Archive for the ‘cowards’ category

>The second wave? Yet another Mom refuses to deploy, using a child as an excuse.

November 17, 2009

Earlier, a coward by the name of Lisa Pagan scammed her way out of deploying with her unit, using her children as an excuse.

Ms. Pagan, who somehow apparently received an Honorable Discharge for her cowardice, used the following as her excuse:

The reason for the discharge will be that she doesn’t have, and cannot have, an adequate family care for her two young children, he said.

That’s a lie, of course. Pagan has a husband; he certainly could have decided to care for her two children precisely like he decided not to.

So, Pagan screwed us over. At the time, I remarked as to how stupid it was for the Army to allow this coward to use her children as an excuse to avoid doing her duty, a duty we taxpayers paid to train her for; a duty the Army expected her to do; a duty she just decided she wasn’t going to do.

My concern was that once this decision was made, precedent was set.

So, in the end, Pagan’s actions here not only screw the people of this country… but they screw the man or woman who has to take her place… and who will live up to their commitment to the United States.

We can now reasonably expect many, many more to follow the path blazed by this enterprising young woman who made a decision that she did not want to live up to her commitment, and then found a way to make it happen.

Surprisingly to me, there wasn’t a rush of men and women with kids using the same dodge to avoid their responsibilities. But it was inevitable that SOME would, because they saw Pagan get away with it, to include training and full VA benefits, causing them to figure, eh, what the hell… let’s give it a shot. What have I got to lose?

So, here we have an Army cook, Spc. Alexis Hutchinson, 21; who decided to have, and keep, a child on her own, and then use that child as an excuse to avoid her deployment.

The article describing all of this contains nothing that would justify her nondeployment. She knows who the child’s father is; he could easily be forced to assume responsibility for the child. It also fails to mention Pagan’s successful scam. But can there be any doubt this gambit by Hutchinson was not influenced by Pagan?

At this point, Hutchinson is being threatened with years in prison and a Dishonorable Discharge.

Does anyone believe that anything close to that would happen with the Empty Suit in office? I don’t.

The Pagan Precedent has been set. And there is little doubt THIS outcome will be the same.

>There are times I am ashamed to have been in the Army and this is one of them: Watada gets over.

September 26, 2009

The Seattle PI web site is reporting that 1LT Ehren Watada is being allowed to resign during the first week of October.

You remember, Watada, don’t you? He’s that scumbag that bailed out on his men and his unit to avoid deploying.

While he’s getting an “Other then Honorable” discharge (does anyone have any doubt that the ACORN-in-Chief will get it upgraded so this scumbag gets his benefits?) that doesn’t come close to what he SHOULD be getting…. which is shot.

While he will, no doubt, be lionized by the fringe-left… the SAME fringe left that has so hypocritically been absent and mostly silent in the face of the empty-suit’s mishandling of the war, one can only hope that he’ll become so depressed because of his shame that he do us all a favor.

This waste of skin should never have been commissioned. And meekly letting this scumbag go when, at the very least, he should be spending the rest of his life in prison, the Army shames all of us that deployed to where-ever we were needed and where-ever we were sent without abandoning either our troops or our voluntarily assumed responsibilities.

>Brian Baird: Coward (V) 6,000 or 6,000,000, you’re still a coward.

August 8, 2009

As the polls are showing, we’re becoming increasingly sick of Obama’s dog and pony shows, laughingly referred to as “press conferences,” with their planted questions and pre-approved questioners.

So, our cowardly congress-critter takes 16 questions from 6000 PEOPLE BY TELEPHONE AND CALLS THAT GOOD?

Like Michelle Obama, I must admit that I am ashamed of my country. Unlike MO, it isn’t because I’m a minority inculcated with victimhood; I’m ashamed because we can elect total cowards to positions of responsibility… cowards like Brian Baird.

Between his cowardice, his personal corruption (vacations on the taxpayer dime) and his political corruption (earmarks and a lack of guts in taking positions) this clown has shown himself to be completely corrupted by the privilege of his position.

It is time for this gutless scumbag to go.

Local News

Baird talks to 6,000 on health care

16 people ask questions in 1-hour telephone town hall

Friday, August 7 | 11:03 p.m.


U.S. Rep. Brian Baird still hasn’t decided how he’ll vote on a proposed health-insurance reform bill, but he has some key principles in mind, the Vancouver Democrat told about 6,000 Southwest Washington residents Friday afternoon:

• If you have a health-insurance policy you like, you can keep it.

• Reforms will ensure that people can’t be denied coverage.

• The U.S. House of Representatives bill won’t add to the national deficit.

• Any public option wouldn’t be subsidized by other revenue.

• If it’s socialized medicine, Baird won’t support it.

Those were among Baird’s responses and introductory comments during a one-hour telephone conversation about health care. Baird, who was in Washington, D.C., took calls from 16 constituents in the 3rd Congressional District who have concerns about some aspect of health care.

Some were worried about aspects of the proposed health-care overhaul; others spoke in favor of improved access.

The audience for the 12:30 p.m. session was the result of an automated system that dialed people at publicly listed telephones and invited them to sit in.

The 1,017-page bill referred to in the discussion is the initial draft of the House Ways and Means Committee’s bill, which “by no means is the final bill,” Baird said in a follow-up interview. “It still needs to be reconciled with the Senate.”

More if you can stomach it.

>Brian Baird: Coward (IV) Democrat Rep. Adam Smith – even if the protests are organized, ‘what’s wrong with that?’"

August 7, 2009

At least TWO democrats gets it: Larsen (D-WA2) and Smith (D-WA9)

Smith and Larsen are both going forward with their town halls during the recess.

“It comes with the job,” Smith said. “They aren’t protesters. They are constituents speaking their minds.”

Smith said even if the protests are organized, “what’s wrong with that?”

Larsen said people have a right to show up and speak their minds. Supporters of a government-run health care system, also known as single-payer, have also been vocal at his town hall meetings.

So… how come these two democrats have the guts to face THEIR constituents, while the little worm representing us does not?

Does Brian Baird have a political death wish? Is this political self-immolation the act of someone planning on running for re-election?

It sure doesn’t seem like it.

>Brian Baird: Coward (III) When you’re in a hole… STOP DIGGING.

August 7, 2009

It’s unfortunate that the people of this district are stuck with a coward for a Congressman.

Baird’s cowardly decision to avoid facing the people of his district was surprising on a variety of levels.

There’s absolutely zero justification for such a move; but the reason it’s surprising is because back when he had balls, he came back from Iraq and told the truth (unlike now) knowing he would walk into a fringe-leftist buzz saw… and he did it anyway.

Now, because the massive opposition the empty suited moron running this country is causing with his neo-communist actions is coming from the other direction, he all of a sudden develops feet of clay and won’t face us.

He sites a bunch of irrelevant nonsense as excuses for his cowardice… what’s happened in a few places elsewhere with others… and then he paints all the opposition with a broad brush of “brown shirt-sim” and “Nazi-ism.”

Well, Congressman, let me tell you something.

Unlike you and that clueless idiot running the show, I actually care enough about this country to have served in it’s Armed Forces. I am also strongly opposed to the massive damage you and your party have caused this country in a few short months.

But for a cowardly scumbag like Baird to call ME a “Nazi” or compare ME with the “brown shirts,” particularly when such a description is much more apt for the unions and ACORN doing Obama’s bidding… That is the ultimate insult to me and every other of the millions of veterans standing in opposition to this idiot.

Was Dr. Baird hit in the head with a soft ball a few weeks ago? Does he honestly believe that cowardice is the solution, or inflammatory name calling of the people that he would represent is the way to sell this crap?

Baird DOES have reason “to be concerned.” But the reasons he should have to be concerned have nothing to do with his constituents. The reason he should be concerned is because he’s voting yes for bills he hasn’t read in violation of his own rules; because he’s been far too much of a coward to take a stand on the organized crime casino the Barnett Mafia wants to build here, and now because he’s effortlessly managed to offend 10’s of thousands of us in his cowardice… his concern needs to be for his post election, post-Congressional career… because he needs to start polishing that resume’ today.

Local News

Baird draws heavy criticism
Congressman stands by choice to not hold town hall meetings

Thursday, August 6 11:47 p.m.


U.S. Rep. Brian Baird faced a deluge of criticism Thursday for his decision not to hold live town hall meetings on health reform and for his Wednesday comparison of disruptive anti-health-reform demonstrators with Nazis and murderers.

“The congressman should be ashamed and embarrassed,” said Ryan Hart, chairman of the Clark County Republican Party. “Portland police used to bring in extra people when Bush came to town, but I never heard President Bush call people Nazis or Brown Shirts.”

In Wednesday conversations with the Olympian and Columbian, Baird said he’s holding “telephone town halls” instead of live meetings to avoid an “ambush” by people with a “lynch-mob mentality” and “close to Brown Shirt tactics.”

Baird, D-Vancouver, referred to an effigy of a conservative Democrat that was photographed hanging from a noose last month in Maryland.

Two of Baird’s Republican challengers issued news releases on the issue Thursday.

“There appears to be a leadership void on national issues which will impact residents of Southwest Washington,” wrote candidate Jon Russell of Washougal, in announcing a series of town hall meetings he’ll host in late August.

Candidate David Castillo of Olympia, who is black, said he was “disgusted” by Baird’s “lynch mob” remark.

McVeigh comparison

Baird stuck to his rhetorical guns Thursday.

He invites civil disagreements over health reform, he said.

“I’ve had 300 town halls,” Baird said. “That’s more than anyone else I know on either side of the aisle.”

But Baird said a “coordinated national effort” to disrupt public meetings with shouts and demonstrations, which he said Republican leaders were “egging on,” was reminiscent of the kinds of things that drove Timothy McVeigh to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995.

More if you can stomach it.

>Brian Baird: Coward (II) You know when the Columbian smacks you that you screwed up.

August 7, 2009

Today’s Columbian (finally) criticizes Baird (And how often have they done that?) for his cowardly action in making the stupid decision to avoid facing us.

This miscalculation will cost Baird his re-election. A barn-headed ape could see the treasure-trove of mailers and TV ads… a combination of cowardice, stupidity and tying this clown to Obama in ways that make tying candidates to Bush look, well, bush league in comparison.

That said, I have, and no doubt will continue to, hammer the Columbian like a nail. And when even a democrat newsletter like our local paper smacks you upside the head… you know you’ve screwed the pooch. This time, even this paper, which reflects Mars better then they reflect this community, finally got it right.

No excuses for Baird or the leftists make such weak, pathetic efforts to spin this for him.

Baird was a man of courage. But it seems that Pelosi has his testicles in a glass jar in her office.

Now he is worthy of our scorn and contempt.

I’ve stayed out of it for the past 4 terms. But now, I’m part of the Mob. Now, I’m in it.

In Our View, August 7: Kitchen Too Hot?
Baird takes wrong approach on town hall meetings

Friday, August 7 | 1:00 a.m.

Brian Baird’s decision not to hold regular town hall meetings during a time when his constituents need them most is baffling and misguided.

The Vancouver Democrat has been a champion of accessibility and open government throughout his 10 years in Congress, but as Michael Andersen reported in Thursday’s Columbian, that will change during Congress’ August recess. Baird will hold only “telephone town halls” with selected participants to discuss the crucial and controversial health care reform issue.

Why this sudden change in constituent involvement? “There is this national movement in blogs and on the Internet to go to town hall meetings solely to attack people and intentionally disrupt the ability to have a real discussion,” Baird said in a Wednesday telephone interview. “It’s not troubling to me personally; I’ve certainly been to tough town hall meetings in my time. But it’s troubling to those who come with the intent to have serious discussions but get badgered by disruptive tactics, where the sole purpose is to give extremists the chance to shout and make YouTube videos.”

But this was also Baird’s chance to show leadership and courage, by facing the meanest crowds of critics. Instead, his stance looks like no stance at all. It looks more like surrender, or retreat, no matter how he tries to paint it as some kind of devotion to decorum. Here’s a better solution: Work with the concept that some rowdy crowd behavior will happen and figure out how to best manage it. These are, after all, Baird’s meetings. He is (or was) the one in charge. The mistake has been made, but it’s not too late for Baird to correct it. He should change his mind and schedule public town hall meetings in August.

If Baird thinks this too shall blow over, well, he’s only kidding himself. Another flaw in his decision is that Baird sets himself up for giving up public town hall meetings permanently. He insists that’s not the case, and he vows to resume regular town hall meetings in the fall. But who says his critics won’t be even more infuriated a few months from now, especially now that he’s aggravated them further by denying them public hearings?

This tactic is unBaird-like, to say the least, considering his track record. He’s no recluse. In fact, it was only last January that this page commended Baird for conducting his 300th town hall meeting in 10 years. That’s an uncommon achievement in accessibility by an elected official. He must know that, as tensions rise, as the rhetoric becomes more bombastic and as the volume soars, the best leaders will meet the challenge, not avoid it.

Such a bold and aggressive approach has been taken by Baird’s fellow Democrat Adam Smith, a Tacoma Congressman. Smith will continue public town hall meetings and will accept the heat. “It comes with the job,” he said in a story in The Olympian newspaper. “They aren’t protesters. They are constituents speaking their minds.” Smith also told The Olympian that, even if the protests are organized, “what’s wrong with that?”

Baird’s concerns are not without merit. “One colleague of mine recently was hung in effigy at a town hall meeting,” he said. “Others needed police escorts. The blog and Internet traffic suggests that some people very much like to do that.” But Baird has been there. He’s seen and heard it all. Two years ago, several leather-lung left-wingers let him have it, but good, at a town hall meeting after his stance on the Iraq war was not liberal enough to suit them. He survived, and it was to his credit.

Baird has shown he can handle bullies, at home and inside the Beltway. But unless he reverses course, he won’t be handling them this summer. It’s too hot.

>Brian Baird: Coward.

August 6, 2009


We look for many characteristics in those representing us. Ideally, they have at least some tenets that reflect those of us they work for.

I have frequently disagreed with Brian Baird. I respected his decision to face the fringe left nutters infesting the democrat party when he came back from Iraq. That was not an easy thing to do… but he did it.

Unfortunately, his decision to “phone it in” instead of facing us has destroyed that respect.

Brain Baird is a political coward. And when David Castillo takes him out, this may well be the thing we can point to as BAIRD’S Waterloo.

Baird’s cowardice is inexcusable. This isn’t “safe ball.” Is there any wonder that even after 5 terms, this guy remains a back-bencher, instead of a committee chair who can actually do is some good?

Baird’s cowardice includes a failure to oppose the massive criminal enterprise known as the Barnett/Mohegan/Cowlitz/Paskent megacasino; a failure to demand a vote for the massive waste of money known as the I-5 Bridge/loot rail scam; a failure to vote “NO” when he’s confronted with bills he hasn’t read because of a violation of his self-imposed and frequently bragged about “72 hour rule.”

And NOW… he’s become yet another leftist scumbag afraid to come back and face his constituents because he “fears an ambush.” Comparing those smart enough to oppose your crap to “Nazis” and “Brown Shirts” is the same kind of crap that REAL Nazis, like you and Durbin, engaged in to demonize your opposition.

While I have opposed your positions politically, I have always respected your desire to face us.

But your characterizations of those of us smart enough to oppose the empty-suits socialism is inexcusable and, frankly, makes me sick.

Well, guess what, Brian. I GUARANTEE you an “ambush” in November of next year, you gutless little worm.

Local News

Baird fears foes may plan ‘ambush’

Telephone town hall’ will replace meeting

Thursday, August 6 11:13 a.m.



Over 10 years in Congress, U.S. Rep. Brian Baird has stayed tethered to his district, flying back to Southwest Washington for more than 300 sometimes-bruising town hall meetings during Congressional recesses.

But this year, he’s literally decided to phone it in.

U.S.Cowardman Brian Baird, D-Vancouver

Instead of appearing in person, where “extremists” would have “the chance to shout and make YouTube videos,” Baird said Wednesday, he’s holding what he calls “telephone town halls” instead.

Baird said he’s using the new system because he fears his political opponents may be planning “an ambush” to disrupt his meetings, using methods Baird compared to Nazism.

“What we’re seeing right now is close to Brown Shirt tactics,” Baird, D-Vancouver, said in a phone interview. “I mean that very seriously.

“The coming telephone conference call would be Baird’s third this year.His office used its Congressional allowance to buy the necessary software around the start of 2009, a spokesman said.

Secret schedule

Here’s how it’ll work: if you happen to be sitting near a publicly listed Clark County telephone line on the right day at the right time, your phone will ring.

In order to avoid software problems, Baird’s office says, the exact date and time will be kept secret from the public.

If you answer your landline, an automated message will ask whether you have a question for your Congressman.

Press *3, and you’ll be asked your location and the subject of your question. Sitting at his own telephone at an as-yet-undisclosed location, Baird then will choose a name based on its location and the topic.


>Obama fiddles while Iran… and her people… burn.

June 22, 2009


Thanks to the Hot Air Blog: Neda identified? Update: New details

posted at 7:18 pm on June 21, 2009 by Allahpundit
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Word on the street via one Iranian tweeter is that her name was Neda Agha Soltan. That’s also the name circulating on a few websites and now being attributed to her in a hastily arranged Wikipedia bio. The rumor — and it’s all rumor until some newspaper tracks down her family — is that she was 27 years old and a philosophy student. I hope to god this isn’t really her photo because the thought of her being so beautiful and dignified makes the murder somehow that much more obscene.

Two clips below. The second you’ve already seen; the first is a new one circulating today, shot sometime before the moment of truth. The blue shirt on the gray-haired man in the foreground should look familiar. That’s almost certainly her standing to his left, watching the protest, bothering no one. Read this Time piece on Neda by Iran expert Robin Wright afterwards, as it touches on the huge significance of martyrdom not only in Shiite theology but in Iran’s political tradition. If there’s any justice, there’ll be videos like this of Khamenei and Ahmadinejad someday soon.

Update: A Farsi speaker tells HuffPo that this blogger is claiming that Neda was at the protest with her professor and several other students and that the fatal shot was fired by a Basij driving by on a motorcycle. No rhyme or reason; I wonder if he even aimed. The burial, reportedly, was today — and her memorial service was ordered canceled by the regime.

H/T to Uncle Jimbo at BLACKFIVE

>More on the trouble brewing (Hah… "brewing…" Get it?) for Portland democrat Mayor Sam Adams

January 26, 2009

I admit it, the voices (for now) calling out for this worm’s resignation are much louder than I believed they would be.

Still, the cache Mr. Adams’ sexual preference engenders is quite striking.

Local groups depending on city business are, of course, driven by their need for cash far more than their need to require honesty from elected officials.

Steve Holwerda, chairman of the Portland Business Alliance, said in a statement released Saturday that the alliance board had differing views on whether Adams should resign but they agreed it was a critical time for the city and some of its major development projects.

“Whether or not he stays in office should be based on whether he can lead our city effectively and with the integrity that all our citizens deserve,” Holwerda said.


This lying dirtbag has already both proven, and acknowledged, that he is no more possessed of the “integrity that all our citizens deserve” then he is the ability to levitate.

When you’re terrified, one has to wonder: what else would this moron have to do to get you to grow a pair and walk the walk?

Obviously, Adams has made the strategic decision that if he hangs in for 6 months, he’d survive a recall and all would be forgiven.

That’s probably true, given that Adams is that most precious of leftist jewels; a homosexual democrat mayor.

While I was in error about the yawner effect, I was dead on in my prediction that Adams would not resign, since he lacks any morals, integrity or responsibility to the people he lied to so vilely during the election, and his opponent, whom he trashed like a rented mule.

Adams is despicable in every sense and meaning of that word. He shouldn’t be a 5th grade class president, let alone mayor of Portland. But then, since Portland has morphed into the Soviet Socialist Republic, there can be no doubt they have the government they want and deserve.

As always, had Adams been a Republican; his party affiliation would be mentioned every 30 seconds and the howls for his scalp would be massive and unrelenting.

Despite sex scandal, Portland mayor refuses to resign
Mayor Sam Adams said Sunday he will not resign despite calls for him to step down after admitting he lied about a sexual relationship with a young man.
The Associated Press

Archive Mayor Sam Adams apologizes for lying about affair, but will Portland forgive him?
Archive Portland mayor faces inquiry over sex lie
PORTLAND — Mayor Sam Adams said Sunday he will not resign despite calls for him to step down after admitting he lied about a sexual relationship with a young man.

City Commissioner Randy Leonard told The Associated Press he had a phone message from Adams on Sunday morning, saying he had decided to remain in office.

Mayor Sam Adams has publicly apologized for lying about his sexual relationship with Beau Breedlove in 2005.

Two other commissioners told The Oregonian newspaper that Adams told them the same thing. The fourth, Amanda Fritz, declined to comment.

Efforts to reach Adams were unsuccessful.

Last week, Adams publicly apologized for lying about his sexual relationship with an 18-year-old man in 2005 as he began his campaign for mayor in 2007.

The young man, Beau Breedlove, has said he did not have sex with the mayor until he was 18, though they met when Breedlove was 17.

Breedlove, now 21, told The Oregonian on Saturday he had kissed Adams twice when he was 17 and welcomed the romantic interest, offering details that contradicted Adams’ claim that he told Breedlove he was not interested in a relationship at the time.

But Breedlove repeated his denial there was any sex before he was 18, and said the relationship was consensual and he considered himself an adult even before he turned 18.

ROB FINCH / AP – Beau Breedlove