Archive for the ‘ceiling obama’ category

>Chris Van Hollen: A major reason the democrats will get their asses kicked in the 2010 mid-terms.

September 9, 2010

Chris Van Hollen is a major symptom of the democrat malaise: he clearly doesn’t have a clue.

First, dumping 650K into a race for Denny Heck. It’s not that Heck doesn’t need the help…. he does.

But Heck can write his own check for that much TV time. Politically, this is a massive waste of money.

But isn’t that the hallmark of the leftists?

Van Hollen advocates for a project that will cost billions… that will go to his union buds… that the people who could be voting for Heck do not want. He believes, stupidly, that saddling us with a $100,000,000 yearly hole in our local economy for disposable income is a GOOD thing.

He’s an idiot.

One of the biggest problems the democrats have, and HAVE had since that anti-American racist bigot was elected to the White House is they have a set of political ears that would put the Tin Man’s to shame.

To shill for a project we don’t want or need as some sort of economic panacea?

And then to point out that Koch wrote checks for the moronic anti-Heck commercials, likely coordinated with Barbie’s campaign?

He seems strangely quiet about the efforts of scum like Soros, for example. Or the unions who have been ripping us off at every level.

But the people are becoming increasingly aware. And, like Heck’s tone deafness, pointing out what you perceive to be a villain without a little introspection concerning your OWN villains…. well, that’s the rank hypocrisy that is just one of the many reasons the democrats face political slaughter.

And Van Hollen’s failure to address that hypocrisy; his failure to take responsibility for the manifold lies of the left, huge deficits (Obama and the democrats have added more debt in their first 19 months of control than EVERY president from Washington through Reagan) clueless foreign and domestic policies… these types of things guarantee a major democrat political blood bath in a few weeks… and on the political level, Van Hollen will be one of those most responsible for that outcome.

>I’m stunned: Under Oath, Union Official Says Obama Lied About Blago Contacts

June 30, 2010

Well, here’s the appeal set up. Failing to allow Blago to call Obama now will get any conviction overturned.

Thanks to Doug Ross # Journal for this tidbit.

Gee, What a Surprise: Under Oath, Union Official Says Obama Lied About Blago Contacts

Sitting down? I don’t want to catch you off guard, but a powerful Democrat union boss said that President-elect lied about not having contact with disgraced Governor Rod Blagojevich about his vacated Senate seat.

Top union leader Thomas Balanoff said he was at dinner the night before the November Presidential election when he got a call that was blocked… So he didn’t take it.

Later he listened to his messages: “I walked outside, listened to it and it was from President Obama,” Balanoff said.

“Tom, this is Barack, give me a call,” the soon-to-be President-Elect said on the message… After Balanoff sent word through an Obama aide to call him back, Obama returned his call later that night.

“Tom, I want to talk to you with regard to the Senate seat,” Obama told him… Balanoff said Obama said he had two criteria: someone who was good for the citizens of Illinois and could be elected in 2010.

This brings to mind a little number I put up back in December of 08:

Thursday, December 11, 2008
MORE: Obama denies it, but the evidence is mounting: He DID discuss his replacement with Blagojevich
As reported on Little Green Footballs yesterday, evidence is mounting that President-Elect Obama lied when he in declared that he had not discussed his replacement with Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich.

Yesterday, the reference was to a TV station (KHQA) that had pulled two articles concerning these meeting(s) after Obama’s denials.

Today, the issue is a Chicago Tribune article dated October 30 that references a meeting between Obama… and Gov. Rod Blagojevich…. concerning the very thing that Obama has denied: a meeting with Blagojevich concerning Obama’s successor.

Hat tip to directorblue via Little Green Footballs.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

RED ALERT: Chicago Tribune article referenced Obama-Blago discussions on Senate Seat!

David Axelrod, KHQA and now the venerable Chicago Tribune all independently reported that Governor Blagojevich and Barack Obama held discussions regarding his Senate replacement. For those keeping score at home, this makes four different sources (KHQA had two articles on the topic) referencing one or more meetings, which Barack Obama said never took place. Who would you believe: me or your lying eyes?


All this crap just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside about our President.

>When Jon Stewart starts in on you…

June 17, 2010

Things aren’t going well for the empty-suited, anti-American racist bigot in the White House. And when the Hollywood Left rolls off you and you’re a democrat… things are really bad for you.

H/T to Big Hollywood.

Over the course of just a few days we’ve seen Rolling Stone, Maureen Dowd, the LA Times, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann, Joan Walsh, Rachel Maddow, Howard Fineman, and the NY Times all, by their own definition, become racists. Jon Stewart, however… Wow.

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Respect My Authoritah
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party


Yes, we are all racists now!

>The cowardice of the Obama Effect: More ships to be sunk?

May 20, 2010

One of the problems resulting from having a gutless empty suit lead us is that we can expect to be continually tested as those who wish us ill will incessantly push the envelope.

The North Koreans (Norks) sank a South Korean Corvette in either South Korean or International Waters.

The history and evidence for that is for another post, perhaps. This post is about the “why” of it.

The rest of the world has a varying view of the United States. But is it rocket science to conclude that the rest of the world is becoming increasingly, and rightly, convinced that this nation is run by a coward?

South Korea should step it up and blow a North Korean ship to Mars…. a much bigger, more expensive ship, if the Norks are possessed of such a thing.

And the United States should inform North Korea that any military response will be met with nuclear weapons.

The Norks and other rogue states keep pushing because they’re rightfully convinced that the clueless idiot running the show lacks the testicular fortitude to respond in language that the Norks and the others will understand.

A HUGE part of our problem in foreign policy is that we’re the “Gumpian” box of chocolates: these juvenile delinquents of countries never know what they’re going to get.

The United States SHOULD have a simple foreign policy in security matters. It should be predictable and easily understood, it should be as certain as sun rise.

When country “A” (In this case, the Norks) openly attacks country “B,” and country “B” is an American ally, then country “A” MUST know, in advance, that there will be a price to pay for that.

You want to sink a South Korean warship, an act of war in any one’s lexicon?


You think you can do that for free…. you think you can get away with that?

Think again.

There MUST be a price to pay.

But in this instance, it’s fairly clear that the Norks have made the likely accurate calculation that because of the Presidents marble-sized testicles, they CAN sink South Korean ships for free, AND get away with it.

South Korea is, I understand, going to take their evidence to the UN, the rough equivalent of a momma cow taking the remains of her calf to a Wolf Convention to seek out justice against the other wolf who killed her baby. In short, a total waste of time.

You see, the moron running the show has yet to grasp the concept that if we are to continue to insist on being the only side that plays by the rules; then the other side will continue to insist they will kick our ass… because they know they can do it for free.

As it is, the terrorists are laughing at us over our absurd Rules of Engagement.

The ACORN in Chief seems unaware of what the concept of war really is. Maybe somebody hit him in the head during one of those repeated golf dates he’s been getting a pass over while Americans are shedding blood as a result of his insipid running of the war or something, but his inability to let the military do it’s job is making this more like Vietnam every day.

There are at least two things that Joe Biden has said that are absolutely accurate:

1. Barack Obama is not ready to be president, an observation becoming increasingly clear to the American voter;

2. We will be tested.

Well, the Norks just tested us. And so far, we’ve failed.


>Ready for a huge new sales tax? leftists to hammer our recovery further with a Value Added Tax.

April 10, 2010

AKA the “VAT,” it’s a charming little economy crippling number that will top each of the ACORN-in-Chief’s myriad lies about those of us earning below $250,000 will not seeing our taxes go up “one dime,” since they’d go up, perhaps, thousands of dimes in a given year.

I spent 6 years and 3 months in a charming locale possessed of this kind of nonsense known as “Germany.” Social programs of all types, post-war guilt in spades. But a model for THIS country?

I think not.

So, here we have it. A crippled economy; massive (Being an understatement) debt, a business sector staggering under the horrific impacts of the clueless moron running the show, and now a crippling, regressive lie of a tax on top of everything else.

Killing this nation’s economy. Enslaving untold generations.

Is this the “Hope” and “Change” you were looking for?

>Obama invites non-nuclear weapons of mass destruction attack, plus double miles if they use American Express.

April 6, 2010

Time and time again, our president has proven himself to be a clueless idiot in almost every area of both foreign and domestic policy.

Yesterday, he effectively sent out an invitation for those who would destroy us to come on in and do it.

For some not paying attention, that sounds a bit over-the-top. But one of the main reasons this country has been mostly safe from these attacks has been, I believe, our overwhelming nuclear deterrence.

And much of that deterrence was taken off the table yesterday by the ACORN-in-Chief, who even after all these months STILL doesn’t get that most nations around the world will only respect strength instead of weakness.

So, this simple moron announced to the world yesterday that only SOME efforts to destroy this country and our 330,000,000 people qualify for nuclear attack response.

From the fringe left paper of record, the New York Times:

For the first time, the United States is explicitly committing not to use
nuclear weapons against nonnuclear states that are in compliance with the
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, even if they attacked the United States with
biological or chemical weapons or launched a crippling cyberattack.

With a little editing, this is what that paragraph REALLY means:

For the first time, the United States is explicitly committing to encourage our
enemies to attack us if the attack is launched from nonnuclear states that
are in compliance with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, even if they
attacked the United States with biological or chemical weapons or launched a
crippling cyberattack.

So, using the scenario of the Tom Clancy books “Executive Orders and “Rainbow 6,” some country paying lip service to a piece of paper that doesn’t even involve biological, chemical or internet attacks (and face it, Chinese hackers have been coming after us for years without any known retaliation of any kind) can feel free from the fear of the past penalties that could be invoked for using non-nuclear weapons of mass-destruction.

What’s a few tens of millions of casualties and the crippling of this country to this moron?

Based on his most recent babble, it ain’t much. And I’m just giddy at the prospects that those who would destroy us view this most recent collapse of common sense as precisely the kind of gesture from this empty suit that will make us weaker… while making them stronger.

Aren’t you?

>The Administration of Hypocrite Obama.

January 26, 2010

Look, I knew when this guy was running that he was the political version of the Platte River: a mile wide and an inch deep. No experience, no vision, no clue. The politically naive that bought into this community organizing casket salesman’s shtick seem to be coming to terms with the fact that he has no idea what he’s doing.

In our leaders, not having a clue isn’t a particularly recent phenomena. Knowing AHEAD of time that they won’t have a clue, and electing them ANYWAY? THAT is just bizarre. And now, generations will suffer because of the gullible voters who put this clown into office.

And while we can forgive stupid…. maybe… we cannot forgive lies and hypocrisy.

We are, unfortunately, stuck with a leader who is a liar. He has lied about almost every aspect of his campaign, and all the videos/newspaper articles prove it.

Now, it’s easy to say that, well, he was young, he didn’t know the realities that would confront him. But to me, that’s just a subset of electing a clueless idiot to, perhaps, the most important job on the face of the planet.

The left’s hypocrisy, a given in the best of times, is a stench of mythic proportions. Except for a few anarchist/far left socialists, none of these clowns are applying the same criteria to olHopey Changey as they did to Mr. Bush.

I can understand that, to a certain extent. If these people were to hold Obama accountable to the same extent they held Bush, why…. their heads would explode.

Well, I do.

The results?

Books will be written about this man’s lies and manipulation of people. Again, it’s not that politicians don’t lie… or manipulate…. many, if not most, do. But this man’s lies and manipulations are so blatant and so obvious. His tin ear should get it’s own monument on the Maqll in Washington DC. He will be single handedly responsible for the upcoming decimation of the democrats… because, for God’s sake, if the American people haven’t learned their lesson by now… we never will.

His most recent hypocritical idiocy?

A 3 year spending freeze.


Why, Mr. President. That’s right up there with no tax increases on the middle class… or not signing budgets with earmarks and/or pork.

Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice?

That’s the same kind of spending freeze you campaigned AGAINST, right Mr. President?

And during the campaign, you never shut UP abut “no-bid contacts,” did you?

Then how come you’re doing them?

And the unfathomable idiocy of giving terrorists Miranda Warnings and putting them on trial in civil courts?

Why, you’d never do anything like THAT, would you? You COULDN’T be THAT much of a blithering moron…. could you?

Well, yes. You could. And since you KNOW how stupid an idea that is… we can’t find ANYONE who will take responsibility for that decision… so guess what?

The buck stops with you.

Like I said, Mr. President. We can forgive stupid. But we cannot and will not forgive deliberate lies and deception. And that’s YOU.

The next general election and the 2012 CANNOT get here fast enough.

>The worthlessness of Obama "Taking full responsibility."

January 8, 2010

On the surface, “taking full responsibility,” particularly when you ARE fully responsible for screwing up our security while showing comical incompetence, in this case, with your response to the Christmas Day Crotch Bomber attempt to kill hundreds of Americans does have an aura of nobility about it.

Unless, of course, it was just another in the ever-lengthening series of screw ups that you’re responsible for (see domestic policy, economy, Keystone Cops foreign policy and screwing up the war in SW Asia for additional examples) where, it seems, no one is responsible for your lies, exaggerations, deliberate negativity designed to talk our economy down and the like.

In short, “taking responsibility” without the requisite action necessary as a result is as worthless a gesture as many of the vapid, Nero-ian gestures (Not to mention the uncommented-on-by-the-leftist-media weekly White House parties and golf games) you’ve made since we were unfortunate enough to wake up and discover that you had become our president.

In short, Mr. President, the only way you can actually “take full responsibility” is to admit you’re in far over your head, that you don’t have a clue, and that, as a result, you’re now going to do the one thing this situation demands…

…and resign.

Taking “full responsibility” without providing “full accountability” is as worthless a ploy as telling us that if we’d only pass the porkulous, why, there’d be an 8% ceiling on unemployment… or telling us that CSPAN cameras would be in on the negotiations for health care reform.

Part of the reason we’re treated with such contempt by Iran (and whatever happened to that January 1 ultimatum, eh?) and several other countries is that they neither respect or fear you because like me, they think you’re a gutless clown.

Mr. President, if you’re actually GOING to “take full responsibility,” then resign.

Otherwise, this just becomes another lie. You know, like the whopper you told where you weren’t going to sign any more bills with pork in them? Or the “it’s all Bush’s fault” scam you keep running? Like those?

Barack Obama. He’s SUCH a card.

And if you don’t agree with me, you’re probably a Jim Mora fan.

>We have a president that is a blithering idiot: Obama: Legalize illegals to get them health care

September 18, 2009


It is to our peril that the ACORN in Chief is such a complete moron.

This clown has screwed up our economy, lied about unemployment, sold out Eastern Europe, tried to get Veterans to pay for treatment of their wounds, and now, this scum bag wants to legalize the millions of illegal aliens in this country so a grateful public can waste billions on them by paying for their health care.

Man…. THAT’LL teach them. Why, if you enter this country illegally…. why…. why…. we’ll FORCE you to pay in-state tuition in college AND we’ll give you free health care… just like you would get if you were BORN here.

Hey, you know, if we legalize rape, then we won’t have to lock up rapists! And what about burglary? Let’s make THAT legal as well! AFter all, wheen we lock THOSE people up, we have to give them free health care, don’t we?

My God, I am ashamed of my government.

>Obama fiddles while Iran… and her people… burn.

June 22, 2009


Thanks to the Hot Air Blog: Neda identified? Update: New details

posted at 7:18 pm on June 21, 2009 by Allahpundit
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Word on the street via one Iranian tweeter is that her name was Neda Agha Soltan. That’s also the name circulating on a few websites and now being attributed to her in a hastily arranged Wikipedia bio. The rumor — and it’s all rumor until some newspaper tracks down her family — is that she was 27 years old and a philosophy student. I hope to god this isn’t really her photo because the thought of her being so beautiful and dignified makes the murder somehow that much more obscene.

Two clips below. The second you’ve already seen; the first is a new one circulating today, shot sometime before the moment of truth. The blue shirt on the gray-haired man in the foreground should look familiar. That’s almost certainly her standing to his left, watching the protest, bothering no one. Read this Time piece on Neda by Iran expert Robin Wright afterwards, as it touches on the huge significance of martyrdom not only in Shiite theology but in Iran’s political tradition. If there’s any justice, there’ll be videos like this of Khamenei and Ahmadinejad someday soon.

Update: A Farsi speaker tells HuffPo that this blogger is claiming that Neda was at the protest with her professor and several other students and that the fatal shot was fired by a Basij driving by on a motorcycle. No rhyme or reason; I wonder if he even aimed. The burial, reportedly, was today — and her memorial service was ordered canceled by the regime.

H/T to Uncle Jimbo at BLACKFIVE