad for Glad Bags” Sharpton and a sleazeball like Jesse “Hymie Town – adultery is my middle name” Jackson wouldn’t be allowed to run an elevator, let alone be given the national spotlight on demand.

I have frequently wondered why anyone would give a crap what either of these two scum think, see, want, desire or care about. Continued racist division, fostered by these two (among others) is a growth industry keeping them in expensive suits, first class restaurants and the national spotlight. Why is it in their best interests to actually strive to unify when working so hard to divide pays so well?

And for a scumbag to play the race card for anyone black and smart enough to vote against this moronic socialization of healthcare is part of the reason that I despise scum like this… and ANY race-based consideration of anything.

Jesse Jackson: ‘You can’t vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man’

By Mike Soraghan 11/18/09 05:42 PM ET

The Rev. Jesse Jackson on Wednesday night criticized Rep. Artur Davis (D-Ala.) for voting against the Democrats’ signature healthcare bill.

“We even have blacks voting against the healthcare bill,” Jackson said at a reception Wednesday night. “You can’t vote against healthcare and call yourself a black man.”

The remark stirred a murmur at the reception, held by the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) Foundation as part of a series of events revolving around the 25th anniversary of Jackson’s run for president. Several CBC members were in attendance, including Chairwoman Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), who’d introduced Jackson.

Davis, who is running for governor, is the only black member of Congress from Alabama.

He is also the only member of the CBC to have voted against the healthcare bill earlier this month.

Davis referred to Jackson’s 1988 run for president in a statement, issued through his office, that said he would not engage Jackson on his criticism.

“One of the reasons that I like and admire Rev. Jesse Jackson is that 21 years ago he inspired the idea that a black politician would not be judged simply as a black leader,” Davis’s statement said. “The best way to honor Rev. Jackson’s legacy is to decline to engage in an argument with him that begins and ends with race.”


>Columbian fringe-leftist John Laird: hopelessly moronic.

October 4, 2009

I seek to live by a rather arcane rule I’ve developed that I refer to as the “more likely -less likely” rule.

As the Columbian continues to circle the drain, hopefully to disappear forever, the morons running the show need to be asking themselves: are people more likely, or less likely, to buy our newspaper if we continue to allow an ignorant, lying scumbag to print another column of fringe-left propaganda week in, or week out; a column where he either insults a huge segment of our population directly, or insults the intelligence of anyone stupid enough to read his weekly tripe?

I read as much as I can stomach because I view it as a mission to point out the stain on the underwear of journalism’s many lies, exaggerations and attempts to ram their agenda down the collective throats of a community which, by and large, does not want it. But the lies that fly of this waste of skin’s keyboard are so obviously and blindingly biased (Precisely like their editorial bias, come to think of it; let’s remember that these scummy little leftists ONLY endorsed democrats for EVERY open seat where they held endorsements, from president on down in the last election) that a blind man should be able to see them in a minute.

Since this rag has a liar for their editorial page editor; and a stunningly ignorant liar at that; is it more likely, or less likely that people will actually pay money to read less of a product with such asinine information crapped out in a column every week?

Now, I apologize in advance for failing to review every lie this clown wrote in this week’s column, I simply lacked the strength to go beyond his first ladle of pap and the first lie was bad enough:

Two months have passed since I wrote a column debunking nine myths about health-care reform.

He debunked absolutely nothing, except the very thought that he might be honest, thoughtful, unbiased or credible. THAT thought vaporized in a heartbeat.

So, to further cement his position as cluelessly ignorant fringe-left Obama suck up, he spews this garbage:

Myth: A public option will put all of the private health insurance companies out of business.

Reality: Explain, then, how public housing has put all of the home builders out of business. The federal government provides public housing for people who don’t have it and cannot get it. Why would the public not want to provide health insurance for those who don’t have it and cannot get it?

Having visited the ancestral estates of the Count of Dachau, I have spent some time researching that place’s history, and how any civilized people could ever do such a thing. One of the more interesting snippets I came across was the universal ignorance of the place from those living in Dachau, a suburb of Munich.

NO ONE living in the area knew what was going on in Dachau. No one. They had no idea why trains full of people; people they could see as they watched them come into this place, their hands and arms frequently hanging out small windows as they were being herded into this death camp; they had no idea what the smell was; they had no idea why all those people kept coming in, but why none ever left.

They had no idea.

But they didn’t know…. because they didn’t WANT to know.

In this day and age, we have the Internet. Ideas and information flash around the world in the blink of an eye.

So, when someone asks a moronic and easily answered question like this lying scumbag asked above, one has to wonder: is he getting paid DIRECTLY by his fringe-left masters? Or is he just a blithering idiot?

Exclusive of the fact that living in PUBLIC HOUSING ISN’T MANDATORY LIKE THIS BOGUS HEALTH CARE PROGRAM WOULD BE (Meaning his example of what Big Brother provides for others is as moronically absurd as everything else this piss-pot writes) the answer is that the Congressional Budget Office has warned us that the COST of this crap that Laird is spewing will be in the hundreds of billions of dollars.

No one FORCES anyone to live in public housing, you fricking idiot. But we are going to be FORCED to participate in this massive fraud fringe-leftists like Laird would perpetrate on this very community.

Bull…… shit.

Lock me up now, because I will NOT get mandatory health care and I will NOT pay a fine.

And if Laird DIDN’T know that, then, like the people living across the street from the concentration camp at Dachau, it’s because HE didn’t WANT to know.

But then, self-delusion is the hallmark of the fringe-leftist. And this scum has the art down to a science.

Just a reminder, Scott: I will never buy your despicable waste of wood pulp as long as this scumbag has anything to do with it. That you allow this asshole to continue to work there, polluting our community with his lies and exaggerations ought to make you ashamed of yourself.

>They need to get ready to lock me up: I will NEVER buy mandatory health insurance, and I will NEVER pay ANY fine because I didn’t.

September 10, 2009

I’m sitting here, basking in the afterglow of the empty-suited moron’s lies about health care in this country, and his plans for that program.

Part of that program is FORCING people to get health care insurance. Those ignoring this edict risk a $3800 fine.


I will go to prison before I pay a dime of such a fine. If, as a small businessman, I get health care insurance, that is MY decision… not his.

What…. unbelievablescumery.

>Incompetence? Thy name is Obama.

August 17, 2009

So, tell us again how “smart” this clown is? Tell us again how he went to those Ivy League schools?

Look…. I’m nobody special, but these unforced errors make the empty suit look like a buffoon.

My biggest concern, shared by our illustrious Vice President, is that this idiot “isn’t ready to be president.” His political stupidity has been and continues to be at such a shocking level that a blind man could see it in a minute.

My gravest concern is the stunning level of ineptitude our administration exhibits.

The political action since Obama’s election has been poorly written political soap opera.

I get Obama’s desire to change everything. But there are certainly “levels” of change and the speed of change.

Rapid change, of the type Obama is attempting to force, is typically not tolerated by the people of this country.

We are told that we’re in a “crisis.” Yet, with as many as 85% of the American people currently insured, selling them on the idea that this is a crisis is, rightfully, impossible.

Obama has lied to us on what is and is not a crisis before. He has lied about the impacts of his “fixes” (The stimulus will put an 8% ceiling on unemployment… remember?) and he unfortunately talked down the economy as a campaign strategy and we’ve been made to suffer because of it.

Now…. now, he tells us that we’re in another crisis. How do we believe him? Apparently…. we don’t.

The problem here is the enormous size and speed of the change the man wants to implement.

This was a gigantic program involving 1/6th of this nations economy. The issues are complex and multi-faceted. The idea that the entirety of health care can be changed faster than it took Obama to choose a dog may sound cliché‘, but it’s also true.

Instead of ramming a square peg into a much smaller round hole with a sledge hammer, he needed to take a longer term view, time he could have used to restore some level of trust while he shares his vision AND starts to implement implement it in phases… in a way that builds credibility as it is implemented.

Credibility is hard to earn and easy to lose. Lying about the economy; lying about the critical need for a stimulus that no one had time to read… yet sat gathering dust on his desk for at least 3 days until he signed it, lying about the impacts of the program… these politically unforced errors speak to basic issues of political competence.

Even before the issues are addressed, proven political competence is required to provide credibility when that element is missing. As it is now, Obama says, in effect, we should “trust him.”

The first few months this moron has been in office, and he’s added trillions to our debt… for no apparent, particular, reason… except to pay off his political thugs.

He’s been wasting his political capital like he’s been wasting our money… lying about the unemployment ceiling, lying about taxing us, lying about the number of jobs “saved or created.”

In short, he’s proven himself not only a liar… but an incompetent liar at that. And the worst thing about his lies (given that almost all politicians lie) is that THIS clown lies…WHEN HE DOESN’T HAVE TO.

And the problem with that is that when the people actually believe in you, you can, realistically, stand there and say “trust me,” and the people will be more likely to do that very thing.

But as the trust fades, as it is inarguably fading from this clown (and yes I, and thousands of others, kept trying to warn the people what this guy was about… but not enough listened) his ability to pass something merely because HE wants it, fades with it.

These unforced errors make him look dangerous in his stupidity. The “inform on your neighbors” gambit was idiotically designed, developed and implemented by an incompetent administration that should have KNOWN that it smacks of the very Nazi-ism the left is practicing these days.

Remaining silent in the face of moronic pronouncements like those of the disgrace representing us now in Congress, one Brian Baird… failing to strongly condemn his own party’s efforts to label those of us wise enough to resist his socialist agenda with the terms “Nazi” and “Brown Shirt” shows an approval for the strategy.

Saying truly stupid hings like “the economy was worse than we thought” when the CBO and others TOLD you what was happening…. TOLD you you were wrong… makes your domestic policy look like it was put together by a manically psychotic 8th grader… and also makes the infamous and viral “Joker” poster look strangely appropriate.

Playing the race card shows your true colors like Baird playing the Nazi card shows his.

NO ONE polarizes or damages this country like you are. No one.

But in the end, I have to thank you. By the 2010 general, your brand will be so poisoned that when the GOP runs it’s “Obama – democrat candidate X” commercials it will be a complete replay of your leftist “Bush – candidate Y”

You’ve not only handed the GOP the template… you’ve handed them the opportunity.

Well done.

>More illegal alien idiocy: Fla. hospital defends secretly deporting patient

July 23, 2009

There’s nothing to defend here. This guy is lucky to be alive. That said, he had precisely ZERO right to be here…. let alone burn through $1.5 million dollars.

The hospital did precisely the right thing… and I hope the idiot that filed suit here gets the thrill of being required to pay all of the hospital’s legal bills.

Fla. hospital defends secretly deporting patient

All sides agree on one thing in the strange case of a South Florida hospital that secretly repatriated a seriously brain injured patient back to Guatemala.

AP Hispanic Affairs Writer

STUART, Fla. —

All sides agree on one thing in the strange case of a South Florida hospital that secretly repatriated a seriously brain injured patient back to Guatemala.

During the early hours of a steamy July 2003 morning, Martin Memorial Medical Center chartered a private plane and sent 37-year-old Luis Jimenez back to the Central American country without telling his relatives in the U.S. or Guatemala – even as his cousin and legal guardian, Montejo Gaspar, frantically sought to stop the move.

There, things get murky. Gaspar is suing the hospital for essentially deporting Jimenez, who was an illegal immigrant. The hospital, which spent more than $1.5 million on his care over three years, says Jimenez wanted to go home.

Underlying the dispute is the broader question of what’s a hospital to do with a patient who requires long-term care, is unable to pay and doesn’t qualify for federal or state aid because of his immigration status. Health care and immigration experts across the country are watching the case, which could go to a jury Thursday, and which could set precedent in Florida and possibly beyond. Lawyers for Jimenez said this appears to be the first time a lawsuit has been filed in such a case.


>So, is the Empty Suited Idiot in Chief going to ignore the CBO on Health Care like he did the Porkulous?

July 16, 2009

>As we all know by now, the Congressional Budget Office warned us that if the messiah got his porkulous through, it would hurt our recovery.

He, of course, ignored them. After all, there were unions and GE to pay back…

So now, today, that same office comes out and states:

Instead of saving the federal government from fiscal catastrophe, the health reform measures being drafted by congressional Democrats would increase rather than reduce public spending on health care, potentially worsening an already bleak budget outlook, the director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said this morning.

This same office warned us. These same people told us that the Porkulous would hurt us instead of help us.

Seems to me they were right then… and are right now.

Will it matter to the leftists running the show?

My guess?


CBO Chief Criticizes Democrats’ Health Reform Measures

Director Says Proposed Changes Would Increase Health Care Spending

Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, July 16, 2009; 2:25 PM

Instead of saving the federal government from fiscal catastrophe, the health reform measures being drafted by congressional Democrats would increase rather than reduce public spending on health care, potentially worsening an already bleak budget outlook, the director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said this morning.

Under questioning by members of the Senate Budget Committee, CBO director Douglas Elmendorf said bills crafted by House leaders and the Senate health committee do not propose “the sort of fundamental changes that would be necessary to reduce the trajectory of federal health spending by a significant amount.”

“On the contrary,” Elmendorf said, “the legislation significantly expands the federal responsibility for health-care costs.

>Why doesn’t Brian Baird give a damn about veterans?

May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend is strangely appropriate for this post… a post that provides us with an insight as to where Veterans fit in on our Congressman’s list of legislative priorities… and that is…

…. no where.

I’ve known Brian Baird professionally, that is to say, politically; since he ran for Congress in ’98. He has fantastic political instincts, votes his district reasonably well (with few exceptions) and uses his knowledge of human psychology (He is, after all, a Ph.D in psychology… not unlike arguably one of the worst members of congress today, Baghdad Jimmy McDermott out of Seattle’s 7th) extremely well. He has shown political courage (His changed stance on Iraq last August flipped out the ultra-fringe left base of the more communist left) along with political cowardice (What’s his position on that criminal enterprise known as the Barnett/Paskenta/Mohegan/Cowlitz mega-casino) and political arrogance by failing to demand a vote on this massive, multi-billion dollar money waste known as the I-5 bridge replacement and forgetting all about the simple but eloquent Article One, Section One of the Washington State Constitution:

SECTION 1 POLITICAL POWER. All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.

While quoting Madison from the Federalist Papers as some sort of excuse to ignore us.

Altogether a puzzling, totally political creature.

So… rewind the video tape 5 or 6 years or so. There were hearings underway to determine if our VA facilities should be reduced or closed… it was something of a road show. Patty Murray, our US Senator and number 4 in the democrat leadership (also one of the really big idiots in elective office… ranked “4th dumbest” by Progressive Magazine) who is a pathological liar about how she, personally kept any facilities from closing (If she had that kind of power, none of our facilities would have been even considered for closure)

But there is a red flag here. What kind of power or position has our Congressman amassed during his 6 term tenure? His power ranking is… wait for it… 212th. He’s managing to chair the subcommittee on Energy and Environment as a back-bencher of the House Science and Technology Committee.

Now, what that has to do with the 3rd Congressional District and how that helps us is beyond me. His lack of throw weight and gravitas has caused our district to become congressional backwash… which brings me to the point of this post.

As a part of the VA hearings, we held a rally next to the VA facilities across the street from Clark College. Democrats were buried in the minority at the time. I was in the American Legion… holding the District Commander position for this area.

Baird made his pitch about keeping the facilities open (and, in fact, pointing out the obvious; our facilities actually needed to be expanded due to our explosive populatiopn mand veteran growth.) and then came around to shake everyone’s hand (Always… ALWAYS…. work the whole room) and when he shook my hand, I looked him in the eye and said, “Brian, it isn’t always going to be this way. At some point, you’re going to be in power. And when you do… don’t forget us.”

So, all these years, I’ve been waiting for him to do something for Veterans. During that time, as a disabled veteran, I’ve been getting treatment from the VA. I have no complaints at all concerning the treatment. But for the past 2 or 3 years now, many retailers have been selling drugs for $4 worth per month, or $10 per quarter. Not all drugs, mind you, but many of them.

So, I’ve wondered how it is that drugs the VA charges $24 for 3 months worth can cost $10 at, say, WalMart.

Why is that?

So, last MARCH, I went to Baird’s office to find out. There was a rather clueless young man behind the counter, and I gave him my basic information and the following question, to be asked of our congressman:

“Why do drugs cost more at the VA and what are YOU going to do about it?”

He gave me a sob story about Baird’s office getting 3000 letters a month (So what, if true) and he told me that it would take 30 days for a response.

In and of itself, that’s a terrible standard for a response. When I was on staff in the Legislature, the standard was to reply THAT day if possible, and certainly no latter than the next day.

So I waited. And waited. And waited. I waited 40 days… and no response.

I called AGAIN. I was given a song and dance about how a “mistake” had been made… but they WOULD be getting back with me… IN A ANOTHER 30 DAYS.

Well, guess what: I’m at least SEVENTY days into this… and STILL no response.

This is the worst constituent service I’ve ever seen. It’s bad enough to set the bar so low at 30 days for a response… but SEVENTY days?

Why doesn’t Baird care? Why didn’t he keep his promise about “not forgetting” about Veterans?

Why doesn’t he give a damn about us? Why haven’t you answered, Mr. Baird?